382 -
(Inv has only one aura that taunts, and it's not a powerful one, where Stone, Fire or Ice for example have multiple, some really good ones).
[/ QUOTE ]
Stone's the only tanker set I'm at all familiar with, and even there I haven't quite reached SO levels.
But...multiple taunt auras? Stone had Mud Pots, certainly, but what else is there?
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, well originally that didn't have 'have multiple' in there,
[/ QUOTE ]
Checking back to your OP, yes, it did - and still does. (Unless you did an unmarked edit to add it, which IMHO still counts.)
[/ QUOTE ]
Oops, I meant my first write (pre-post), then I remembered that Invince was the only one for Invuln, so put 'multiple' in the others, without considering that they might not have such
It was along the lines of 'have some really good ones', up until I posted it. -
Mudpots slows and damages, but it's not autohit like Invincibility.
[/ QUOTE ]
So would you say it has better tauntability? Just thinking if it hits a couple in range (no idea if the AoE is larger?), they get taunted, then punchvoke will aggro anything within range of them (if I understand Gauntlet properly, definitely don't think I do). So hitting just a pair would give you double-gauntlet taunt in a decent range (assuming gauntlet stacks with multiple applications), as well as them being taunted by the pots?
And the autohit, what do you mean, is it just the damage component that has an accuracy check? Do the foes only get taunted if they are hit (in which case does the above apply)? Does anything in range get slowed, or is that based on accuracy too? If something is slowed, is it taunted?
I really wish the devs would give out more information about powers
Shrug, might be taking this slightly off thread, but it was an aggro-based thread -
(Inv has only one aura that taunts, and it's not a powerful one, where Stone, Fire or Ice for example have multiple, some really good ones).
[/ QUOTE ]
Stone's the only tanker set I'm at all familiar with, and even there I haven't quite reached SO levels.
But...multiple taunt auras? Stone had Mud Pots, certainly, but what else is there?
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, well originally that didn't have 'have multiple' in there, is it safe to say that Mud Pots is considered a better taunt aura than Invincibility though? It appears to have a greater range, from teaming with stone tanks, and has more interesting aggro-inducing factors (doesnt it slow or damage - so punchvoke or something?)...
Shrug. Invulnerability is my bag, I don't know a great deal of the other sets, just from my observations (very few observations of fire tanks, I don't like to team with them). -
2 TF's and 2 levels. Not a bad record. Bring em on!
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We could do far better
[/ QUOTE ]
Heh was thinking that myselfWe ran that last TF in Heroic, since a lot of our group was quite low. Usually we try to run them on Invincible, with most of the group being nearer top end. Leads to a lot more dings
Not sure about tonight. P wanted some help with some coding she's doing, and depending on how long that takes she might not bother coming in after. Though we'll prolly end up on TS at some point.
Is everyone keen for Citadel this weekend? Give us an idea of when you're available, and we'll see what we can do. I should be in town for most of it, so far.
Laters. -
Invis doesn't affect aggro at all. It's another of those stupid rumors like "rain of fire breaks aggro", or "high-damage blasters can steal aggro". My tauntless tank can hold almost all the aggro under a rain of fire while invis, TYVM. Oh, but I guess I suck because I haven't taunt. Heh.
Of course, it's better to announce it first. Some people are stubborn about that kind of thing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Rain of fire breaks up groups, which makes keeping the aggro more difficult, it's not overly difficult, but it's a hassle, especially for tanks with no taunt and underpowered taunt auras (Inv has only one aura that taunts, and it's not a powerful one, where Stone, Fire or Ice for example have multiple, some really good ones). Any kheldian has a good chance grabbing the attention of a quantum/void, because they have high aggro multipliers for kheldian damage, especially for quants/voids who are only punchvoked or aura-taunted.
It appears that the 'invis breaks when you're seen' stuff is based on foes that actually see you. If a foe doesn't get hit by my taunt/taunt aura/punchvoke/attack, then they won't see me, and I'll remain invis to them, in which time they may see someone else, and start honing in on them. Good tankers would prefer this not to happen.
