
Mr. Infinity 2011/PvP University
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    I quoted this and addressed it in my very first part of my reply...stating the developers do not understand how pvp works is imo fallacious at best. My point was they understand the mechanics of pvp, but there is no financial reason for them to re-visit pvp in this game on a large scale.
    Unforunately, there is no financial reason for them to do anything other than create vanity pets, and costumes. These two things probably have the highest profit/cost ratio for them.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sinistar6000 View Post
    When you say players will be chosen randomly does that mean a player can use any toon? Just figured if that's the case the player base may want to make sure they have both damage and support ready to fit team needs.

    My personal prefrence on incarnates is none except alpha. I don't mind playing with all but lore though.

    Thanks for orginizing by the way.

    Not saying this how Dio will set it up, but in the past usually you would have everyone sign up on one character.

    Teams were randomly drawn each round. So yes you could end up with all damage or all support. Each player had their own wins/losses record and by the end of the 3-5th round the top xxxx players would move to finals.

    I've run it where in the finals teams were static, but I think others have run it where you still do random teams.
  3. Lethal lotteries have been one of the more popular pvp events that I've seen hosted.

    If you don't do random partners switched between rounds you might want to limit specific ats or power sets.

    Id be happy to donate some funds for this, how about 500mill. If you get a few more donations you should have a pretty nice prize pool. If you want me to try to contact one of the community reps for swag id be happy to, or you can by pming them, describing your idea and what prizes you are requesting.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I was mostly referring to folks who don't like being competitive, or who are put off by trash talkers and "ganky" players, stuff like that. Things that nothing strictly mechanical is going to really sway one way or the other.

    Yes, some people no matter what will never try PvP. Samuel Tow said pretty much that (I believe).

    Those other things will repell some players from trying pvp as well.

    What we attempted to do with Boot Camp was to remove as many of those as possible.

    It was made clear from the get go, that this was only for learning and having fun, rather than a true competition.

    Trash talking was strongly frowned upon, pretty much every PvP event I have ever hosted on Victory has been free of Trash Talk.

    Most of the reasons people dislike PvP is their experience with Zone play, that is really unforunate.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Maybe. I kinda doubt many would be like that, but I'm sure a few would. And some would still actually dislike some of the remaining I13 changes. And of course there's all the other stuff people have been posting in the other thread, but I gather that's not your focus here.
    HD really you can get around that with incandesence.

    DR- thats a hard fix, without looking at mez and inherent resists.

    The damage thing- You called it DPA- I will go with that term- That honestly is pretty minor. I think a quick explanation for people entering zone would go a long way with that.

    Honestly, ask around I think TS is the #1 hated thing that changed post i13.

    As far as the attitudes or griefing nature (was that what you ment by the other thread?) that could be handled with more strict moderation, or removal of broadcast from PvP zones.

    Or was there something else in the other thread? I really don't read everything posted, I barely have enough time to read this thread to be honest.
    Guess I can go read it now....
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    TS isn't I13. But TS/HD/DR + mez changes + DPA normalization covers an awful lot of the I13 changes.

    I'm open to the idea that you could rank the changes in I13 and that TS might be the top one that people dislike. But I do think a lot of people dislike all of them, and that's why they refer to them as a single, monolithic thing.

    There was also inherent resists, changes to shields, and minor stuff as well but yes the big three are:

    HD/TS/DR- with the two biggest CFs being HD and TS.

    The reason I would suggest we keep them apart is that I think its a super easy fix to turn off TS.

    Hell, I have personally seen Z do it in warburg.

    That would go a long way in making PvP 'fun', since one of the biggest pros about CoX PvP has always been the speed at which it was played.

    If we lump it all together and the common mantra that everyone learns is:

    I13 I13 I13 I13

    And by some miracle we get TS turned off, you will still have people thinking- well thats nice BUT it was i13 that broke PvP only fixing this one small thing doesnt cut it, and they wouldn't even try PvP.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post

    * I have to say, I don't see any value in distinguishing between I13('s PvP changes) and DR/TS/HD in discussion. Yeah, they weren't the only things in I13, but calling it "I13" is a heck of a lot easier to say and type.

    Humor alert:

    I really don't see you having an issue with typing/saying things ad naseum.

    (smiley face include to indicate joke).
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    If you drive across state, you might take a few local roads, a long stretch on an interstate (let's call it I-500), a long stretch on a highway (let's call it "Route 40") and then some more local roads.

    If someone at your destination asks "how did you get down here?", it would usually be fairly acceptable for you to respond with something like "I took I-500 to 40, and then on over". Yes, you would be omitting important details, and if someone else wanted to take the same route, that would not be enough information for them without more research. But it gets the idea across.

