837 -
I had a really annoying time in sirens last night, i think that was mainly due to being one shotted by stalkers thoughIMHO if you get AS'd by a stalker than you shouldnt be able to get AS'd by another for 10 secs or so. I got hit by 4 AS at once last night on 3 seperate occasions
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muahahhahahhahha i dont think ive killed you more than twice so far........in which case i need to step up my rampages! XD -
zomg like..........WB AERIE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
you gorgeous being of lovelyness and stuff !
and also.....
YAY for quan's return too ! -
aww such little ears to
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rofl XD -
well in sirens i only get integration, as, buildup n 2 other attacks, so get found and i'll go BOINK anywho XD
bah i dont use and will never use AP, hasten + 3heal/3recharge on heal other + RA's + heal aura is perfectly fine, so you die in bigger mob grps, so what XD you gotta get debt somehow ! XD
just realised that my toons are in my sig >.< OWNED !
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Tyl forgot his/her brain again ^_^
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it fell out my ear ! -
hang on,.........shes blowing things instead of getting xp !
Plastic Empire has :
Pasanius lvl 40 Brute
Dark Plague lvl 40 MasterMind
Tylantia- lvl 40 Stalker
MIss Nasty lvl 40 Brute
Lord SatanaZ lvl 40 Brute
would have posted earlier but that would require effort XD -
thanks Sin, sorry i had to go afk for this, but RL n thatactually had a good night with it too
this pic is about the best i think, left to right you can see a zimbie dude, a lich, another zombie dude, Meddler, Agent Flux (DreamWeaver x), Plight's Bane (moi), Marvo, Sinester X, Troubler, Iliya, Communist Cat, a commando (i think) and Meat Shield.
was a good night teaming, hope your still on when i get back on now
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Bah any picture without Captain Righteous is a waste of a Jpeg
p.s nice pic
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rofl stalk ! XD -
WOOOOOO to sat ! ! ! ! !
long time coming but you got it ! -
Bout time you got this you ! XD
Congratulations ! ! ! ! -
pah you cant compare to the uber pimp ! that be momma ! and his replacement/temp honsou! XD XD
just realised that my toons are in my sig >.< OWNED !
KROM ! ! ! ! ! !
send me a /t krom XD you know my char names coh : tylantia cov : tylantia- .... so oriignal as you can tell XD
< < : : ! ! ! WB ! ! ! : : > > -
yer xir's right, no-one will use it tbh, tried with own SG and didnt even get past getting the support for the channel >.<
hehehe luudo, till hides on then we come bk for more! and ROFL @ the OTT Quotage XD defaint FTW!
welcome to the nut house that is the EU bunch! XD XD
avoid ramini he likes reindeer.......a little too much methinks