In saying all this, if someone invis's my tank, I'm not overly fussed. I'm pretty decent at my role and don't sweat the small stuff.
Shrug. -
Aw and here I thought I found a fun thread, full of 'Walker, Texas Ranger' (aka Chuck Norris) puns, funs, stories, and tributes, and that he was making a comeback.
Sigh. -
I have over 200 comined levels on my account, but noones made a post like this for me
Granted most of the levels start with a '2', heh.
Grats philly, anyway, though I'm sure that I said that recently -
If you're on a good rolling team then your phantom army will only really be out every 3rd mob or so, where the 2nd mob is decoyed by you running through them, dragging your army, which is a hassle for you too.
But it is the case that once spotted Invis makes no difference to controlling / holding aggro at all right?
[/ QUOTE ]
Not sure, I don't think it should make a difference, but it really does feel like it's not working properly when you're invisible...
Will my illtroller I used to Group Invis everyone willy nilly, usually by hugging up to the tank, thinking that he'd appreciate the defence boost. Then after playing a tanker through, I now try not to (when I'm back as Skull Bender). I generally try to invis the rest of the team away from the tank (well, give warning so the tank joins in if it's his bag). In most cases the squishies are out near me, if I'm greening up the area with healing aura, so I can invis them without the scrapper(s) and tank(s) getting annoyed.
You sometimes get the odd female toon shouting how she can't see her fine [censored] anymore too
Shrug. -
One of the main problems with invising the tank is when someone misses out on the invis
I've read and posted about the group/grant invis dropping when attacking/spotted, and it doesn't make sense to me. I realise that when you aggro a group then yeah, they can see you, but then you can trot straight through the next one without another application without them seeing ya, or so it had always appeared.
If someone misses on the invis, then they are prime target and will usually take the majority of the alpha strike before the tank can get in and grab the full share of the aggro. That's always been the main problem, imo.
Shrug. -
So. Should I bother trying out a new villain? Or will I just get annoyed at the lack of content and boring stories, and should just wait for I7?
[/ QUOTE ]
Surely you jest there Tech? The zone arcs and background, the way they all fit in and lead up to particular SF's or AV encounter are a LOT more thought out than on CoH and it's the arcs that give give CoV a reason to play!
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok maybe I said that wrong... I don't know most of the stories, obviously, having played it so little in truth, but those I did I wasn't impressed with. I had an En/En brute up to 26 or so before he was blatted, btw, that was exceedingly no fun, especially since noone seemed to play corrupters back then and so teaming = lying around most of the time. Really unimpressed with /en up to then.
Whenever I try villains, I quickly get depressed with the enemies and zones, they're what I really wasn't impressed with, and was probably what I was thinking. Does anyone know if more zones that just the lvl 40-50 one are coming in I7? Mercy is annoying, and Port Oakes is dull. If I got past there with my first brute I don't remember anything.
As for the suggestions. I dunno kinslayer, about Dominators, the way you put them as 'relies on teaming' makes it sound like 'you need a team to keep you going' rather than 'is a good team player'... And that wouldn't suit me. I like teaming to be part of a team, rather than relying on one, if that makes senseIf a dom falls into the former, I probably wouldn't be keen on it
Corrupters do sound like a bit of me then. I must admit the scourge inherent is very appealing too, after playing a few levels with defiance...
Kinetics is fun, as you can see above I have a pair of 'em, and they're great! It's definitely under consideration there. What do cold and dark secondaries do? My brutes duo partner is a /thermal, and tbh I'm not that impressed with it. Like I said we're only at 14 tho... maybe it comes into it's own later. Is there a /rad? I'm enjoying my Fire/Rad controller, he tears through mobs at the moment, and can see me getting him high. Primaries though, hmm. I like the sound of an Ice corrupter, do they do good slow AoEs and the like? How are they damagewise? I've always been a bit of an ice fan. I've been teaming a lot with a fireblaster in CoH, and am very impressed with her AoEs too, but that sounds painful in CoV... Energy is right outgrr to the knockback kings!
