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  1. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Heya all, sorry I've not been watching this thread today, have been having an interesting discussion about leeching in the General Chat.

    Long and short: YES! It's here and it's cooool. Granted it's not as uber as a lot I'm sure, but it's a gazillion times better than my little lappie. And, strangely... Quieter too!

    Managed to get CoH up and running on it this morning. Had massive issues getting windows to install lol, have ended up with Windows XP 64-bit on it, and it's running really nice, so no biggie there. Had probs finding drivers for the 64bit OS tho, everything is still coming in 32s, but seem to be up and running quite well. CoH plays nice on 1024x768 @ 70Hz and MAX EVERYTHING . I know a bigger card could have done more fps, but 30ish is just fine for me (wee bit lower in CoV tho)

    So I'll definitely be in there tonight.

    Hey dutchy and blappy, have you guys tried using other plastic cards to pay? I thought for sure they took switch/maestro cards too, which are the regular debit ones, well, for us, most debit cards are one of those... Shrug.

    Anyhow, not long till works done and I can head home. Still have loads I need to set up on the box, but at least I've got the main stuff.

  2. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    In case it fully falls over before my new box comes tomorrow/thurs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And no sooner do I post that, than the boxes walk in the door! *rubs hands greedily*

    Hmm no bosses watching...

    Thanks for the Tip about the SG thing Kins.
  3. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    By the way all. My hard drive is apparently about to die. So if I don't turn up tonight, that's why.



    I'll beat it into coming in. *gets out mini hard drive beating club*. I need to back it up first, to my external or a couple of DVDs, if I do manage to get it working.. In case it fully falls over before my new box comes tomorrow/thurs.

  4. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Thought of a real nice name for an Defender or just any toon

    Ladies and Gentelmen I present to you:


    [/ QUOTE ]

    hey didn't I suggest that last night?

    Shrug and Sigh, ripping it up, I like it, lol. Now just to get P to make 'Meh', a scrapper, and we're set!
  5. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I need a Kin/(anything but energy)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Goes of to make an kin/energy defender just to spite you

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Grr, just make a kheldian if you want to annoy more than help
  6. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    After the seeing the movie "The Italian Job" (remake), I feel it's a time to take a little break from CoX (only a real short break ) So I'm planning to take out the Thief game I have laying arround and do a little sneaking. Tho I might do it an hour or so and just come back to CoX. Don't know what I can play tho, you have any suggestions.
    I was thinking of making a Tank one day or maybe a defender... *goes to ponder about this*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok dude, have fun. Just get over it quick-like and roll that defender . I need a Kin/(anything but energy) to team with Shrug (lvl 7 now)

    If you want a new game, hold off and get Oblivion when it comes out. Not far now, I'll get it and have a play, single player game which I'm looking forward to.

    Catch ya tonight!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    So to conclude, Tankers rule!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hear hear! Sounds like an excellent experience for you, hope this shows that teaming is far more fun than soloing

    Welcome to tanking!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Invun/Mace before.

    Though tbh the weapon sets are fairly uncomman. Most people go for the elemental sets.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Inv/Mace was Tech Tower in the Beta Got to mid 30s when the beta ended, and thought I'd try another attack. Not that I had a problem with Mace, just I didn't like the mace itself. I thought it could have been more.. I dunno. Intimidating, perhaps.


    Well my Ice/Stone tank is fun right now I think I'll level him a bit more and see how it goes.

    I really don't like the fire sets, so I'm not gonna bother with them. There's a... stigma... attached to them, that I would rather not sully myself with.
  9. So I rolled a little tanker over the weekend, an Ice/Stone, because I hadn't seen one before (though now The Spad has a post on the union boards that he has made one there too, doh!).

    What is the least used primary and secondary Tanker sets? I was hoping to check the union level 50s list and go from that, but the server wasn't working last time I tried it.

    Ta for your input!
  10. Not sure, I haven't seen anything about this either.

