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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Edit: I'm not actually sure if Doublehit's PPM was increased in i24 as I had assumed it would be. It's not in the patch notes, so probably not.
    A lot of more significant things have failed to make it into public patch notes in the past, so it might be worth asking. I also would consider that surprising, as it basically serves to nerf DoubleHit, with no dev comment on the matter. So it might be worth raising just to make sure it's not an oversight.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
    For the PPM procs in cones Synapse confirmed that the Radius used is the base, unenhanced Range, so Range enhancement in cones doesn't effect the calculated proc chance.
    Equipped as I am with numerous characters who have Cardiac Alpha and sprinkled ranged ATE (round 1) set bonuses, I am glad to hear about this. I think that would have been overboard, as the really critical metric I think should be considered for AoEs is max targets, with arc and radius acting as weaker modifiers.

    Thanks for that info.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    PLENTY of people feel exactly what I posted are not strange and are allowed to not define skill or anything else they want to do without your judgement or even comment at this point since it is unwanted and will be considered harassment beyond this point.
    I haven't flamed you. I haven't really been rude to you as far as I can tell, except by apparently posting in response to you in ways you disagree with. I'll top it off by trying to apologize for offending you, since it genuinely was never my intent.

    I am afraid, however, I will not comply with a request that I stop posting in disagreement or rebuttal to you simply because that act itself does offend you, or anyone.

    That said, further back and forth is certainly not going to serve either of us or this thread's original purpose, so my only real goal in replying once more is to say the first paragraph above.

    If you interpret that as my harassing you, you should report me. If you are truly distressed that I may respond further, put me on ignore. I have every confidence I have not violated the forum's rules in this thread, in either letter or spirit. Whatever you seem to think, I am trying neither to single you out nor be a troll. You and I have gotten into some ugly spiral of disagreement and/or misunderstanding, and for my part in that much I do, again, apologize.

    I'm afraid I don't apologize for my views. I will, however, apologize for have left you aggrieved while stating or defending my views, whether I did so through poor communication of my meaning or intent. That much was not my goal.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Don't be ridiculous, Mila Kunis probably couldn't even breathe in that.
    what i don't even

    Although thinking about Mila Kunis is a nice distraction from the train wreck that seems to have happened here.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    This stupid witch hunt that you are on to find fault with anything I post is getting old.
    Excuse me?

    Are you talking about just in this thread, or something larger? Because I'm not aware of anything that could be construed like that outside this thread. Here in this thread, in my very first direct response to you on this, I admitted that I'd misremembered seeing what I took to be similar sentiment to yours and that I took your word that I'd misconstrued your sentiment. That was in regards to stressing about performance/skill.

    Nothing I said about this after that, with regards to more general sentiment for not caring about skill, was about you specifically. I even referred, by name, to another poster as an example, to try and indicate that.

    So if you're going to proclaim personal persecution, you might want to be sure it actually exists. I'm telling you it doesn't.

    Yes, I do think it may say something that there's a bit of a recurring theme in the thread where posters made a point of resisting defining "player skill". Yes, you are one such poster who posted such a message. But you have since replied to me in specific about your view on that. I fully accept your explanation on your stance, and am happy to exclude you, personally, from my interpretations of other similar posts. That I responded to your further rebuttals is because I took you to be rebutting my theory for all posters, not just yourself.

    Without trying to be rude about it, stop thinking it's about you.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    Then that is just you looking for something to call strange man.
    You know, when you're certified as a mind reader, let me know. Until then, don't presume you know what I'm up to or why, because I'm going to state bluntly that you're wrong. I don't know if perhaps I put a bug up your bonnet with my earlier response that was more directed at you than I meant, and you are intent on disagreeing with me because of that, but arguing this point with me is not going to be fruitful.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    If you achieve the level of skill necessary to avoid problems, but never seek to achieve the level of skill necessary to deal with them constantly, I personally think you're missing out on one of the best reasons for playing an MMO with broken superhero mechanics.
    I agree. That's why I was describing people who actually see and react to problems. I see the primary methods of avoiding trouble to be to either play on lower settings than you can actually handle, or play with more caution than you strictly need to in order to survive. If you bump your difficulty or play "intentionally recklessly", you'll have problems to react to aplenty.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    To me not feeling the need to be bothered with defining skill should not be so difficult to understand, some people just don't give that much of a damm. Not really hard to digest on it face value alone.
    I don't find it strange at all that there are people who feel that way. What I find at least a little strange is the need for them to proclaim it in response to the OP. But as I say, I can see the possible interpretation that the OP asked them to do so, though I personally don't interpret it that way.
  9. Hm, I honestly thought I'd picked up that undertone from at least one other post, but reviewing the thread, I guess not. So while I didn't mean to passively call you out specifically, I managed to anyway.