    The other thread about why people don't PvP now is asking something that pre-I13 players can answer similarly. "How did I get here?" And like answering a question about directions, they're giving the major thoroughfares they followed, not every little twist and turn.

    Immediately after I13 there was huge turmoil, and a bunch of rage quitting. Various aspects of play seemed to go into decline in terms of participating players, though at different rates - zone play dropped off at a different rate than organized ladder/league stuff.

    Occam's razor seems to apply. I13 happened in between two visibly different states, so it seems perfectly reasonable to assign aspects of I13 a causal relationship to the state change.

    You stated clearly that it's your opinion, but I think you're reading too much into what people mean when they say "I13 is why I don't play". Yes, for some of us, it really does specifically mean we're not going to play so long as there is DR/TS/HD in PvP. But for at least some people it clearly means "Because of what's happened to the community after the changes in I13". And if the community got bigger and more active, some of those people would likely play again/more.

    But if too many people don't like the mechanics of post-I13 PvP (as in they don't find them fun to tool around in, not whether they find their math pleasing), you've got a serious uphill battle, because you need critical mass to create a community, and having too many people dislike the mechanics fights you creating that critical mass.

    So is "I13"* the absolutely only thing that changed? No. Did everyone leave after/because of it? Obviously, no. Did it cause such an upheaval that it seriously damaged the previously existing community? I am of the opinion that it did.

    * I have to say, I don't see any value in distinguishing between I13('s PvP changes) and DR/TS/HD in discussion. Yeah, they weren't the only things in I13, but calling it "I13" is a heck of a lot easier to say and type.

    The point is removing TS would go along way in helping to make PvP fun again.

    TS is not i13. Saying only by reverting to pre-i13 would PvP be fun again is not the same as saying I really dislike TS.

    That is why it is important and honest to say what part of I13 you dislike or want changed. Rather than lumping everything into one big steaming pile.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hell Razer View Post
    Many of us have absolute zero desire to engage in pvp. Why not dedicate a pvp only server? Let them rule their own piece of land.

    There are some of us who enjoy PvEing as well, I don't just pvp (well didn't) I enjoyed trying to power game the PvE content as much as possible as well.

    There are some PvPers who might actually like your suggestion though, I know its been brought up time and time again that accolades gated behind PvE content is as bad as badges located in PvP zones.
  10. I have a dramatic book reading of the old man and the sea that I must attend.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DevilYouKnow View Post
    My best friend who I have known since high school got me into the game and he is an avid PvPer. He’s tried many times to get me into to it, insuring me that I will love it. I ‘ve tried it a few times and the best I can say is that not every time was horrible.

    My experience is, of course, only proof of my experience, but even my pal who loves it gets frustrated with all the trash talk and invective. About half his PvP SG quit because the other half acted like *****.

    I won’t repeat exactly what I have heard because the last time I did I got a friendly warning that some words are not appropriate for the forums. Apparently, they are fine for broadcast:

    Examples: “You used inspires! That’s cheating!”, “You suck! Running away when you’re out numbered 3 to 1. Stay here and let us kill you.” “You SS/Invul tank beat my (insert AT and Powerset). You’re a hacking **** **** and you probably suck *****. You are totally g** and a h**o”

    In short, I could get around how totally nerfed my main toon’s build is in PvP. If I had a desire I could do a dual build and slot him as best I could and probably win occasionally. But why in the world would I bother?

    They are some people whose only fun comes from ruining other people’s play. They consider it a legitimate form of play to grief. The harder you make it to do so, the more they enjoy it. If you don’t like it, well that’s too bad. It’s your fault for not getting the joke or not being good enough to stop them. I have occasionally run into this in PvE (This one guy wanted me to race him and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Ever), but I almost always run into this whenever I am in a PVP zone. (I usually try to get badges and PvE rewards on dead PvP servers.) When these guys show up and repeatedly kill me even when I explain that I’m not a challenge and I’m just badging, I log to a different toon and I’m usually hit with tells calling me a coward and other colorful phrases.

    Yes, I realize it is a PvP zone and I know I am at risk when I go in there, but I can’t imagine what they get out of it and I don’t really want to.

    I am sorry if it seems like I am ripping on PvPer’s, I don’t mean to. I am sure that there are gracious winners and losers out there that have perspective and act in a civilized manner and to those folks, I am sorry there are not enough of you to drown out the jerks.
    That is unforunately the issue with zone pvp. A few small population of players can cast a huge shadow over an entire group.

