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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    I can spot a jackass when I see one.
    I wonder where you learned what they're like?

    Then why the F**K did you make stuff up. Hero Merits weren't the only way to get PvP IOs and the bulk of what you got farming were trash.
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Readers should bear in mind that this discussion was posted during I18, so the only way to get purples was as drops or with Hero/Villain Merits.
    1. Where do PVP IOs appear in that sentence?
    2. If you add PVP IOs to that sentence it references two ways to get them:
      1. Hero/Villain Merits
      2. Drops
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    May as well make a list of what you'll actually miss. I'm surprised you even played CoH at all.
    I have to say, I won't miss players like him.
  3. UberGuy

    Cryptic role.

    Most likely, NCSoft does not have explicit permission to sell their license. Such licenses are often non-transferable. However, that would not mean a transfer is impossible. It would mean that NCSoft could not legally execute such a transfer on their own.) For a transfer to happen, it would require permission from Cryptic (or possibly, from their current parent company, Perfect World). For what it's worth, word on the virtual street is that Cryptic is open to such a transfer.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post


    No, she isn't.
    I think the game has to end now just because Hyperstrike posted in defense of something GG said. I'm pretty sure that's the Seventh Sign of the Apocalpyse.
  5. With all due respect to every player who has ever made a movie for CoH, that has to be the most intricate and detailed community-made movie I have seen since I have been playing. Great work mixing so many other visual and audio sources with footage from the game, and I think you did a good job of conveying the community's message, to boot.

    The time you say you spent on it really shows.

    However this plays out, thank you for putting it together.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
    I would have to say that "pretty well-behaved" is entirely subjective.
    It should not have been subjective at all in the context I gave for how Warburg Scientists behave. Combat AI were "well-behaved" in the sense that they exhibited basically none of those behaviors.

    Can you name the last time a swarm of, say, 5th Column had a hard time running up a ramp to chase you? The last time they fell off a ledge trying to get you you? Compared to Warburg Scientists, how often did they get stuck on railings or curbs? On rough terrain?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    I constantly play redside, most of my characters are villains, and quite a few fly.
    Bane Spider Commandos (minion), Bane Spider Scout (LT), Wolf Spider Tac Ops (LT), Wolf Spider Huntsmen (boss), Crab Spider Webmasters (boss) and Bane Spider Executioners (boss) all have Web Grenade, and the boss versions actually have an AoE version.

    Arachnos Tarantulas, just the mundane minion guys, have enough -fly in their basic spit attack (Venom Bolt) to overcome the fly provided by Hover, which is quite significant. Toxic Tarantulas have a variation on Web Grenade.

    Neither Fortunatas/Widows, various non-Tarantula drones, nor any of the Mu have any -fly effects that I recall. Overall, though, the presence of basic minion types and several boss types with -fly (Tarantulas and Bane Spider Commandos) does make it pretty noticeable.
  8. Hm, previously, Zwil said to report stuff like this to him. Now that he's moved on, I'm not sure who we can contact.

    I suppose you could try a /petition from the live game. As far as I know, folks are still responding to those.
  9. What tales can you tells us of your most successful marketing efforts? What made them successful? (I'd be more than happy with ones that were "successful" because they had outcomes you really enjoyed, rather than ones that earned the most income or whatever.)

    Was there any describable philosophy behind how you guys came up with and then evolved the price of things on the Paragon Market? Any big successes there you can tell us about? Any regrets?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    FPAUG (First Post After UberGuy)

    I think it'd be best to avoid all questions such as the above for now. I do see there are active debates on it, but I don't think I'm in a position to resolve those.
    No worries. Thanks for even answering it to that effect.

    Edit: FPAUG sounds like it ought to be a Tolkien dragon.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I see why you had to get friends to back you up
    What's more likely? That I had a cabal of posters come and lie on the forums for every reader to see to defend my position, or that the one person everyone was disagreeing with was the victim of his own spectacular inability to comprehend what was being said?

    Why don't I provide a link to another thread where that same thing happened. Here's a thread where you piled in and promptly started driving the discussion down narrower and more convoluted arguments about the semantics of the words used in order to defend positions that felt tangential to the original debate. Watching you in this thread is amazing - every 10 posts or so you're involved in an almost completely different argument.

    Here are a few fine quotes in response to your posts (none of which were responses to me). These are just samples; there are more like this in the thread.

    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Here's a prediction: I did 15 minutes of work on this post. I predict you will spend less than 2 minutes either rebutting it with a very brief answer, or will completely ignore it like the Devastation data point.

    I know, I know, you have all these OTHER people to answer, because for some reason you're the only one on your side of the argument. You're a busy guy.
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    Quite the opposite, in fact. You dance back and forth, picking little nuggets of other posters' arguments (real or imagined), deflecting and distracting from even direct questions posed to you. And as above, when all else fails, insult people's intelligence.
    Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
    And, as far as I'm concerned, anyone who demands such support is likely being a disingenuous participant in the dialogue, looking to derail it into a nitpicky, tedious footslog of ponderously qualified language.
    But yeah, it totally makes sense that in a thread where you and I argued, everyone on my side of the argument was "my fan club". Yeah, you caught me, man.