    On the other hand, if I'd thought only one person had gone there about people stressing about performance/skill, I wouldn't have, well, stressed that point. So I'll retract the interpretation of negative overtones - I only got it from your post, and you've clarified it.

    And yes, some people take performance way to seriously. While perceptions of performance influence what I play and who I play with, they don't dominate either. There are folks on the forums who I won't name (and who haven't posted here) who I perceive as largely refusing to play anything but the top-performing powersets, playing only the content with the best reward/time (for some chosen reward), and kicking people who don't pass their filters on good powersets, good builds, good play, etc.

    I can't tell anyone else how to have fun, but I can't help but think those folks are limiting themselves too much. And to some extent, I think players who do that give communities a bad name if they become too numerous or even just too vocal without dissent.

    All that said, I do still find it interesting that several people answered a question about how to define skill with declaration about dislike or disinterest in defining skill. Purely for example, and not to pick on them in any way, Emberly gave a non-answer early in the thread. "If the player isn't actively pissing me off, then the player is good enough for me." That doesn't really define skill at all - it declares a low personal threshold for skill (or lack thereof).

    I suppose those can be seen as fair ways to respond to the ending questions in Thirty-Seven's post: "Lastly, is skill important? Necessary? Does it even exist as a factor in this game at all?" Some people just skipped the first part of the OP and answered only these.
  10. I find it both amusing and distressing that people seem to convolve the very act of defining skill with possibly being elitist, or stressing one-self (and/or others) out.

    I don't like to pug, because I like to move at a pace and efficiency that not everyone else achieves, and I'm happy to go it alone. Finding friends in CoH was something I did after I'd been soloing a long time, and unless we're running TFs or trials (which is, admittedly often), I interact with my friends in global more than on teams.

    That doesn't mean I'm a ******* about being into optimization. There's a difference in choosing to play your own way and demanding that others conform to it. I have a very high tolerance for people who don't rock the DPS or XP/hour, as long as they're pleasant to team with. (I generally always try to be pleasant to team with.)

    I can sort of see answering the OP's question with "I don't think about it," but it seems like a rather significant derailment - if it's not a topic of importance to you, why feel the need to declare that? Would you post in a thread asking "Fortunata or Night Widow?" and declare "neither, I don't like playing that AT"? But then to go on and assign clearly negative connotations to people who do bother to define player skill (even if just indirectly)? I may well be wrong, but that feels to me like there might be some chips on some shoulders.

    As Arcanaville said, there's a difference in this game not demanding that the application of skill being very important in CoH and the skill having no meaning or value. If nothing else, I derive enjoyment from playing with players who exhibit skill, and from (I hope) exhibiting it from time to time myself. Sometimes I care about it more practically because I know the application of skill can lead to more reward / time, and my play time is limited, and I'm very reward oriented. So I have given some thought to the topic. But that doesn't mean I stress about it. Much.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Aaaaanyways....I was told there'd be no math....
    Hey, everything I said was qualitative. No numbers were harmed in the making of this post.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Add a Rename Token, and a Respec token to the monthly VIP perks. If they feel Monthly is too frequent for the respec token do it quarterly, biannually, or even yearly.
    I've seen people in the past suggest that we should get a more generic token (or, alternatively, some kind of separate point pool), and it could be spent on any of those things. That way, people who don't care about server transfer tokens (like me, mostly), could cash them in for respecs instead, for example. It would not have to be that one token buys any of those things - they could make some things cost more tokens, or use a points system to break it down to greater granularity. (Basically Tokens are a points system that's got very low granularity.)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    I think you mean red inspirations? Or did you mean the boss is throwing out lots of -(res)damage? heh
    Well, -damage debuffs are resisted by damage resistance. So popping oranges actually helps with both situations.
  14. Cool.