Animal: I'm definitely not a PvP renown person, that was an accident. I'd like someone that could be half decent in PvP though, especially in Pentads/teams, which I enjoy the most. I don't see myself going brute again, really, especially with the number of elec/* brutes soon to be invading the isles, *sigh*. Hey, they'll all need a good 'rupter at their back won't they
Ok, corrupter it is, I'll have a look when I get home from work, but if someone can tell me the benefits of ice/ fire/ and /dark /cold /is kin different?, that would be superb!
Ta for the thoughts all. -
Some of the attitudes that various people have can be annoying.
An in that vein, how about this for a suggestion:
Add a new Arena type, PvP practise session, or such, where you can completely build a toon with whatever sets you desire (I mean as per usual, not cross-AT), and then choose an opponent of powersets of your choice, which you can practise your pvp build against (at your selected level). The opponent could be a friend in a real toon, or another practise-toon, or a (much more advanced) NPC toon with the sets you requested (the NPC would choose powers it wanted from the selected primary/secondary sets though, and choose it's own pools).
This arena match would basically do nothing except let you see how other toons handle, how to possibly build and slot them for PvP, give you insight into what type of toon you might like to level for PvP, and primarilly of all, experience battle 'advanced' foes.
I guess for autenthicity you could throw in an option for smack talk, where the toon would spout 'i pwnz0rd ur l4m3r a55 p\/p n00b' etc when/if it takes you down, and proceeds to jump up and down on your corpse...
Shrug again.
In saying that, I don't hate PvP, I do it occasionally, and will do it more when I have a PvP built toon..
Shrug. -
Oh, just recalled, I might be teaching Puma a bit more C++ tonight, Tuesdays are kinda our unofficial C++ night, so might not be in till around 9pm, when she usually heads to bed, unless she gets bored early and wants to play.
Shrug. -
It did go really well actually. It was quite spur of the moment, Ashen was in SG asking if we were going to do any TFs lately, cause he wanted in, lol, so I was like 'well, we've got like 4 of us in the SG online right now, I'll ask'
. Pulled in a couple of ring-ins, including a kheldian that made quite a good job of tanking (after I told him/her that was what we were after
), and an empath defender, who kept everyone alive well so I didn't have to spam my kinetics heal.
I think you pretty much solo'd Clamor though Dutchy
Still took like 5 or so hours I'm pretty sure, lol.
Tonight... Hrm, I have to do a bit of stuff before I get around to coming in, should be in around 7.30 UK time I think. After that I'm not sure. I need to work on Poweramp a bit at some point, he's still floundering at 18... Want to get him into the 20s. Hot Pants is 14 now, and is airborne, which is nice. Shrug is still at 12.
Maybe we could bring out our high-20s? Satisfaction is 29, I think Red Earth is 28, same with Dutch Courage and Miss Mindreader, if I remember correctly. If Triggarin doesn't come on a bit more he's gonna have to wait for our next wave lol. Ashen said they've both been playing Auto Assault lately, so might not see them for a bit. Oh Ashen is 26 now, after that TF, so we've got a good looking crew for Citidel at some point25-30 if I remember right.
Will soon be at a good level for Irish Storm and Cleo to start joining us with their highers too, which would be great.
Anyway, catch yas soon. -
Ok so some of my mates have been trying to push me into the gloom of CoV *thwacks Max*.
This is what I play on heroes:
Inv/Axe Tanker 50 (Main)
Ill/Emp Controller 50 (Old Main)
Dark/Dark Scrapper 29 (Semi-main)
FF/En Defender 26
Ice/Kin Controller 25 & 20
Elec/Elec Blaster 21
Ice/En Blaster 18 (Reason for S4 Champ forum title)
Fire/Rad Controller 14 (Hopefully for PvP)
Ice/Stone Tanker 12
And I do have a villain:
Dark/Dark Brute 14, who is only there to duo with a corrupter mate, not because I'm overly fond of it
So. Should I bother trying out a new villain? Or will I just get annoyed at the lack of content and boring stories, and should just wait for I7?
If so. What kind of toon might I like? My favourite toon is my tank, but a brute appears to be a pale shadow of one, so I haven't been able to get into them (tried a few different powersets).