    I actually did post a lot in that thread (which is why I have a link to it), but most of my interaction was actually with another poster, and not with A_F. I should add that, for as much as that other poster and I disagreed, I actually rather enjoyed most of the debate with him, I learned new things by engaging in it, and was never angry about having had the discussion.
  12. UberGuy


    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Just 'cause everyone else does it one way doesn't mean that's the best way, or how others should do it. Considering all the other stereotypical MMO molds CoH made a habit of breaking, you'd think they would continue that habit and offer a more unique experience and not go with the typical DBZ-esque end game. We didn't need more levels and powers to gain in order to become gods, we just needed more content that really challenged us and made us use all the abilities and experience we gained on the trip to 50.
    For what its worth, there was a segment of the existing player base asking for further end-game progression. I'm not claiming that the system we got was what those players wanted, or that the amount of focus that system got relative to other "stuff to do" had the right balance. (Especially since judgement of those things is going to be highly subjective.) But the devs didn't come up and "impose" the Incarnate system without input from players.

    Personally, I wasn't looking for them to add this, but was excited when they said they were going to. I actually liked the idea behind the Incarnate system, but wish some of the specifics regarding how they went about it were different. I didn't particularly like how grindy it was, even though I did "grind it" extensively. (I liked the results, so I tolerated the grind.) I also didn't particularly like the focus on leagues (oversized teams), though I again believe that's something that some parts of the player base did want more of. (A-la Hamidon and RWZ raids.) And finally I disliked the imbalance in progress options between league and non-leagues (including soloists).

    Just to try and put in perspective why I liked the idea of the system, while I liked CoH's alt-friendly nature, I always favored a subset of my characters, and played them more than the others. The ability to continue to progress those favored characters was highly attractive to me. In varying degrees, I'm pretty sure there were a fair number of other CoH players who shared that with me, and we probably made up a core of the folks who did like (or at least tolerate) iTrials.

    Naturally, there were alt-o-holics who had only a small fraction of their characters at 50, let alone getting something beyond 50. And naturally, the Incarnate system didn't appeal to them so much, implementation details aside.
  13. Hm. I'm not sure if this falls on the verboten side, so feel free to ignore it if so. If nothing else, it seems potentially ... charged, no matter what the actual answer, so it may be best considered off-limits, even if you're allowed to answer it.

    The super blunt version of the question would probably be "how profitable was CoH?" The more qualitative, possibly more answerable version would be more like "how was CoH doing in terms of carrying its own financial weight"?

    I mostly ask because there's lots of player base speculation, folks debating whether the sunset decision was driven by clear-cut loss making by Paragon Studios. Given how much you guys seemed to have grown in staff lately, that seems an odd possibility, unless maybe was speculative scale up done in preparation for returns that didn't materialize. But then again, comparing what we think we know of revenues for PS relative to its staff size, net revenues might have been pretty tight.

    Anything along those lines you can reveal, even in broad terms?

    Edit: My first ever FPARN. (Which may jinx my odds of answer even more!)
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Crap son. If you are going to pitch at least try to get the same zipcode as home plate.
    Ooh, look out, he broke out "son".
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    When I said I stayed away from the forums, I was thinking of you. Not specifically you but the general you. An internet dweeb with a bunch of Beavis and Butthead clones that they hung out with. I read your thread I see you beating up someone, nerd fan comes into point out you don't know what you're talking about, and you aren't man enough to admit it.
    Beating up someone? Did you see the part where he thanked me for the tone my posts took once I really understood what he was saying? Hm. Makes me wonder if you actually read the thread.

    And if you think that thread shows I don't know what I was talking about, you're either a colossal moron, or (I think more likely), you didn't read the thread. You know, because there are screenshots proving what said.

    Everywhere in this game you had cheerful helpful people, on the forums you had wannabe devs and kissups.
    You're ignorant. Literally. You don't know me, clearly. The vast majority of my posts on these forums over the years have been to help people with game mechanical information. I have a particular enmity with A_F, (which sprung largely from that thread) and I find it instructive that you judge everything based on my interactions with him.

    Just for fun and because it looks like you can't take being wrong. During I18 you could get pvp IOs by afk farming for them. That's how I did it, and you couldn't give away the Targeted area effect pieces or the non proc point blank area effect pieces.
    Is this one of those things where you expect that you're "blowing my mind"?

