15 -
- It is entirely possible that the badge you are struggling for no longer exists / never existed, does this invalidate your efforts?
I like you Avatar just fine, so I take it you worked out the squishing thing....
Actually I just like wolves.... go little doggy, go!! -
Hey, thats my Guide......
Cheers for the credit Bruthaman.
You can see view the whole thing here: Guide To Getting Yourself A Forum Avatar (Viga_Axe)
No worries. -
Excellent guide, I really needed those numbers for tough and Weave to tweak my SL resist back up, many thanks for that.
Does need abit of editing though, references to I5 need to be updated to I6 and/or I6 data provided. Does that make sense? I'm trying to say that alot of the wording needs to be changed to a "I5 lowered this, and ED under I6 makes it even lower" format.
Again, thanks for the numbers, I feel alot better about the whole thing now. -
Cheers folks, I haven't checked this thread in a while, but it is nice to see it's still helping.
Animated Gifs can be stored in photobucket or imageshack just as other images can, as to how to make them... I have no idea, I did have a thread that explained it bookmarked, but I can't find it now..
BTW: I love looking at all the cool Avatars you folks come up with, and thinking "he/she can have that because of something I wrote, damn thats cool". Thanks -
Glad to help.
Very cool Avatar. -
Just a little thing,
Imageshack provides a about 5 different URL code lines to copy in, depending on weither you want an avatar type image or a named URL link to your image, basicaly use the last option labeled "Direct link to image", that works.
Also, go see Serenity or Viga Axe will smite you... -
No Worries....
Nice Avatar... -
Regarding Guide/Guild spelling
I could claim its a Kiwi thing, but its not, I just have a blind spot for these two words, can't pronounce them properly either, don't know why, I always get them muddled up though. Its weird. -
Finding the Place to Enter Your URL in 6 easy steps
1) Login.
2) When looking and your "My Home" page, scroll down to MAIN CONFIGURATION
3) The first field under this title should be "Personal information, email, password, etc", click on the word EDIT to the right of this field.
4) scroll down the profile page to just before where it asks "Do you want to be visible on the "Who's Online" screen?" this should be at the very bottom of the page.
5) there should be a select box here with the text "URL to your avatar (80x80 max pixels, may be smaller) (.gif, .jpg, .png accepted)" select this box and enter your URL in the field below.
6) click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page. -
"Hello Statesman, Frankly, regardless of how many paragraphs of supporting ideals you present - if whatever character I play (assuming I do it well) doesn't equal 1 boss, your fired."
Gods I hope that was sarcasm. -
LoL, you could be right on that, I haven't looked in years.
I used Photoshop Elements to crop my image, but just about anything will do (except windows paint, ergh). If your looking for a free option I would suggest searching for a program called GIMP (warning, searching for the word "gimp" may have unpleasent results, especially if you are on a work PC, suggest NOT using google). Handy little program once you get the hang of it....
www.gimp.org (Hey, the mate who showed it to me just walked past, arn't you all lucky people).
PS; I like stars, their shiny, and don't we all love the shinys? -
Issue 3 sooooo sweeeet, so very very sweeeeeeetttttt....
I add my thanks to that of all those here, by far the best MORPG I ever played and getting better every day. -
Bit of an odd one I know, but everyone deserves a forum avatar (ok, maybe almost everyone) and here is an easy way to do it.
You will need:
1) An image you like (screenshot of your CoH Toon maybe).
2) Image editing software (demo of Photoshop is easy to get).
3) An internet connection (you do have one dont you?)
4) A place to host your image (I may have idea on this one).
Step one: GET AN IMAGE
Take some screenshots of you favourite City of Heroes toon, or pick any image you like.
You can edit your image any way you like, but the main thing you must do is crop the image and resize it to 80 pixels by 80 pixels (about an inch by an inch).
Step three: FINDING A HOST
There are a variety of sites offering hosting for avatars and other images, most either charge or are advertising scams (sorry if you run this sort of site and feel justified in doing so, I got very depressed while I was looking for a good one). Fortunately I can save you this hassle (yay me!). Head over to http://www.imageshack.us/ they have a very nice, easy to us site that store images for free (you dont need to register, but it might be an idea).
Imageshack will provide an URL to your image when it is uploaded, copy this URL into your account settings here and there you go, your toon for all to see.