    I realized a week or so ago I hadn't included that in my version of your Hybrid Assault comparison spreadsheet (from where I added it locally before you added it to yours). It made me conscious of the need to account for it when reading this.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    It gets one chance to proc every 10 seconds, with the proc chance calculated using a 10-second cycle time.

    It does, but that formula is (IMO) unnecessarily hideous. The formula I posted above is equivalent, just rearranged using some algebra, and (also IMO) is much easier to understand, because you can see by looking at it that the areafactor starts at 1, then increases for larger arcs and radii. But yeah, the formula you have is the one a dev would recognize. Oh, and internally, the game actually uses radians instead of degrees, so that would have yet a different formula.
    For I24, shouldn't we be adjusting how that number is used? Synapse told us he'd be using 1+0.75*(A-1), where A is the standard area factor.

    That softens the downgrade of PPM proc chances in AoEs somewhat.
  16. This is a kind of tangential follow-up post, but it relates to the question in the OP. Basically, I've long had a notion that everything we do in CoH combat has a basic plan. Interfering with that plan, there are random factors in the game, from hit checks to AI choices, that throw varying sized monkey wrenches into the plan. Additionally, there are scripted events that we may be able to predict will happen, but they may happen at hard-to-judge times or places, such as ambushes appearing on your head or an AV firing a HP-threshold nuke sooner than expected because the Broadsword Scrapper landed a critical with Head Splitter.

    These "plans" I speak of aren't usually very complicated.For example, "fire all our attacks at the foes until they are dead, then move to the next set of foes," is the kind of plan most of us employ most of the time. A lot of us know the kind of plan the group will employ on seeing the map and the foes, and know how to execute the basic plan without much communication. Most of our power use is just doing what's appropriate to that basic plan - cycling attacks, taunting the boss, keeping long-lasting buffs up, etc. However, we often have other powers that best serve to correct excursions from the plan. We keep them in reserve as "oh crap" type reactions to things gone wrong. These don't have to be "oh crap" powers as we usually define them, such as Unstoppable or Strength of Will. Instead, they can be any power we don't particularly need for the current plan, unless it starts going pear-shaped.

    When I see a player regularly breaking out powers specifically to correct for excursions from the basic plan, I start to consider them a good player. I think that behavior shows all sorts of understanding of the game. First of all, it shows they understand the plan and that something is happening that's bad for the plan - they know the AI and critter powers well enough to recognize things they need to react to. It also shows that they understand their powers and how they can be used to correct for the bad thing that's happening. And if they do this sort of thing regularly, it starts to show that they didn't just happen to have that power recharged when they needed it - they're reserving the big guns (so to speak) for situations where they're appropriate, rather than expending them on situations where they are less needed and more an extravagance.

    So good players are the ones that smooth out things that go wrong, without needing direction, successfully and regularly.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    How do you define what makes a player "skilled" at playing City of Heroes? Further, do you think it is easier to spot someone playing well or poorly, and how can you tell the difference between doing something good accidentally from doing it purposefully?
    The key behaviors I consider good play involve situational awareness. If someone is about to get blindsided by a foe, the player in question does something to protect them. If a Mito is loose at a Hamidon raid, they go get its attention, buff/heal people it's blasting, etc. If an unexpected ambush rounds a corner, they unleash an AoE mez.

    If they can manage this sort of self-directed behavior and not die, that can be another different representation of skill, but that depends on the situation. Seeing a SS/Electric Brute pile unaided into an unexpected ambush of Rikti and survive is generally less impressive than seeing, say, a Blaster do it.

    Finally, I consider smart use of powers, including targeting, caster positioning and activation timing. This is tricky to judge from small exposure to another player, because I doubt anyone is constantly optimizing their power use, but I think you can get a good sense of it over time.

    Small, fairly simplistic examples would be how people use click powers like Build Up or Dull Pain. Using these powers just before you need them is almost always more optimal than leaving them on auto. Seeing Dull Pain on auto is not maximally optimal, but it's not deplorable. Putting a low-uptime power like Build Up or MoG on auto suggests to me someone either hasn't thought much about how that plays out in practice, or doesn't care. Not caring may not mean they're a less good player, but I take it as a hint that they might be.

