
Forum Cartel
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  1. I'd like to join that MoCuda with my 50 bots/dark MM, but if needs are such, I have other 50 villains such as a stone brute and rad corrupter.
  2. Ullikummis

    Market Merger

    Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
    MA Tickets will not be Gleemailable. Sorry.
    We still love you Moderator 08
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
    I admit I didn't realize you'd gone down too. Mainly because I was screaming obscenities and banging my head on the desk. Basically I got terrorized, lost endurance, toggles went down and at that point my soft capped s/l res/def counts for jack.*
    I hear you there! (Well, not literaly, what with the ocean between us and all)

    We had pet aggro against the riders, I jumped before turning on rooted...end drain, terrorized, toggle drop, cookie monster drop...and I was so pissed because I normally carry a break-free for just such emergancies...

    Man, I think I used up my swearing budget for the year.
  4. I'm up for this.

    I'd like to go with my villain badger (bots/dark MM) but will substitute someone else if the team needs something.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ariel_ View Post
    Is that the cookie equivalent of the old 96 ozer? Cuss if it is I don't think Ullie could finish it all in one sitting.
    Me willing to prove you wrong!
  6. *steals all of BB's neighbor's cookies to exact revenge*
  7. Ullikummis

    I am...

    unaware that fruit could be used as food...
  8. I remember being told: "Oh, you're a stone tank...we better get a real tank, then."
  9. I remember when the train station in Brick was crowded with people.

    I remember herding 100s of monkies at a time.

    I remember when you could get stuck because all of your 3 missions had AVs in them.

    I remember thinking I was made out of wood, because someone wanted to build a bridge out of me.
  10. I remember when people trusted me with their cookies...
  11. Ullikummis

    I am...

    leaving some bacon on the table for when Shadow does join the club.
  12. Ullikummis

    I hate it when:

    Shadow Ravenwolf beats the hell out of me for my stupidity.
  13. Ullikummis

    I am...

    Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
    ... now part of the MoLGTF Club.
    the one leaving cookie crumbs in that club.
  14. I gotta agree, I was amazed how fast the big baddies fell. We truly were master of that TF.

    I'll probably be bringing my villain badger (Joy Heretic's Cat bots/dark MM) Saturday unless we need the tankage.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Conundrum View Post
    Sorry folks, just found out I am gonna have to work tomorrow morning. Maybe next time my coworker's health won't interfere...

    I should be free tomorrow morning, so I can take his spot, if that's ok.
  16. Ullikummis

    Ulli and the Net

    "Porn" is type of cookie, yes?

    Me go try google search for this!
  17. Ullikummis

    I am...

    hoping the plan is to see how many cookies will fit in my mouth.
  18. Ullikummis

    I hate it when:

    when people tell me what is and is not a sometimes food.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stargazer View Post
    What gave me away?

    That would be the Lutefisk in your pocket.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ullikummis View Post
    Hard to say what my schedule will be in the next few weeks, but I'll do my best to make it with my stone tank.
    Just to clarify, I can make it early weekends for sure. Weekday is more questionable.
  21. Hard to say what my schedule will be in the next few weeks, but I'll do my best to make it with my stone tank.
  22. Ullikummis

    Hey remember

    I remember you started a thread that wasn't about cookies...and yet somehow still compelling.

    And Happy Birthday!
  23. Ullikummis

    I am...

    getting Shadow a bib.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stargazer View Post
    Little known fact:
    "Saturday" has its origins in the Norse term "Sathyréamàl" - "To eat Cookie".

    At least that's what I heard.
    I was expecting you were gonna tell me that the American dating system of month, day, year is the most logical because in latin it is mensis,dium,annus which is reverse alphabetical order, and there is nothing more logical than reverse alphabetical in latin order.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack Power View Post
    While the rest of the world is on Jets' side in this..

    yyyy/mm/dd or dd/mm/yy is logical, mm/dd/yy is not.

    What has logic got to do with time?