    I'm pretty sure if you leave the rent for 2 months that you lose access to it, if that's enough. Otherwise you could sell all the items and rooms except the entrance, and then forget about it...

    The third idea I had was to kick everyone from your SG, leave it yourself also, then reregister the name. I don't know if that will drop your base, but I would assume so. It would also wipe all of your prestige.. but then without a base I can't think of why you would really care about prestige
  11. Heh, you guys do know after this long build up, and getting everyone signed, I7 will go live on the 2nd of April just to make everyone scramble at the new content and completely throw the plan to hell
  12. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'd like to do the Croatoa TF if possible sometime soon. I need that badge for the Geas of Kind accolade. Think I may need 1 or 2 of the defeat badges too but I already have the 3 GM badges and plaques. The +3 single origins will be useful too . It would be good if the SG was up for it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah dude I'm sure we could rally the troops I know Skull doesn't have it, but Tech does. I'm guessing we'll have 4 scrappers again, so Skull might be more useful

    [ QUOTE ]
    If it's not exclusive to The Ascended, and Da Mystery Men are included, then Lord is always up to a challenge if he is available.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well I've always thought of coalitions as 'extended family' (spot the polynesian ). And even though DMM don't seem to consider us such, they're always welcome .

    [ QUOTE ]
    Finally I just wanted to say that I was a bit disappointed to miss out on the Positron badge even after you guys waited on the last mission so that I would possibly get it ( this was very much appreciated). I'll get it eventually I'm sure.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah dude we weren't happy about that either . We were just SO annoyed at that TF by the end, we really couldn't go through it again, it was such a [censored] one. We'll power though it another day when we exemp down with SOs for ya . No sweat going back for it, I've done it a few times. It's just doing it while the right levels. Sorry Static Healer missed out on it too. I know he was as gutted at the length of time it took as the rest of us, and is probably glad to be out!

    I'm home early today, and can't think of anything to do apart from play, so I'll be in there soonish.

  13. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!


    Well I told her that if she doesn't mention she's not waiting for me, that you guys wouldn't know if you should offer up teams or anything. I think it was just one of those spur of the moment type issue, that probably isn't a problem, but I don't think she'd be happy with any of this on the forums.

    Anyway, so we finally finished our 2nd Positron. Holy damn that was a LONG annoying TF. Honestly even the first Shadow Shard TF was fun in comparison. Anyway it's over and I'm pretty sure we can say we won't be doing THAT again soon!

    They need to fix the TF, remove all the stinking vahzilok, and make it so it's worth doing at the levels you're supposed to do it, rather than only viable while exemping for badge-hunters.

    So, our toons are still moving, and my little Ice/Stone tank Shrug is quite fun (though lvl 11 is when most things kill it), though I've since found another Ice/Stone tank has just been made by The Spad too, so I'm not as unique and crazy as I'd thought I was

    Ah well.

    Anyone want to do anything special this week/weekend?
  14. Tower_EU


    [ QUOTE ]
    So, should you happen to run into an Ice/Stone tank by the name of Crystal Clay

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aw, and here I thought my little Ice/Stone tank was unique! Hmm.

    Welcome to Union anyway
  15. Heya BD mate.

    I noticed a thread here a little while ago, that talks about end drain. Not sure if it answers your question, but links off to a US thread that talks about it too. It seems to be focussing on elec blasters and PvE, but it might have some PvP info too.

  16. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    So we are doing another Positron, sounds ok, I"ll log in as either Dutch Courage or Silent Shrieker whatever catches my fancy then.
    A comment on creative names, He you make the most interesting names, I hope I make some good ones too

    (I'm a bit of creative guy myself )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Like I said in the 'funny names' thread, Dutch Courage is one of the best names I've seen

    How's it pronounced if it's not My Tickle? Erm, My Tysel? Hmm.