    My best RL friend plays this game, and has been farming like that for ... ever. These days he uses, I kid you not, 12 accounts to do it with. (Well, he did, he stopped after the announcement.) So yeah, I know how that works, and have all along. Guess what? That ability of players like him to farm them has always been baked into the market prices. Do you know when the prices on the high-end ones crashed, and finally dipped under the 1-2B mark? When converters came out, and allowed the massive stockpiles of low-value PvPOs those farmers all had created to be converted into the valuable ones.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Pathetic to this day. Even Now you can't admit you were wrong and 100 million for low level stealths was more than 10 million cheapy pvps.
    "You're wrong when I argue something that isn't what you said.""

    I genuinely feel sorry for anyone that you teach.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Even at this late date you still can't argue the facts, and your tactics haven't changed one bit. You still go around telling people that they didn't say what they said.
    My tactics have never changed, but they never had anything to do with what you seem to claim. I state things, and when they're challenged, I defend them.

    Here's my statement that you latched onto with all the same pedantic asininity that you used to break out the forth and fifth dictionary definitions of "failure" above.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Stealth IOs are not even remotely as hard to obtain as purples or PvP IOs.
    Readers should bear in mind that this discussion was posted during I18, so the only way to get purples was as drops or with Hero/Villain Merits.

    Days later, after the main thread discussion had actually died down, you wandered into the thread and start arguing with the quote above because you were able to show that some Stealth IOs had been bought at prices that exceeded the price of some of the cheapest purples.

    As I seem to recall, you are some sort of teacher of literature, and yet you cannot understand how indescribably, pointlessly pedantic this was. For someone with such a background (if I remember correctly) you suck at communication. Everyone in that thread, even the person with whom I was debating when I posted it, understood exactly what I meant and did not object to it. You came in after the debate was over and started a new one strictly based on semantics. In the resulting debate, you threw up Venn diagrams that proved nothing and you quoted market facts that ultimately blew up in your face. You were wrong, everyone there knew you were wrong, and you still couldn't let it go.

    No, you couldn't possibly be wrong. The other people in that thread disagreed with you because they were my "fan club". Yeah, because I've always had such a big following.

    Anyone who wants can read the thread from the link in the quote above. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine whether or not you live in your own little world of logic and meaning. I will say that this post summarizes the whole thing rather nicely, though.

    And I must say I did very much enjoy making this post.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Oh go for it, do you still have the same group of friends you brought into that to back you up ?
    I seem to recall that most of what they were doing was generally enjoying the beatdown of your royal insufferableness.

    I think the best part of that thread was that you honestly think you won any of the argument in it. Your reality distortion bubble could compete with that of the late Steve Jobs any day.
  19. Yeah, I was seeing estimates in the 65k-80k range for a while. Some folks would throw out the 100k number, but that always seemed a bit dated, and felt like it was just one of those things that people mentioned later on because it had been mentioned in the past.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    You once defined overlapping price ranges as not being close. Why doesn't this surprise me.
    LOL, not even close. I saved that thread, dude. We really shouldn't pollute this thread further with our crap, but I'd love an excuse to quote it here.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    Try none of the above. By failure, I meant cessation, death, destruction, downfall.
    Spiffy, so you're using the word in a way not recognized as a dictionary definition?

    You are also wrong, the people who were responsible for it's initial success left with Cryptic.
    Uh, no, only some of them did.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    ...I have MANY memories of the Helper NPCs in Mayhem missions stopping at a garbage can 10 feet away waiting for their 32s recharge AoE Attack to come back.
    "Most" was the operative word. "Combatant AI" includes most enemies you face - helper NPCs are a tiny minority of the cmbat AIs we encounter. And enemy AI was pretty well-behaved.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    BTW one of the things I won't miss is the way people can read a word and completely ignore what was meant by it's use.

    Which one of the 5 do you think the OP meant ? 4 seems spot on to me, 5 is another, 2 and 3 are also pretty good.
    In context, given the position implied by the post in question, I believe there is no reasonable debate that the definition number one is the one intended.

    I find your pedantic desire to even debate such a wildly obvius conclusion a refreshing reminder of why I had you on ignore for a very long time.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    Why would you want the people responsible for the games failure to oversee the successor ?
    Because the game's failure is not something you or anyone else can clearly lay at the feet of the implementation. We cannot point to how the game worked, or its lore, and say "that's why it 'failed'." We can point out things we consider flaws, but that's not the same thing as a list of reasons why the game "failed". And among the things that might be considered mistakes, is your assumption that they would immediately repeat all of them?

    Whatever mistakes they may have made, these same devs have been responsible for either early creation or later work on a game that many of us here loved to play even today. At this time of closure I think we were on the verge of some of the best things ever added to the game. We want these same people to work on the game because we trust them to create something we would love to play - they proved they can do that.

    Remember, when consider mistakes and paths not taken, we also have to include what we know about corporate support from NCSoft. That includes includes, among other things, shooting down an actual sequel. What "mistakes" might have been corrected there?

    In any case, I think it's a bit ludicrous that you frame that question around an assumption of failure. An eight year run is hardly a failure in this context. The game being shut down at this point does not mean it "failed".