    For a somewhat complex example, consider using Judgement or a blast set nuke in the BAF prisoner phase. These powers have a long recharge time, so if you use them at a time where you don't critically need the extreme damage, you may not have it when you do really need it. I tend to reserve firing Judgement when a large number of LT prisoners is running past me unchallenged. I might not be the last line of defense, but if I don't lay a lot of harm on as many of them as I can, folks stuck using smaller AoEs or single-target attacks downstream may not be able to stop them all. So I tend to hold Judgement for situations that look like they might get out of hand.

    I do not consider a sensible build (as far as we can judge builds from in-game info) to be a clear indicator of how good (or bad) a player is. A sensible-seeming build is definitely not a clear indicator of a good or smart player, because they may have gotten it from someone else (and having a good build isn't the same as knowing how to use it well). On the flip side, a build missing powers usually considered important to have is often a sign of an inexperienced player, but not always. I might not agree with someone's build choices and still find them to be a capable or even excellent player by the other criteria I've outlined above.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    What can be done to make being a VIP more valuable to more people, not just those of us who already can't fathom not subscribing?
    In my opinion, this can done, broadly, in one of three ways.

    1. Move more existing features behind VIP status. I see this as a non-starter, as it would almost certainly aggravate existing Premium players.
    2. Variations on giving VIPs more points. This includes making things that are purchase-only cost less for VIPs, giving VIPs more (existing types of) things for free, etc. This is risky, because it risks reducing revenue, because the increase in Premiums compelled to upgrade to VIP might not offset the loss in spend by VIPs currently paying out to buy points.
    3. Add new features that do not yet exist and fully gate them behind VIP status, the way Incarnate content is. It's difficult to speculate what these features might be, since I'm not particularly aware of what new features might be on the horizon.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    I just wish stalker regen got some form of Quick Recovery back. Some amount of +recovery could be added to any one of the following /Regen powers: Hide, Fast Healing, Reconstruction, Integration, and Resilience all are good candidates.
    I wish that too, believe me. I too think the ship has sailed, but I'd still love it to stop back in port. It's not just an issue for Regen, either. Willpower could stand that, too.

    My "solution" at high levels has been to use Ageless Core on my L50 Regen Stalker. (The Scrappers tend to go with Barrier, though I have Rebirth, too.) Notably, I don't often feel that bad off for lacking Barrier's big +def, as Ageless helps get my MoG and Shadow Meld back faster. And, of course, it helps fuel the blue-bar-depleting practice of using fast AS as part of a standard attack chain.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    I love my regen scrapper. minus when it comes to energy damage on ITials. More so during the first phase of magi. I eat it constantly during those. Other then that, soft capped S/L seems to do the trick.
    I had a Magi run a couple of weeks ago where my DM/Regen died three times in the first few minutes of a Magi. Once I was typing while standing in the middle of a huge group of IDF bosses I'd pissed off with Soul Drain, once was just a "normal" burst damage death, and the final was my own fault for being the first person to run up to both Shadow Hunter and Nega-Pendragon with no MoG, no Dull Pain and no (fresh) Barrier up.

    Notably, dying that much that rapidly drew comment from people I play with often - they recognized it as unusual for that character. I didn't die the rest of the TF, and honestly usually don't, despite fairly aggressive play. For the rest of the TF after the IDF mosh pit, I actually find Regen's huge self-healing potential pretty useful against the tricks the Magi trial throws at player characters.

    iTrials are full of damage that's either exotic (psi, energy and toxic) or outright unresistable. (Most of the damage Tyrant deals flat out ignores damage resistance.) If your mitigation has a significant resistance component, you either need to be playing one of the powersets that is good at avoiding the attacks (which, in Incarnate settings, almost certainly means you have a defense-based secondary), your resistance to exotic damage needs to be quite good (say, Electric armor), or you need to be able to heal back fast. Regen doesn't much care what you attack it with (though most high-end Regens probably have Tough, making them a little happier to take L/S damage), meaning untyped or unresistable damage is something they are good at, as long as it's not delivered in bursts too large or frequent to survive outright.