    Yeah bring DC on dude, if Trig and Static join that'll be cool too, but Trig might want to keep lvling, though since he's new to CoH he might wanna see the hero version of their SFs. Though not sure if Posi is a great example of that, Synapse would be a better introduction
  17. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    That reminds me of the first time I teamed with you guys as Mighticle when there was a Peacebringer on the team. I recall her accusing him of powerleveling

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Meh, I wouldn't be surprised, most kheldians are powerlevelled most of the way. Definition of most = more than 50%.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well I have 3 toons still in the range. I'd like to do it. I know we occasionally like a spur of the moment TF but as it's a long one we might have to split it if we start in the week. I'd definitely like to give it a try. When it's mutually convenient for everyone of course.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well I want to do it with Electrosity. He's 14.5 now, so I want to start it tonight. I'll be home around 6pm (UK), so anyone who wants to join I'll put it over SG chat.

    The other night I was talking to P, and she said I should have just called him Electricity... I said 'hun, it means 'Elect(ric Monst)rosity', like my seach comment says' . I thought it was a great name, since he's so freakishly tall!

    Mmm, lunchtime.
  18. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I seem to be feeling exactly the same.Not sure what to log in as. I think I might try and get Earth to 12 and need to get DK through Croatoa where I left it a bit long and all mission foes are grey. Tough getting to lvl 35 when hittin 29s lol

    Oh well I'll be on in some form or other maybe we'll do Frostfire again. They need a giant ice half pipe in Atlas, It's better than dancing under the statue - much more fun.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol, ya know, after doing Frosty again last night, and spending another hour or so chatting/sliding/playing paper-scissors-rock in the ice ramp, I'm rather glad that we've run out of missions on him Time better spent to levelling I think! Not that we weren't doing that in spades anyway, heh.

    So we have a new addition to our little group. Static Healer, a neat little Emp/Elec defender joined our crew. He's quiet (unlike the rest of us!) and does a good job, and I like his elec attacks when stacked with Electrositys ones

    Let's see how he fares when P finds him in there... Meeting her is like a rite of passage lol (sorry hun)

    In other news, the toons I was thinking we'd take through Positron are now reaching the upper limits of getting anything out of it. When they ding 16 there won't be any XP gains while running it, or any enhancement drops (bar the final SO). Shall we still do it?
  19. Tower_EU

    Medical TPs

    [ QUOTE ]
    On the other hand, a while ago when I 'based' after being crushed by a couple of GM's in The Hive, I found myself returning directly uder their feet again... so I guess it's a double-edged sword.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    But it's still far better dropping you where you were, since most people with a medical TP would have a TP room with a couple of 'escape doors'? So if you do plant at the feet of a Hive monster, you can escape to Creys folly or something afterwards instead of returning to your d00m
  20. Tower_EU

    Medical TPs

    So back when bases were first put out there, if you were to go to your base hospital when you were defeated, when you left the base it would drop you just outside the door of the mission you were defeated in (assuming mission defeat of course).

    Then this was deemed far too useful for us, so the powers that be changed it to drop you at the zone TP beacon, which basically killed any usefulness of going to the base (you were never sure whether it was closer than the hosp, you only get a small amount of health back, etc).

    Have they changed it back again?

    Last night I died and went to the base as a joke. The joke being that usually I crash while loading the base. Suprisingly I made it in, which surprised me, as you might expect. However on leaving the base, I was even more surprised... I found myself just outside the mission door!

    I didn't mention it, thinking it was a random occurrance. But one of my SG/teammates who was defeated a couple of times in different missions, and both times went to the base said after the second time: 'Have they changed it to drop us outside the mission door if you go to the base now?'. At which point I guessed I must have slipped into an alternate universe.

    So my questions are: Has anyone else noticed this? Or have people stopped using the base completely and not noticed? Or was it something special about the missions or our SG or something?

    I should note that all of the missions we noticed this in were in Kings Row. The only reason I thought I'd point this out is because Kings has one of the best(/most useful) bugs/features that I have seen, in that you never have to wait for a train. It's also the only city zone without shops. Though I can't imagine why that would make any difference!

