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  1. I like all your styles LJ! =^_^=b Some people just do good work, you are one of them. Plus, I LOVE that piece you did for me.

    /em hugs teh artses.

  2. =^_^=


    Hey, watcha doing replying all super fast? You should be writing your NaNoWriMo!

    *Cracks whip*

    Write! Draw! Write! Draw!

  3. No prob Misty. =^_^=b And I'm not back, sadly, more like passing through and just keeping up with goings on.

    =. .=
  4. Mmmm... cookie dough sculpture.... *droools*

    And what's with the pant-hate? Pants are perfectly fine! Skirts are better though. They are all swishy. >_> ... <_<
  5. Tundara

    TA 2007

    Tushie kicking awesome TA arts! *huggle pounce!*

  6. That looks great Misty! I think you got really close to a lot of the old Japanese style paintings and arts (that I have seen). And the neck is fine! A lot of the paintings seemed to really stretch and exagerate the length of the neck. I *think* the goal is to create a very tall and elegant kinda figure. *shrug* The shading on her clothes looks well done too! Good stuff! And no-one minds who you draw! Burry us in Yumii pics if you want!

  7. Tundara

    Mistress Jade

    *Strums fingers on desk waiting for DA to load*

    *Looks at watch*


    *Page Loads*

    Hot ziggy! That looks great LJ!

  8. I hate trying to force myself to a set number of words per day. Sure, I can get a lot done, but I don't always feel the quality is there. >_< That said, I do seem to do best overall when I try to reach a minimum number of pages. >_> ... <_<

    Oh, and I'm going to be sorta not around for the rest of the month. Heading off to visit family and they all don't have PC's. @_@;;;

    But keep at it Misty! You can do it!

  9. Good luck with your writing Misty! I'm going to take my notes and plug away with my own over November.

  10. Tundara

    November Art

    Great stuff, Juggy! I really like how you did the colouring on her legs and gloves. Really neat.

  11. *Nod nod*

    Nice! I've always liked that song and the video was very well put together. The story behind it was even better.

  12. =@_@= !!!!

    Great googly moogly, this came as quite the surprise! Thanks LJ, this looks awesome. Shame your program put up such a fit and needed a club to straiten it out. >_< Thank you so much!

    *Sits on edge of seat staring at teh arts*

  13. Tundara

    November Art

    Wow, Nike looks incredible! I love her wings! =@_@=b
  14. Tundara

    November Art

    Wow, that looks great Juggy!


    Oh, I decided against getting a paypal thingie. Trust issues. I'll just be content giving the ol' thumbs up to all the other great stuff all you guys do.

  15. <QR>

    Has it been a year already? *sigh* How the time flies by. It seems like just yesterday we were all decrying DOOM from the highest towers that Cuppa was leaving and some new person called Lighthouse had moved in to take her place. >_> Time needs to move slower, it's too quick gosh dang it!

    Well, happy aniversary Lighthouse.

    =. .=b
  16. Tundara

    November Art

    Okay, I'll give it a shot. Thanks Juggy.

  17. That is awesome! I love the faces of the football players as they huddle behind Pep. I lurv Graver arts, and this was a great piece all around. Truly awesome in it's awesomesaucyness!!! Grats Pep!

  18. Tundara

    November Art

    OOoo, I'd love to commission one of these pieces from Juggy, but I don't know how to do all these intertube money transfer thing-a-jigs.

    *Ponders* ... *Doesn't come up with an answer*

  19. Tundara


    [ QUOTE ]
    your kindness is only exceeded by your talent

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /Quoting for truth and stuff.

  20. Tundara

    Gift for Moggie

    Great stuff as always SlaveDawg!

  21. Tundara

    Dirtwolf Fini

    Dang, that is one nice tushie. >_> ... <_<

    Great stuff LJ, Great stuff! That entire picture is awesome!

  22. Tundara

    WP 2007

    =O_o= Whoa, that looks... whoa...

    /em on edge of seat.

    =. .=
  23. Tundara

    Feral Kat Sketch

    Oooo, That looks great! =^_^=b I love teh shineyness.