    As an example, my BS/Invul Scrapper is pretty good at avoiding most attacks, but he sucks fairly badly at avoiding exotic damage types delivered at Incarnate toHit unless he has lots of foes around (and he sucks at avoiding Psi attacks at all times). So if he takes on too much of that kind of attack at once, his only recourse is to hope he has Dull Pain or Rebirth handy, or to duck away and use Aid Self. He's got better resists to everything but Psi than my Regen does, but he can't recover from the hits as fast. (And if he has to resort to Aid Self, he sure can't heal and get back in the action as quickly.)

    Because of this, I believe my Regens tend to deal with the Tyrant fight better than my resist and defense-based characters. Yes, the Regens can get smeared by successive massive attacks (especially if people aren't staying on top of the Lights of the Well), but in general, I think they recover from things like being stuck in the flow lightning better than my other melees. (The next closest at being good at that would probably by my Fiery Aura Brute.)

    I'm curious about something. Do folks who have IO'd Regens who feel like those Regens are squishy in iContent have builds with damage-typed defense? This usually means they have high L/S defense, but not so much the other damage types, or to positions other than melee. I have stuck to positional defense builds, with melee defense in the upper 30 percentage points and ranged defense in the upper 20s. It occurs to me to wonder if the prevalence of ranged exotic attacks literally impacts Regens more when they have a L/S focus.

    For example, about half the attacks from IDF Heavy Commanders (the guys with the huge missile packs) are tagged as AOE, Fire and Energy or Ranged, Fire and Energy. A build with high L/S defense will usually also have moderate Melee defense, but unless it's built with decent Energy/Negative defense (which is unusual for Regens, in my experience), they will have very little mitigation against such attacks. The same is true of most ranged Seer Psi attacks, as the Psi Blast powers have ranged position vectors, but only TK Blast would be affected by L/S defense.
  21. Basically, there are a few related but not completely coupled arguments I'm getting here from the folks who dislike what VIP delivers.
    Why don't we get more powersets or costumes or what-have-you for the price of our subscription?
    I feel this one has been thoroughly responded to. The answer is that paying extra is what's allowing more stuff to be put out faster. If it was included in the rate of subscription fees, which did not go up with Freedom, and given that the total number of full-time subscribers may have gone down, the devs would be making less and be less able to produce more stuff per unit time. Paying more for certain things is how the devs are trying to increase revenues. Without increased revenue, there cannot be increased dev activity.
    I can get more points in the same time by just spending that money on points. Therefore VIP is a bum deal.
    This assumes that nothing else that comes with VIP status is important to the customer. If that is the case, then yes, for that customer, a subscription is not a good deal. They should cease to pay for VIP status and spend their money on points directly. However, posters need to stop making universal claims about the value of VIP-only features. Just because you do not value something does not mean it is considered low-value to even a large segment of other players. For example, I would pay for a VIP subscription just for Incarnate access.

    (This also seems to assume that a player is either already at or has the means to quickly jump up to probably at least Tier 7 Paragon Rewards rank. A Premium account with a low Tier rating loses access to potentially important features such as Inventions, ATs and character slots that would be available if they had VIP status.)
    Shouldn't the devs be doing things that make me want to pay for VIP status?
    I see this as something of looking a gift horse in the mouth. Relating back to my parenthetical comments above, most folks who feel free to drop down from Premium to VIP status feel free to do so because of the Paragon Rewards tiered feature unlocks. This system was put in place to (a) reward those who had been long-time subscribers before Freedom, and (b) reward future players who invested comparable expenditures in either VIP subscriptions, raw points purchases, or both. Complaining that VIP status becomes less valuable over time is tantamount to complaining that this system was created - that the devs should have just said "screw it, lock more things behind VIP status." Is that really what you want?


    As an aside, It seems to me that trying to link claims that VIP status isn't a good value with people leaving the game really doesn't make sense. If they were enjoying the game but just didn't find VIP a good value, why didn't they just downgrade to Premium and stick around? Honestly, I have much more often seen people complain that they were unsatisfied with Tier 9 Premium, and actually wanted something for "free" that was locked behind VIP status. It seems to me that people leaving are most often doing so because either they're burned out on CoH after many years of play, they don't like the new content, they got sucked into newer games, or some combination of all three. What is or isn't part of a VIP subscription really doesn't seem particularly relevant, except that if they actually do care about something that's locked behind VIP status, they won't really bother with coming back as a Premium, whereas they might have if they could pop in for free and do everything they value being able to do.

