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  1. Tylantia


    [ QUOTE ]
    I had a really annoying time in sirens last night, i think that was mainly due to being one shotted by stalkers though IMHO if you get AS'd by a stalker than you shouldnt be able to get AS'd by another for 10 secs or so. I got hit by 4 AS at once last night on 3 seperate occasions

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    muahahhahahhahha i dont think ive killed you more than twice so far........in which case i need to step up my rampages! XD
  2. zomg like..........WB AERIE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    you gorgeous being of lovelyness and stuff !

    and also.....

    YAY for quan's return too !
  3. bout time kal ! gratz ! !
  4. can I AS blue ? plz plz PLZzzzzz XD

    wb btw XD
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    aww such little ears to

    [/ QUOTE ]

    rofl XD
  6. well in sirens i only get integration, as, buildup n 2 other attacks, so get found and i'll go BOINK anywho XD
  7. bah i dont use and will never use AP, hasten + 3heal/3recharge on heal other + RA's + heal aura is perfectly fine, so you die in bigger mob grps, so what XD you gotta get debt somehow ! XD
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    just realised that my toons are in my sig >.< OWNED !

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    Tyl forgot his/her brain again ^_^

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    it fell out my ear !
  9. hang on,.........shes blowing things instead of getting xp !
  10. well ding dong gratz-o ects ! XD
  11. Plastic Empire has :

    Pasanius lvl 40 Brute
    Dark Plague lvl 40 MasterMind
    Tylantia- lvl 40 Stalker
    MIss Nasty lvl 40 Brute
    Lord SatanaZ lvl 40 Brute

    would have posted earlier but that would require effort XD
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    thanks Sin, sorry i had to go afk for this, but RL n that actually had a good night with it too

    this pic is about the best i think, left to right you can see a zimbie dude, a lich, another zombie dude, Meddler, Agent Flux (DreamWeaver x), Plight's Bane (moi), Marvo, Sinester X, Troubler, Iliya, Communist Cat, a commando (i think) and Meat Shield.

    was a good night teaming, hope your still on when i get back on now


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    Bah any picture without Captain Righteous is a waste of a Jpeg

    p.s nice pic

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    rofl stalk ! XD
  13. WOOOOOO to sat ! ! ! ! !

    long time coming but you got it !
  14. Bout time you got this you ! XD

    Congratulations ! ! ! !
  15. pah you cant compare to the uber pimp ! that be momma ! and his replacement/temp honsou! XD XD
  16. aaaaaaargh gratz on 2nd one flick XD
  17. just realised that my toons are in my sig >.< OWNED !
  18. KROM ! ! ! ! ! !

    send me a /t krom XD you know my char names coh : tylantia cov : tylantia- .... so oriignal as you can tell XD


    < < : : ! ! ! WB ! ! ! : : > >
  19. Tylantia

    Irc Channel ?

    yer xir's right, no-one will use it tbh, tried with own SG and didnt even get past getting the support for the channel >.<
  20. Tylantia


    hehehe luudo, till hides on then we come bk for more! and ROFL @ the OTT Quotage XD defaint FTW!
  21. Tylantia

    New to game

    welcome to the nut house that is the EU bunch! XD XD

    avoid ramini he likes reindeer.......a little too much methinks