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  1. Best of wishes to you Cuppa! You will be missed dearly....
  2. Twsited_Method


    [ QUOTE ]
    I personally feel that the devs need to give some better incentives to fighting on the streets such as a higher chance of inspirations or enhancements or an INF bonus for the team for clearing a full spawn.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Saw this and felt compelled to respond. Hazard Zone or not this statement about street hunting is "spot on"!
  3. Castle, I have heard that there have been some developers who have worked above and beyond normal duty, even possibly on their own time, to get some things done for the good of the game and appreciation of us, the consumers. While I would not ask this of you or anyone directly, may I ask if bribary is out of the question?

    I WANT BIG RED BALLS! <Sheilds lower extremeties>
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    *goes insane*

    You get people complaining that:
    a. ) something bugged
    b.) something isn't released yet
    c.) the devs dont give times
    d.) when the devs give times (based on the avaliable info at the moement) and are incorrect.

    Lightnen up.

    Its stupid remarks like that which generally makes the devs reluctant to post ANYTHING.

    Its coming, when? who knows, probably when its working right. Quit quoting Pos. I'm certain when he made that quote it was based on the current info they had at the time and thier estimated projections.

    Things come up. With that mentailty, i hope you never complain if you get fired from being late to work. Its the same thing. @#$% happens.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I'll take I7 when it comes. Hopefully the longer it takes, the less bugs we'll have to deal with.

    Things come up. It happens.

    You say you're bored? Not to sound like an @$$hole, but that's your problem, not theirs. Try a new toon, a new game, go outside and mow the lawn, whatever, but complaining to the dev's because you're bored is just silly....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have to wonder why it is "silly" to complain about being bored with a product to those who produce that product? I should say that I feel your comments supporting an obviously poorly handled issue release are silly.

    I mean, are we unable to express our opinions to the development team if our opinions are negative or even harsh? And, even though the forums are maybe not the ideal place for those opinions to be addressed by the devs at least posting them in a thread that a red name has already posted in does make a little sense.

    I also wonder, to those who extend the comment of exchanging less bugs for a timely release; what does that mean? Are you actually suggesting that the delay of this issue will yield a release that has an acceptable amount of bugs over an unacceptable number? But, whats the measure? One, ten, fifty bugs? How many bugs would be acceptable to anyone making this statement and to those of you offering this excuse or rational for a extended release time frame, will you all be withholding any and all of your future complaints over bugs related to this issue?

    I can see it now;

    "What the %^$@ ! You took this long getting this issue out and I stood behind your delay only to have this bug make my game experiance unenjoyable!!???"

    So then, would I be justified in pointing our how silly your opinion is if that situation does comes up? After all, a bug free launch of I7 no matter when it does come to live is, dare i say, "highly unlikely" and even one bug is too many if its a bug that directly affects your gaming experiance.

    Oh but thats right, Things come up! What a wonderful crutch to have at your disposal. Sure it does a fine job to help you along in the short term but if this is a crutch that the devs are using I would envision it as being a triple wrapped in duct tape, arm pit cushion worn off, discolored and stained crutch by now.

    My whole point in this response is to say that the handling of this issue release in my own opinion has been very poor and unprofessional and my opinion as well as the opinion of anyone else feeling the same way is far from silly or even unwarranted. I DO appreciate being updated as anyone would and I will not be leaving the game or crying for the developers jobs, i simply wish to voice my dissapointment over the whole situation and hope that future updates will be handled better overall.

    Whoops, and as for the OP...... So we not only have and continue to wait for this issue but we will also be rewarded with not getting a respec at the same time as the live I7 release? Throw us a bone here Devs!
  5. The Shadow Wraiths of the Rouge Isles

    We are always interested in adding new members to our small on-line family! The Shadow Wraiths are the evil extension of the hero group; The Ghost Legion of Paragon City.

    We are a primarily non-pvp group composed of mostly mature (at least in age) gamers. Some badge-a-holics, a few alt-a-holics and even some RP mixed in for good measure.

    We do not condone PL'ing as we actually DO buy into the "journey" being the point of the game yet we do not have excessively restricting rule or regulations.

    We play frequently (some more then others) and run frequent events/contests!

    Please feel free to visit our web site and send a message if you are interested!

  6. Hmm, just wondering,,,,,,, wouldnt all of this be accomplished by;

    1. clicking on your "badges" drop down menu from the nav bar

    2. Click on whatever badge you want set as your in game title

    3. Close drop down window

    Or, you can mash the "clear badge title" and run around without one at all.

    Just thought that might be a little easier....
  7. Twsited_Method


    Here goes, a few free minutes at work and I find myself tossing my Lemming rear over the cliff, submitting my two cents along with everyone else.

    Actually, thing is, I read an earlier post in this thread that claimed 90% dissastisfaction with CoH post I5 (I4 even) by those on the boards..... I thought I would let the cat out of the bag to say that it is a retail and marketing "fact" that those with complaints have an extremely higher likelyhood of voicing that complaint while those with compliments will generally stay quiet. So, its no "news" that there is a higher percentage of dissatisfied comments then compliments in the forums.

    The reason States would say that I5 or CoH is being recieved well is because they are probably polling a small percentage of people and (with a very high degree of accuracy) understanding the true thoughts of the paying public (us)! And that is, even with everyone having one or two areas of contention, most or rather, the majority of us are happy with the game....

    My personal thoughts (post I5) are completely proven by an AV mission I was part of last night. Seriously the best time I have had with this game to date! (over 1000 hours of play and nothing comes close)

    Yes, it was just one mission and yes there were great team mates but, fact is, a group of 8 49+ level heroes went into a mission that featured two AV's. EVERYONE died more then once although not at once and everyone NEEDED each other to keep pressing through. The debt was always worked of in a matter of minutes (in mission)! Not to mention, that the overall xp gain from the mission rivaled that of most ANY farming scenario that I have been in (pre-I5). Imagine the nerve!, a tank (or single entity) NOT being able to stand in and take the beating of an AV and a number of bosses and scattered minions! The tanks actually needed the rest of the team to help with the bosses and minions! Whew, who knew!? I am sure we all could have done better and avoided a few confusion deaths but the point is, it was fun and dare I say, a good example that the changes are not complete [$%@#!] as some would suggest.

    Note: the team was 2 tanks, 2 blasters, 1 scrapper, 1 controller, 2 defenders (two people were SK'd) and we actually played very well. it was just hard as heck!

    Well, complain away, but I am happy with it!