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  1. When going rogue goes live, I'm going to be making a Demon summoner, and would like input from those of you who've played the class already on what would best complement its powers.

    My partner knows she wants to go with the shield set, but hasn't yet decided on the class or other powerset. From your experience, which would go best with Demon Summonging: a Shield/Battle Axe tank, a Broadsword/Shield Brute, or a Broadsword/Shield Scrapper?
  2. Ok, how about this:

    Please keep in mind that I'm not looking for amazing graphics quality. I have that on my desktop at home. I'm just looking for something to play the game functionally, with a minumum of lag.

    (Thanks again for everyone's help!)
  3. Thanks so much for the info, it gives me a great starting point for the search!
  4. Ok, so what I'm really looking for is a school laptop, which I realize I could get for really cheap. However, I have multiple-hour breaks between class, and a great wi-fi connection at my school...

    So basically, I'm trying to find out what I need in my laptop to play CoX... Namely, graphics-wise. I'm going to have plenty of RAM and HD space, but I don't want to get a laptop and then find out it won't run the game.

    I don't have a problem running at low graphics quality, but I don't have a great love of lag.

    Any recs?
  5. Interesting read.

    If the Goat hadn't, I would have as I was linked to this from another thread.
  6. QR - Interesting change!

    Looking forward to trying it out.
  7. BackAlleyBrawler = 44
    pohsyb = 42
    TheOcho = 19
    War Witch = 145

    War Witch +
    The Ocho -
  8. BackAlleyBrawler = 44
    pohsyb = 43
    TheOcho = 24
    War Witch = 139

    pohsyb -1
    War Witch +1
  9. Vote #605

    Back Alley Brawler : 43
    pohsyb : 44
    The Ocho : 25
    War Witch : 138

    WW +1
    BackAlleyBrawler -1
  10. Back Alley Brawler : 46
    pohsyb : 45
    The Ocho : 24
    War Witch : 135

    War Witch +1
    Ocho -1
  11. BackAlleyBrawler = 60
    pohsyb = 58
    TheOcho = 28
    War Witch = 104

    Ocho -1
  12. BackAlleyBrawler = 65
    pohsyb = 67
    TheOcho = 39
    War Witch = 79

    Vote # 515
    War Witch +
    pohsyb -
  13. I only feel qualified to comment on the IO sets question.

    I would start that immediately for a lvl 34.

    Usually start in the mid 20's, myself.
  14. I can't help it, it's just what I do.

    Also, I really do think that Brutes are a good balance between damage and defense, that no class hero-side can answer for.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Someone thinks they are God's gift to COH.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's true, I do.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    and now I don't have to play a tank in order to be a hero and have decent shields.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If all you want are decent shields, you never had to play Tankers at all. Scrapper defences have always been decent. Tanker defences are simply superior.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *shrugs* And I disagree. I'm not willing to trade defensive capability for damage. If I play a Brute, I can have both.
  17. QR - didn't read the whole thread, since quite a bit of it seemed off topic.

    I have a pet tank who seems to do very nicely, and I doubt she's going to be deleting and re-rolling as a Brute.

    On the other hand, I personally don't see any reason to play a tank anymore. Never loved them, and now I don't have to play a tank in order to be a hero and have decent shields.
  18. Wow. Thanks for crunching those numbers, very useful stuff to know in there.

    I guess I'll have to stop calling defiance 'completely useless'. I don't get under 60% health in most fights with either of my blasters, but at least now I know it's always doing something, even if that something is minimal.
  19. Very useful guide, thanks much for taking the time to type and post it.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Also, theres probably going to be a comment about the value of the veteran reward costume tokens in relation to these free ones any minute now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not from this corner.

    My 50 was made after the last free costume tokens were handed out, and those vet reward tokens are saving me like half a million a shot. Also, being able to pick and choose when you use them makes them utterly invaluable. A big thanks to the devs for how the tokens work!