    Anyway, any thoughts?

    Sorry about the randomicity. I tend to phase in and out while I type. Like, you know, attention-wise, not like dimensional. Hmm.
  21. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Well that was an interesting evening, must have spent like an hour in the ski-ramp room in Frosty with the gang


    Weird.. After we finished Positron last night, I realised that my favourite blaster, poweramp, was no longer my favourite... It's Electrosity. I dunno why. I was standing there as Poweramp and wanting to log off so I could play Electrosity.

    Well, not sure of the plans tonight. I think we're all pretty much ready for Positron with our little 12 toons.. Again . I think Poweramp is 13 now, unfortunately he wasn't going to have a travel power at 14, and getting to 16 to get one seems a little far right now, lol. So I'll bet that Elec gets off the ground first, by a long shot.

  22. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    [ QUOTE ]
    So, not to miss out your post, but I am rushing since it almost time to log off and go home, all ok for 9.30 start tonight? I have a previous 'date' with my sister at the cinema so won't be back until then. Would that be alreet? Oh and btw, it is HEED

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nooooooo, it's HEAD!

    Yeah no worries, when ya get in ya get in, there's plenty to do otherwise

    Enjoy the film!
  23. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Yup we teamed with C for a while last night, he was on as HAWK The Hunter . I got this random tell from him and was like 'omg HAWK is still alive!', didn't even remember him till then! So looks like your connection is good to go again...

    Definitely keen to knock out this Position TF tonight too. Or at least get through it as far as possible. Don't want Poweramp stuck there too long either.

    Dang I'm enjoying my blasters. Electrosity has some real nice AoEs, and can take down a decent sized mob of evens pretty damn quickly. Poweramp is a massive blapper, and his ice powers are real nice too Both are at 12 now, not sure who I'll be focussing on tho, probably switch around depending who's on and what lvl.

    I was thinking about my fav AT last night (to Play, not 'in general'). Or rather trying to think of which it was. I think in order of preference:
    ... (all future ATs)
    Kheldian (either)

    Now that was a surprise to me. I know that defenders aren't 'my thing', so that wasn't too big a deal... But notice the weird progression from Controller to Brute? I haven't played Dominators or MM yet, so don't really know where they lie.

  24. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Oh yeah the coalition.

    I suggested it to Dutchy and Blade last night, to coalition with Da Mystery Men. Anyone have any problems with that or can think of any good reasons why? They're checking if their SG might have any issues with it too.

    Basically we had a few weeks of weirdness between some of our group, and they might not be completly happy with the idea.

    Yeah get Red Earth to 12 man, am looking forward to having a dedicated SG Kinetics-er

    Heh we had a 'WHO'S BEEN MESSING WITH MY BASE?!' issue once too, but it wasn't a big issue in the end.

    I'm guessing your bind is:
    /bind h beginchat /send marras

    If so, one idea could be to change it to another key like [ or ]. Another idea is to change it to put the 'h' at the end:
    /bind h beginchat /send marras H

    lol, but that would get annoying cause most of the time you won't be starting with an H, and you'll have to delete it...
  25. Tower_EU

    Ascended marras!

    Wow that was quite a fun night.

    Dragged a new guy kicking and screaming into our little SG, a cool little tanker on his first CoH toon, he's a villain at heart.

    Had one of the biggest levelling nights that I can remember, must have seen almost 20 dings or so . Highlights were our little Pentad team, one of each AT, blitzing missions, think we only had 3 plants in the whole evening, and I was very impressed by how few it was.

    Well the next plan is to start Positron again, with this other group of toons. I see Electrosity, Dutch Courage, HAWK the Hunter, Triggarin, and Red Earth (or Red Cleaver) all set to go on it. Think we should get them all to 12 first though, should be near enough, Electrosity is there now, and I need to stock him up with DOs... sweet sweet DOs.

    Damn running late for work, doh. Catch yas!