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  1. why not use tp rather than sj/ss?

    just curious. I usually pick tp as travel power, and you can pick up tp foe and tp friend in the pool of course, and that would come in handy sometimes in pvp
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Say friggin Nickelback or LinkinPark or somethin' gawdawful covered Thick as a Brick would be a travesty for some of us, but it would still endear the original intent of the peice to a whole new generation.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Have you heard Pat Boone's rendition of 'Smoke on the Water'?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    ha ha -- he has a whole cd full of metal songs. Imagine him crooning Jim's Morrison's line "there's a killer on the road..."
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    We've seen a lot of the people who work for Cryptic and NCSoft that we interact with leave for other projects.

    We do wish them the best, and hope their next "Home" is as friendly as we all were.

    that said.

    Who the hell is still here to mind the store.

    I know I've lost track of who's actually here and doing what.

    Can we get an updated list of who's doing what.

    We all know what Cuppa does, Statesman we know to, Castle seems to be doing anything he can get his hands on(He DOES sleep right? we know Cuppa doesn't).

    so can we get a list of people telling us who's doing what?

    I'm starting to loose touch on who's actually developeing this game.

    I see

    Gil(no longer here, but HI GIL)
    Squeeze(who only had 19 Posts. HI)

    that's 18 people who have posted recently enough to be on the dev post thread. 2 of which are leaving, 1 has already left.

    Several we see vary rarely, I mean they have less then 100 posts. I mean Hell, I have more posts then all of them but Cuppa.

    So can someone fill in who does what? Are there new people comeing in to fill spots, or people internally promoted.

    It'd be nice to have a sticky with the listing of who does what so we can send messages to the right person, instead of everyone sending them to Cuppa and hopeing she passes them on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No offense to most of the people who left...

    But keep in mind, most of the people left aren't exactly critical members of the game. And there's Cryptic people who aren't active on the forums (at least as red names).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    no offense, Satanic Hamster, but you're an ignoramous, and I mean that in a good way.*

    *just an example of the proper use of "no offense, but..." You're suppose to say "No offense, but" and then say something offensive.

    *end of lesson*
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Lets go destroy Auto Assault and get our devs back!

    ::Picks up her big honkin' gun and loads it up:;

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes glorious leader!! \o

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *jumps into formation behind Mantid*
  5. I'm askeeert!

    *drags blankie off to to closet and hides in corner*
  6. my only question then is:

    is catwhoorg anti-anti-catwhoorg?
  7. so when are y'all coming to Oshkosh??

    PS Cuppa Jo is HAWT
  8. wow how did you do that??

  9. I find harvesting resources a dull grind but I enjoyed the racial armor quests in EQ.

    You'd get special "molds" for each piece, and then you'd get components that would fit in the mold. When you had all the pieces, you'd make the armor. The armor would boost your stats by a little bit.

    the molds were actually little UI screens with memory of what you put in them.

    you got the pieces for the mold by adventuring.

    Something like that would be cool. Not altogether different from accolades that increase stats, however -- just a different presentation.

    Possibly for us it would unlock new costume options -- the analogue of "racial armor" could be an AT specific costume screen, and when you'd gotten all the parts, you'd be able to unlock a new option for that piece (e.g. a special design for your feet or AT-specific hair options or crown or whatever).

    It's not necessarily any more compulsive to enjoy crafting than it is to enjoy adventuring, by the way : )

    I don't know much about bases yet, but whatever the dev's do to improve customizability in them is going to be very popular with some people.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Forget the bobbing. Why is he gray?!?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hm looks bright blue to me -- you must be color blind. Right, everyone?
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    "He can't go to the bathroom without taking out a city block."

    Now tell me, wouldn't YOU Be bobbing?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Exactly what it looks like to me, and Statesman has a stern "No, you may not go to the bathroom" look about him.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Indeed -- this is it.
  12. I just logged on virtue, 9:30 AM central on a Saturday morningl, and did a search and found 1184 players. Not exactly prime time.
  13. I love it when people pull numbers out of their ... you know where.
  14. nah by that time he'll have moved on to the next thing he's gonna be pissed about.

    who we talking about anyhow?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yah the day I see superheroes farming instances for uber gear is the day I join the Scrabble Tournament Championship

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe not for "uber gear" but super heroes have been farming instances (Hammidon) in this game since release, and you better believe SG's will be farming instances for Prestige and Salvage to get the CoH equivalent to "gear" in their bases.

    And just wait till these mysterious new enhancements Statesman spoke about come out. Better believe people will be farming for them too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    of course they will. there has to be SOMETHING for people to ebay.

    I did not know that the hamidons were in the game at release.

    *lays down "flatulent* and donates triple word score to the sense of humor society*
  16. that's all well and good.

    Just DON'T mention the war!

    *reference to Fawlty Towers*
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Just checked the dictionary its

    Quinquagesimal, sorry for the one letter wrong.

    It refers to a period of 50 days. Often used to desribe the time between Eatser and Pentecost.

    for some very obscure use of the word often I feel.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    why didn't you say so in the first place?? now it makes sense.

    *now that's there's an a, lays "antidisestablishmentarianism" perpendicularly*
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    *enlarges cat's Quinquegesimal to Quinquegesimallation for triple triple word score*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That wouldn't even fit on the board! I call shenanigans.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you the sidewalk supervisor or you playing scrabble?

    it's YOUR turn. *tap tap tap* we're all waiting.
  19. *enlarges cat's Quinquegesimal to Quinquegesimallation for triple triple word score*
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Yah the day I see superheroes farming instances for uber gear is the day I join the Scrabble Tournament Championship

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Man, you make fun, but Scrabble tournies are hardcore. I've heard stories about the words they use. It's insane, seriously. I'll see if I can find the website.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll take


    on a triple word score, plus the four, two and three letter words going cross ways for the win!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    that's NOT a word!
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Where would your subscription numbers be if ED had gone live without the launch of a hugely hyped expansion?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Since it didn't go down that way, who would know?

    You mastery of the inclusion of theorems into an argument in a completely pointless manner is impressive. And while it's an intriguing question, the fact that it's not an answerable one makes it rather useless to ask in context with this argument.

    Short version: Could have, should have, would have. We'd all be rich.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's just sour grapes really. This wave of harbingers of DOOOOOOOMMMM are getting their "I'm always right" illusion popped, and for some it takes a while to come back into the real world.

    Never fear though: there'll be another troupe of them next time to beeatch and moan.

    Hell is other people.