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  1. Out of curiousity, how would sonic work?
  2. Ok so my MA/Regen is already 50 and if I used him for AVs Ide be setting out a second build.
    Im also almost 50 on a NW.
    So how would the NW stack against Ma/Regen
  3. ok so how does MA hold up being a resisted primary?
  4. Also how effective do you feel that build would be?
    Could you solo all AVs?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bazzaro View Post
    Can someone post a build for MA/regen to solo AV's please it would be highly appreciated....thank you
    Im also interested i this if anyone could help
  6. TitanMan

    Martial Arts/

    Originally Posted by SpiderTeo_OC View Post
    Stuns wouldn't kill Martial Arts. I say just treat stuns the same way you would treat Crane Kick's KB. Some people don't like it, sure, but with some practice, it won't even be a minor annoyance.
    Since my MA/Regen is for PvP I would cry tears of joy if more stun was added to MA! I'm completely serious too. When I originally made my toon my SG told me I was stupid, and now they curse MA when they fight me do to quick attacks, and more so STUNS! I love them.
  7. Thanks for the build! A few questions about it:
    1) What is the magic number for Recharge that you need to use the best attack chains? I know the build is at 158.8%
    2) There are 2 set bonuses of HP beyond the cap, was this intentional?
    3) What are the tentacles there for? Do they serve a purpose against AVs or just there for the set bonuses? (I have never been a big tentacle cone fan)
    4) I was thinking of using Elude as an emergency click for +Recovery. Is this a good/bad idea?
  8. TitanMan

    Martial Arts/

    I have to mention that my experience with MA since hitting 50 is strictly PvP outside of Accolade hunting. I don't know how it stands in PvE once set bonuses are added in.
  9. TitanMan

    Martial Arts/

    Originally Posted by Matakoshi View Post
    Erm...maybe its just me...but my MA/Regen scrapper is nothing compared to my katana/regen...I find MA is far slower. Its more powerful per attack but i don't find that it outweighs the drop in speed from Katana. Can I ask what your attack chains are? Maybe I'm just haven't found the right chain...

    I also find that the animations are too long for me to hit my heals in time, not a problem I've had with my other kat/regen...

    But obviously you guys are finding different. Am I expecting too much compared to kat/regen, or do you think I'm not using him right? I haven't been able to get all the acolades for him yet, so he doesn't have all the base regen/recovery boosts my kat/regen has, but I never found a huge difference between my kat/regen having them and not having them...
    I use build up +eagles claw + crane kick + thunder kick + crippling axe kick + thunder kick/ repeat in pvp against melee
    against range I use eagles claw>cranekick>crippling axe
    from strongest to weakest depending on whats available while i chase them down.
    I have fought 3 IOed out Katanas (PvP builds), 2 with Purples, and all good players behind them, and won against all three in arena. I put out much more damage even with no purples.
    I'm not trying to brag, just point out that MA is a great set that is under appreciated. Take into account that the stun Mag2 in thunderkick and Mag3 in eagles claw hits pretty often
  10. TitanMan

    Martial Arts/

    Originally Posted by Myramani View Post
    TitanMan, this isn't twitter. Take your time and use real words, so the reader doesn't need a dictionary to figure out what you said.
    Wow........that really was bad lol! Ive never used twitter but that was awful now that I re-read it. haha oh well
  11. TitanMan

    Bane AV Killer?

    Thanks for the help LuxunS.
    If it wouldnt be too much trouble could you post an example build of the AV Night Widow, Im in the proces of leveling one for that purpose and dont know how to go about it. (I've never fought AVs solo) Thank you so much
  12. TitanMan

    Bane AV Killer?

    Originally Posted by LuxunS View Post
    This while it may seem a big hurdle, actually isn't in practice. Ignoring any resist buffs, on paper my fortunata does 221dps. Mind link has to be recast every 90 seconds and I lose less then one full attack chain. Typically when I cast ML I do restart my attack chain, it ends up being about a 10dps loss in the end, not very significant. My next project is making a widow that doesn't need mind link, almost have the build where i want it

    I tend to not get into discussions about archetyes I don't play, but PRAF68 is right about the bane animation times. I'm not going to get into the redraw, as i don't have a bane. Widows are good for soloing AVs because their attacks have very high DPA. They do better then most brute/scrapper sets. Banes on the other hand have very poor dpa. Since I don't have a bane, i'm not exactly sure what attack chain would be best but when I considered making one for AV soloing I worked up a build. Here are the numbers I came up with for DPA.

    Bane Spider Soldier
    Bash – 1.3/1.584 = 0.82
    Shatter – 2.78/2.508 = 1.11
    Pulverize – 2.14/1.716 = 1.25
    Crowd Control – 2.11/2.244 = 0.95

    Bash > Pulverize > Bash > Shatter
    .82/1.25/.82/1.11 in 7.392 = 0.54

    To put it short, thats garbage compared to widows. Even the lowest DPA of widow attack chains is twice as efficient.

    Arachnos Widow
    Swipe - .8 Lethal + 3x.08 toxic = 1.04/1.056 = 0.985
    Followup - .91/1.056 = 0.86
    Lunge – 1.82 + 4x.1 = 2.22/1.056 = 2.10

    Followup > Swipe > Lunge > Swipe
    .86/.985/2.1/.985 in 4.224s = 1.17

    Not taking sides, just stating the numbers. That doesn't mean it can't be done. I've heard of people soloing AVs with pure range fortunatas, and the dpa for that chain is 0.66. It may be possible, but it would surely take some time.
    What attack chain is most effective for Widows? or attack chains? I dont know how to calculate these things. Thanks
  13. TitanMan

    Updated mids???

