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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Thanks. I'll try that now.
    Also keep in mind that costume items bought from the cash shop are PER CHARACTER.

    Which is tangentally related.
  2. Thirty-Seven

    please read.

    Originally Posted by BLYKMYK View Post
    "athletes are overpaid. they get paid $x to play a game. what a scam!"....
    Athletes are overpaid.

    Now, if only we could tell the millions of people who like to watch them that it isn't worth their time the Owners wouldn't have enough money to pay them such exorbitant salaries... oh wait.
  3. Also, with e-mail... there is no need to specify the server. Assuming you are willing to give out your global.
  4. Thirty-Seven

    Battlewraith Art


    Ever get commissions for male characters?
  5. If I buy the discounted version (which is on sale through tonight I think)... which "pack" am I getting? Just the normal one?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Yes, I am a comic trade paperback kinda guy!
    Me too... just razzing ya a little.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Oh, is this SA only 5 parts? I don't mean that "only" in a disappointed/derogatory sense, hehe, I just didn't realize that 5 was intended to be the finale. That's cool, if so!
    Yep, "only" five episodes.

    (The 1 of 5 on the loading screens wasn't a giveaway? )
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Damn, it's a sausage-fest in here.

    ... wait, why was I here again?!
  9. Thirty-Seven


    Originally Posted by Mind Forever Burning View Post
    Whose arc is Drowning in Blood?
    It isn't given by a specific contact. It is accessed via the Team-Up Teleporter (most folks call it the LFG Menu).
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cende View Post
    Other people have slightly different experiences.
    That's what I have found.

    However, I teamed for pretty much all of yesterday with my BF and found that it was a BLAST! Mowing through enemies like they were nothing. Lots of fun.

    The whole game seems to be balanced around the idea that a person is solo, so when you grab a mish and it says "Very Hard" with two? It becomes "As long as I don't try to get killed, it's cake".
  11. Okay, so I have been playing the Trial for this game... and just finished the 30 missions to get the bonus time and free points.

    I gotta say, I am really liking it. The UI can be unituitive at times, but the game itself is a blast. It's strange, I don't even mind the "Kill X Zombies" missions because the story is so varied and the monster types keep changing around as well as I move to different areas.

    I am very disappointed by the costume options though... but that is more than made up for, IMO, by the fact that I can have one character and he can have ALL of the abilities and literally do whatever role he wants.

    I have focused on Elementalism and Shotgun/Pistols so far, but I may just branch out a bit more as well as I gain skill points.

    I am on the Arcadia server with an Illuminati who's nick is Thirty-VII (as an aside, Thirty-Seven and many permutations thereof were taken ). He is my second character, but will likely be my main. I recreated the one I did the 30 missions on to team with the BF.

    I think it is very likely that we will both pick up copies over the weekend while the sale online is going on.

    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    I cannot recommend this game hard enough.
    Welcome back! Haven't seen your name around much in these parts.
  12. Just a bit too far for me to go. And I work the weekend.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jediknightcub View Post
    It seems arbitrary (although so does almost everything else that's happened since August 31, 2012, but...yeah) to restrict Double XP to 1 weekend only. At this point, what's the harm?
    I think it's a technical limitation. There is a server script that can be run that turns on Dbl XP for a weekend... there probably isn't one to alter it full time. In order to make that change, they might need Dev or Engineer time that simply doesn't exist anymore.

    Just a guess.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
    Publish everything on Beta onto Live. Because why not. :/
    Because they can't.

    There is no Dev Team anymore.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    I say we all meet up in AP33 on Virtue for the final Rikti showdown....
    That sounds like a glorious idea!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I like the way that he was still using the word "we".
    Don't take that to mean much.

    I know I for one use the term "we" still for jobs I haven't worked at in years... it kinda gets in your head when you work with a group of folks you like for a decent period of time.

    Heck, I have caught myself saying "we" in reference to Dairy Queen... and I haven't worked at one since I was.... 16ish?

    Of course... it might mean more. Personally? I doubt it.

    [Edit: The above is in reference to me assuming GG meant that it was a good sign that Paragon and CoH might yet be saved... not that the team members don't still talk, interact and think of themselves as a group.]
  17. Hmmmm... a brand new Issue just went live. No wonder I couldn't download anything, the servers were down I guess. :/
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Consultant View Post
    I've looked through the link to TSW several times...where is the 3-day trial option? All I see is full enrollment or a PC version plus 30 days of MMO.

    Any direction would be helpful. I'm probably staring right at it and not seeing it somehow.
    If you go to the Home page, there is a sidebar on the right a little way down that says: "Sign up for the trial."
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
    Uhm...didn't you just describe the entirety of coh population....including the devs? O.o
  20. Going to be running the trial soonish... Don't have a character name yet, but I guess it looks like Arcadia is the place to go.

    Sooooo, it doesn't look like the patcher is actually doing anything... is there supposed to be a progress bar or something?
  21. Thirty-Seven

    AP33 Forever!!

    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    Yes, not half bad.

    Every time I see you post in a thread I think to myself "I don't think I posted that..." Then I realize it was you and not me. :\
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    . . . I mean Alpha Wolf!
    Thank you Bionic! I will imagine Alpha looks just like that dude... sigh.

    Oh... ummm, why was I here again?

    Right. Leveling. I am on sporadically since the announcement. Usually from like 9 PM eastern and after, but Wednesday and Thursday are my days off... I might just be around to lend a hand.
  23. Thirty-Seven

    AP33 Forever!!

    Originally Posted by Itomic View Post
    Love this! Great work!