Strangely I mostly have controllers. I don't know how that happened, honestly, I think it was because friends were making new toons so I'd join them and the main thing that would help us team would be a controller. I don't really think I like them as much as it seems (though they are fun, in the right situations), and have almost no idea how I got one to 50, I honestly just wanted him to be a Cavern of Transcendance runner, which is the main reason he comes out now, really.
Blasters are ok, I wish they were more blastery rather than almost forcing you to take melee to do decent dmg though.
Defenders are not really fun for me. I have no idea why they were given blasts as secondaries, shrug, and can see myself taking very few of them in my current one.
Am mostly enjoying my scrapper, probably because he's now high enough to have a good swath of powers. I don't like the AT in general though.
Ok so my thoughts on villains:
Brute: Can't see how this fits well in a team
Corrupter: Could be fun, if I can find powersets I like. Blasts are good, and could be a damn good team member with a good secondary.
Mastermind: I does like me pets. But defo not Robo/FF, what's up with you ppl? Sheesh...
Dominator: Hrm, I do like that it appears so underused/unliked, but what powersets?
Stalker: No.
I'm big on teamplayerness, from my controller list that's obvious I guess, hmm. Villains don't seem to be teamplayer oriented. Maybe that's why I haven't gotten into it. If I wanted a single player game I'd go play Oblivion...
So can anyone help me out? I don't just want something with 'uber-leet' high powers, since if I have to grind there I at least want to enjoy the ride. Mediocre all the way would be fine over [censored]-on-toast then OMG(optional: !) type sets...
Oh yeah, I hate knockback btw. Yes I know I have /En on my bubbler, but he's not taking blasts anyway, shrug. Wish I'd taken Ice(is there an ice?), Rad, Dark, or Psi now.
Shrug. -
My guess would be in the existing room you have something blocking where the doorway would go. Try moving things out of that space and seeing if the room fits again. From the sounds of it you know that it looks like it is supposed to fit, which fits this reasoning...
Shrug. -
Just a little update on this. Got a couple of teams who would like to take part but are missing certain AT's from their teams(tanks seem in short supply).
[/ QUOTE ]
Tech Tower (tanker) or Skull Bender (troller) should be available by me if any spaces need filling.
Neither are specially PvP built though, but I did try to take PvP into consideration.
Shrug. -
I personally think you should go fire/storm, just for rarity value.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's a pretty decent point right there. I'm tempted to do it myselfIf only I could find a spare slot tho... 99.99% sure the name Firestorm would be taken already though, by a fire blaster no doubt
or is copyrighted already, shrug.
I'm currently levelling (every now and again when I get bored) a Fire/Rad, which I'm currently bloody impressed with, tbh. Last night I was playing him and mused about the killing power of a Fire/Kin though... I have a pair of Ice/Kins already though, both powersets I love, btw, but kin is definitely very active, and means you can't sit back unsk'd vs high mobs, like you probably could with Rad or such. Sitting back has never been my strong point in game
Not sure about uber powers in the sets though, kin has so many good ones, but my highest is only 24, so I haven't seen them all. Transfusion, Siphon Speed, Siphon Damage, Speed Boost, Transference, Fulcrum Shift are all must haves in my book... Inertial Reduction (jumpy thing) and Increase Density (mez/knockback/dmg-res ish) are both great, but not as important I think, unless you want to go travl powerless (IR) or more team oriented (ID & IR).
For Rad, off the top of my head without knowing them all... The heal, Accelerate Metabolism (big time), the 3 Target Auras (whos names I can never remeber), maybe mutation and fallout if you're a big team player? Someone else will have better ideas, sorry.
Whatever you pick, enjoy! Trollers are great!
Tempted to do a /storm or /bubble right now actually. Hmm. -
You call that a bug?
Try wandering around your Family mission as your Brute, smashing and the like, on the highest difficulty (relentless or whoever) only to find 7 or 8 people randomly spamming on broadcast saying how dark it is in your mission. You think "Thats funny" then 1 of these strange heroes types "try /stuck". All of a sudden this lone brute is surrounded by all these PvP build heroes, including blappers, stormies, /kin and /rad trollers. "Oh, dear." instantly ganked Brute in its own mission (in St Martial no less) by some randomly spawned heroes who were trying to have an arena fight.