    Naturally, it would be great if the devs could come up with more completely new features, and either give them to VIPs for free or perhaps at a discount compared to Premium accounts. I don't think anyone would hate that idea in its broad form. But it makes sense that the devs would focus primarily on things that they know make their existing customers happy - new powersets, new costumes, new content ("standard", SSA-like and Incarnate), new zones and foes, QoL changes, buffs, etc. We've been getting way more of a lot of those lately, especially powersets, costumes, QoL changes and buffs.

    Ultimately, if you don't value what's currently locked behind VIP status, don't pay for it. If you do actually want to play CoH, spend the money differently, presumably on points, Inventions access, whatever. Just put your money where your mouth is, and if enough of the playerbase agrees with you, the devs will notice and change tack. Other players can't stop you from posting your opinions on the forums, and no one should tell you what you should and shouldn't value. But if you present those opinions as if they're universal truths or majority viewpoints simply because you hold them, expect to be ridiculed.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post

    At this point of the thread we have people arguing how great minor perks are. That is fine, but don't try sell it as amazing perks, because that is not the case.
    Try not to sell your opinion of the perks you don't care about as facts.

    The funny thing is the most populated servers are still Freedom and Virtue, not the designated VIP server. That says it all really.
    That doesn't say anything about the argument at hand. What that says is that most people who were already playing didn't want to leave their home and/or populated servers. It says that new people want to play where other people already are. It says that most people aren't that interested in a place where they can be separate from the non-VIPs.

    And something it doesn't say is that those people who did want to go somewhere just for VIPs probably think it's worth paying $15 month to get it, at least with the other stuff that $15 brings.
  23. I have no way to make assertions about what fraction of players my experiences represent, but it's been extremely common in my experience for VIPs who've gone premium on Justice to be upset about the inability to pay rent, either because they were/are SG leaders or because they wanted a solo base with more storage than you can get rent-free.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
    If you are a tier 9 vet you have all the server slots you will ever need, and you can always purchase more slots.

    VIP system loses its appeal as more time progresses as I pointed out above.
    You may be confusing what you personally value from VIP features with what anyone else might value. I intensely value the things that I can only get as a subscriber. Base rent management, Incarnate-related content (including access to Enhancement Catalysts), and Global Channel op status all come to mind. I cannot buy those things any other way than to subscribe, not even by being Tier 9. Oh, and all those things come with 550 points per month (since I am Tier 9), plus a Paragon Rewards token.

    You may not value any of those things. Your statement above may only apply to you. Omitting the phrase "for me" from what you're saying makes it sound as if it is intended to be a universally applicable statement. It is not.
  25. I don't think it is a critical need, but would have liked to see Regen get recharge debuff resistance of some sort. Instead it got a decent level of regen debuff resistance. I don't think it needed that. I can't even remember the last time having my regen zeroed got my killed, but I can think of times in the recent past that having my recharge floored got me killed. Modern Regen depends heavily on its clicks, and having them made available at much reduced rate has a dramatic affect on its performance.

    And one of the closest sets in playstyle, IMO, Fiery Aura, got some recharge resistance in Temperature Protection. (I used to skip this power, and took it after that change.) Honestly, I don't think FA has any better thematic reason to have resistance to -recharge than Regen does, so for me it all comes down to performance benefit.

    That said, now that Regen got regen debuff resistance, I would be surprised if it also got recharge debuff resistance. And since I didn't think recharge debuff resistance was critical to Regen's performance, I don't feel compelled to keep talking about getting recharge debuff resists. I would still like to see it happen, but not enough to campaign for it.

    One change that I think would be nice would be for Instant Healing to actually provide some up-front healing when activated, in addition to the high regen it gives now. I'm thinking Reconstruction-level heal, here, as opposed to Dull-Pain-sized. That would go a long way towards making IH able to turn around a situation that's going south, instead how you currently really need to activate it ahead of time for it to really benefit you.

    If they were to reduce the fraction of IH's +regen that was unenhanceable, I wouldn't complain, but I think having it give an up-front heal would be more helpful. Of the two, I'd rather have the heal.

    All that said, though, I am not going to be grumpy if Regen stays like it is.