    I used to zone pvp almost everyday. The one thing I noticed was the "griefers" were usually a few small group of players, and the worst trash talkers by far were actually ostracized by both sides. There was a flying cold/psi dom on Victory that was the classic example of this. The guy would trash talk non-stop. He rarely got a kill, but he would broadcast every kill he saw mocking the hero. He was generally disliked by both sides and no one would team with him or come to his rescue if he was under attack. It wasn't until I actually talked to the guy that I found out a few things. First that it was actually his way of.. idk... I guess RPing as a villain?

    The point is, if you were in zone when he was, you would assume that all villains were trash talking jerks, when to be honest, most of the villains in zone were rolling their eyes at his broadcasts as much as the heroes.

    Zone pvp is a poor example for what PvP can be. I have rarely seen (but I have) after a team match players mocking each other or being <pancakes>. For the most part its GG or nice fight.
  12. First off, Hi mac.

    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    I think Uber's list and my list are pretty similar since we tend to team with the same groups of people. I could start listing names but even the players just from Justice would take a bit. I remember playing in a pentad plus tournament just before I13 which was a ton of fun but imploded as soon as I13 launched because 1) the I13 arena ruleset left PvP unplayable and 2) the players that didn't leave gave up on the tournament. There was a big 2v2 tournament shortly before I13 went into beta that had people paying for server transfers for a shot at a 500 million inf prize (remember that was a big deal back then). Very few of the players who participated in that tournament still play.
    My response wasn't to "Did people leave the game due to i13." it was to "the ALL left because of i13".

    Did I lose friends post i13. Yes, specifically, Putz left, Ed left, VV left, W left, r0x left (he only comes back now for badges). The fact that players left due to i13 is not something that is false. What is false is that EVERYONE left because of i13, or that it was i13 alone that killed PvP or left it in the sad state that is it currently.

    So what else (in my opinion) caused pvp to wither?

    1)Server transfers- Some PvPers moved to freedom, some wanted to say on their home server. Freedom became the mecca of PvP population, while zones in other servers became tumbleweeds and farmers. This certainly did not help to sustain the PvP population, new players who might have tried PvP and ventured into a pvp zone found no one there to pvp with. New players who had questions about PvP found no players on their *home* server to ask questions. I can't tell you how often I asked Putz, Ed, Peril, Doc Boy, r0x, and others and questions about pvp before I even made my first PvP toon. Essentially, the only breeding ground for PvP was Freedom and any PvPers left behind in the max exodus to Freedom had to find new activities to keep them entertained outside of PvP.

    2)Lack of support- We have had some great community reps when it comes to promoting or participating in PvP. When Z was participating in Boot Camp on victory he talked about it on almost every single one of his "coffee talks", he got a lvl 5 pvp event posted on the CoH Facebook page, he shows up on servers and broadcasts that he is in a zone and you will see people flock there to kill him as he jumps around in a rularu or golden roller costume. Avatea was great with getting swag for pvp event. Ocho was one of the few community reps who was willing to face the trolling by posting in /ac or the pvp forums, also Ex she was a strong supporter of PvP. However, between these and with so many of these supporters leaving we had community reps who really didn't give PvP any support or who PvPEC had to beg for swag, only to be told no. That also contributed to the lack of people trying PvP. I don't only blame the community reps but also PvPEC (which I am also at fault for) for not running more events to try to keep people interested in at least TRYING pvp.

    3) Attrition- I said it in the original post and I still think its true. The game's population has decreased as a whole. The PvP "population" of this game has always been a small fraction of the total. As the total population decreased the group that PvPed also decreased, to the point were there isn't enough of us left to really run any high scale ladders, tournys or any team based PvP. Yes some of this attrition was due to i13 (perhaps even a large portion) but some people grew up got jobs, went to college, joined the military () or for some other reason stopped playing the game. It wasn't ALL due to i13.

    Am I splitting hairs- perhaps. If so I accept that, but I just think its kind of crap to say i13 killed pvp because with that attitude there is no coming back from it, that gives no one any incentive to try pvp. I ran 2 seasons of Boot Camp and in both I was able to spark interest in PvP in players who had never tried PvP ever. They all had heard the PvP was horrible and broken since i13 but they were willing to try it and when some of them found that they actually enjoyed it and were willing to join the 2nd season of boot camp as mentors for other new players. Did it really change the face of pvp population, no, but if we had gotten away form the mantra that i13 killed pvp by making it unplayable then perhaps we would have had more players join or try pvp and the population wouldn't be the shadow of its former self.

    So that is why I responded to "I13 drove them all away" the way that I did. Its just my opinon but as someone who has consistantly tried to grow and support new player trying pvp it really goes against everything that I have attempted to do for the last 2 years.