Now THATS a bug
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait, is this true? Surely not. How could that even happen? Won't villain/hero/arena instances be on different physical machines!?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd imagine they have a server farm where all the mishes are handled randomly over several machines, and the mission instance id (or some such) would pop you onto the correct server when you tried to access it. So maybe your arena instance id was also assigned to this other regular mish, and the servers just got confused.
Theres definitely no seperate server for villains vs heroes, it wouldn't make sense, load-balancing wiseEspecially in PvP zones/arena sense, what a waste of a machine!
Shrug. -
Last night went pretty decently, I think... my mind is a little fuzzy so I can't remember exactly what happened.
Oh I ended up doing the Cavern of Transcendance for a bunch of people. Shrug.
Speaking of which, I'll do it again tonight for those who want the badge, or are 12-15 and want some free xp. Will do it a couple of times till I run out of bodies who want the badge, then will do something else.
7pm UK if anyone is keen.
Will be in from about 6.30, see yas there -
I'll run through this trial tonight with my controller for those interested in the badge, or XP for those small enough to get some (fillers).
Last night it took my team 20mins to complete, or thereabouts. I'm looking to try to get that under 15mins, if poss, including taking down the big igneous cave.
Am happy to run it a few times, if we need to, and have bodies available.
Send a tell to @Tech Tower around then if you're keen, with your toon name, for an invite from Skull Bender.
I currently have zero people signed on, apart from me, am doing it for no good reason, really.
See yas there. -
It's quite clear (to me at least), that the heroes of Paragon City has been forgotten by the gods (read; devs), and that villains is the new black.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's how I feel about it alsoWhich is unfortunate, since I haven't gotten into the CoV side of things, one toon at 14 is all.
I still enjoy CoH more. I don't like how the villains seem to have managed to pick up much better inherent powers over our heroes, but I'm still holding out for Issue 8 rounding things out for the rest of us on the 'good' side of the fence.
Shrug. -
Doh, far too early start there
I don't get in till 6.30ish. Not that I need any respecs, but am trying to get Tech's prestige up, and those are a good way.
One of my characters can't even get in her base any longer as she gets kicked out immediatly. Bases suck atm.
[/ QUOTE ]
Either you havent payed rent or then its the bug I have sometimes.. log out and back in and it should be sorted.
[/ QUOTE ]
I had this bug for a while too, crashed CoH everytime I tried to get inI had it fixed by getting a fellow baseleader to delete all the rooms and items (giving just the portal room), fixing the floor to medium, and putting the portal smack in the middle of the room. That didn't make a difference really, but then Reborn Phoenix (aka Pryo) helped me out by inviting me to team (with rights for teammembers to enter base) and I was easily able to get into his base. And after that I haven't had a problem since.
I was trying to get in to delete all the rooms to relayout the base anyway, btw
Try jumping into someone elses base, you can team with me (heroes) if you like, and see if you can jump into mine first.
Shrug. -
You know from the main index, this thread keeps looking like 'Re: Why Do People Hate Sta...'
Oh, Stalkers... heh. That makes more sense.
I don't hate stalkers. I do hate not having a team when I PvP, since Tech doesn't seem to do that great damage, and I can never catch them when they fleeee (they almost always flee).
I also hate it when villains sit in Tsoo mobs, cause they debuff something fierce, and it slows down the fun.
Shrug. -
Ok lads, sounds like a bit of a plan forming there.
Red Earth, Dutch Courage, and Satisfaction, possibly with Triggarin (really should point him at the boards!) doin some mishes?
If enough come on before around 7.30/8, we might be able to squeeze a Hess run through. I know Miss Mindreader has it unlocked (pretty sure she does), or Red Earth here is close, and Satisfaction has just about started on the last contact too.
I'll be on from about 6.30/7ish I think. Hopefully my 'screen' won't be acting up on me again... This morning I couldn't get it to show me a picture for most of the time it was onDissapointing.
Laters peeps.