    Originally Posted by Fleeting_Whisper View Post
    To quote Steiner from the Titan forums:

    Or, you could be patient and wait.
    Thank you Fleeting_Whisper!
    I just wanted a rough estimation of the numbers PvP sets could add to my build before I spent All of my hard earned Influence! haha I appreciate it though.
  14. Could someone post thier NightWidow AV Killer build as an example for me to look at? Also can I get some general infor about soloing AVs with a NW? Can they solo all AVs, only some, strengths weaknesses? The more infor the better. Thanks
  15. So I'm guessing it just comes down to how lucky you are? You could go in there and get killed the first attack from the AV or you could go without him scratching you. In that case is Medicine pool even worth it? I mean if you die that quick why take the time for the heal?
  16. TitanMan

    Martial Arts/

    MA is my favorite power in the game. I PvP on an MA/Regen, and it is amazing! Especially during a 1v1 against a WP Brute. It is hard for him to build fury when TK and EC are dropping hit RttC so fast he only has time to keep clicking it back on. lol I love it!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smite_King View Post
    with my little knowledge i think i can help, but with #1 do u mean sustain a high DPS chain or?..... but if #1 is sustaining a good DPS chain

    1)would be able to since a NW is basicly the same as a claws/sr

    2)would the right sets, i say yes.. remember that base +regen/+recov gives atleast .25 *iirc*

    3)would have to be VERY luck to avoid attacks after the first lands... you have a 17.3% def debuff res, which i dont know if is enhanceable *which could put it up to 30%*

    4)1074 BASE hp at lvl 50 would be enough to survive 2 direct hits in a row, one more and i think ull faceplant... BUT with the accolades you should be able to get around 1400 HP which could make you even more survivable.

    so i hope my answers helped.

    -Smite, self proclaimed lord of insanity
    #1 High enough to be successful, I don't really know how that is calculated I'm new to AVs
    The rest doesnt look to promising, but maybe I just didnt understand

    what is "iirc"?

    Is there anything Else I should be considering when building this toon?
  18. Ok Im only posting in the scrapper forum because I feel its where the most knowledge ab soloing AVs is contained.
    So is a NightWidow a god AT for AV soloing? I mean all AVs, I don't want to just pick and choose. I know I can easily hit the soft cap, but can i:
    1)sustain the damage
    2)sustain enough end
    3)survive AVs with DEF-DeBuff
    4)Is my HP going to be high enough for the attacks that get through?

    I appreciate the help.
  19. I would have to agree with you for most PvE, but he had specifically mentioned fire/kin Farming advice. As you said though it comes down to opinion and different builds work for different people
  20. As a long time farmer in a top ranked farming sg, here is my advice:

    1) Drop stone mastery, I recently tried it to as a change of pace and it didnt work. Stick with fire. Stone gives you Defense instead of the Res from fire, and you want that res to cap smash/lethal. Also stone costs more end, and you ST attack is melee, at leaset with fire blast/ char you can more easily grab the runner. Plus Fireball seemed to do more damage for me than fissure in game, but i havent checked the numbers to know for sure

    2) Smoke is a waste of a power. You don't need it for the Defense. Kill them and you will be fine. Some peole do enjoy it, but it is not necessary. Cages/flashfire/FS/Fireball and usually the guys are done by the time you refill healtha and end.

    3) (This should have been #1) You are too hung up on Defense. You should be more concerned with Res to reduce damage taken when you are hit, and HP so you can take moer damage. You should be capping your Res to smash/leth meaning you are taking 1/3-1/4 of the actual damage and healing like a mad man so you are fine without the defense.

    4) +ACC IS A MUST FOR A KIN!!!! The last thing you want is for Transfusion or Transference to miss leading to a faceplant or a toggle drop! Also that ACC in siphon speed is more import than the recharge because we want it to hit. I have one ACC one Rech with only modest Recharge in my build (since I have no Purps) and I can triple stack it for 60% extra recharge!

    5) SB (the most controversial power for a f/k)
    I have always hated it. I am a fire/kin, I can kill 8 person spawned 52 bosses solo......quickly. Why should I slow down for someone yelling SB Pleae, when I can drop two groups in that time. But........its worth it. You should have an extra power slot, so pick it up. SB your imps if solo to make them even bigger crack heads if you want. But on teams its great. Hell Im running with other firekins, we all SB eachother, and prestige rains from the skies. Or go to RWZ SB your friend Stone Brute and watch bosses kneel before you. It is worth it, much more than that crappy power smoke you got for a little extra def.

    Anyway I hope this helped.
  21. TitanMan

    Updated mids???

    Where can I find the updated Mids? I know its out there but I have heard it got pulled down due to a bug. Can anyone give me a link to it please!
  22. I want to use a dual build to take on all AVs. I see people in the forums listing off like a bajillion AVs soloed and I want to do that. I just dont know how to go about it or what I need to pick powers/slotting/enh wise.
  23. Rad Melee would be great. I have always thought they should make rad melee as the AOE alternative to Spines. I mean DeBuff, Aoe, Tons of Procs, and Cool animations. Can we ask for more.
  24. I use my 50 MA/Regen for PVP and now I want to solo AVs.
    Can it be done with this build(money for IOs are not an issue)
    If someone could post a build example for me Ide appreciate it.