    TS/HD/DR are the I13 changes, in a nutshell. Sure, there are other bits and pieces not there, but those are the three mechanics PvPers almost universally seem to dislike. I don't think any PvPer worth their salt pre-I13 would disagree with your assertion that the old system wasn't perfect. Everyone knew the system had its flaws and the community even had a nice list of things that needed fixing and how they could be fixed, and they were essentially ignored.[/FONT]
    I actually wrote up a post this morning about this but as I drove in I realized I totally missed the point that I wanted to make so I deleted it and am making this one.

    Again everything Im stating is my opinion and is biased by my personal feelings and beliefs:

    HD/TS/DR =/= I13

    Yes they are parts of i13, and there is a reason I want to try to keep them as just a part rather than saying they are synonymous.

    If we say that everything that everything that is wrong with PvP is from i13. (In my opinion) we are fostering the belief in the general population that there is no coming back unless we repeal all of the changes together.

    That to me is much different than saying that we want travel supression removed, or heal decay or diminishing returns or some combination of the them. When we say that we point out the subsets of i13 that really reduce the enjoyment of PvP for the majority of the players.

    I know, it sounds the same but in my mind its not. We can turn off these aspects of the PvP mechanics that we don't enjoy in the arena so if we want to introduce players to PvP they can see and compare the two versions of the PvP game and make a decision as to if they enjoy it or not.

    We can show these new players why TS isn't fun, we can show the devs/community reps why TS isn't fun.

    Its the same with HD and DR.

    The biggest issue that I have with lumping them all together and calling it i13 is that- asking for a fix for all three of those would be a huge undertaking.

    We both know that you can't adjust HD without looking at inherent resists.

    The same goes with looking at DR without looking at mez changes and damage modifers (or whatever the term for that is).

    I think that by people going around saying i13, i13, i13 it doesn't lend itself to fixing the issue or pointing out what parts of i13 we really strongly want changed. It just starts a dogma that PvP isn't worth trying.

    Again all my opinon jaded by the fact that these are the mentalities and attitudes that I have tried to deal with and overcome in getting people to try PvP.
  13. The_Masque

    Alternate fun

    Lots of weddings and trips.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    So, I finally have time to sit down and write a long response.
    Thanks. I'm actually glad you took the time to look at the posts and express yourself in a somewhat respectful way (for the most part).

    lol, know what, I spent like 2 hours typing up a point by point response to you, but in all honesty I was over this discussion with you like a day ago.

    I will PM you my comments to your post, it seems the most mature thing to do.
  15. Sigh, it sucks that you are asking me to repond when im not at home, my choices are type on my phone or use my laptop that drops the connection.

    You sure are tenacious, I will give you that. However, I thought the issue you had was your misconception of my definition. Of balance, I've already showed that it was some elses definition that I was responding to as well as at least one other poster staating that they viewed balance in the same way as perhaps that first poster.

    Now you want my pvp cv because I question you pvp experience... I guess that is fair.
    I didn't join this game till whatever issue rv opened. I played the first year with minimal pvp play. I think I buffed in sirens call a few time. Idk what year would that have been...2006? This would be much easier if I wasn't on my phone.

    I met putz, vv, w ed and some others while pveing with them. They tried to get me interested in pvping but for the most part I just empped while putz pled.

    Finally after trying villians 2007 maybe? I started pvping on a stalker, sirens and rv. Base raiding with some fun villian groups on victory.

    A trio of us moved to infinity because it was "the" arena pvp server. I became friends with players in the dUmb channnel and had my @$$ handed to me by shu and stella.

    I did mostly zone RV on infinity for maybe a year with the occasional duel against critakill, warlust and such. I believe but don't quote me that tpvpl season 1 was about this time, or perhaps just prior.

    I was drafted by ed for lazer city jesus eyes, and we were horrible.

    I joined pvpec and ran all of the pvp evens on victory except maybe 1 lvl 5 event for idk..3 years?
    when raid left pvpec he asked me to run it but due to lack of communication and seeing the direction some people wanted to take pvpec I stepped down and ck and peril took over.

    So my experience pre i13 was mostly zone play with some dueling and minimal team arena.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
    give me a day or two for the smoke to settle and I'll send you what I have left, as I just burnt another 100b and for at least a moment my solo sg is #1 on victory
    I heard about
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
    Even with community rep backing it failed. There are people havent received codes for the last league an a lot of people cant get one since they only distribute the codes via pm's so people with premium accounts wont get one. When people try to talk to Zwillinger about this he just dodges the the issue entirely.
    Hell there are people in u2bg who still havent received their t-shirts and other stuff they were promised for winning.
    What happened to the stuff promised for the Champion pvp league? I mean i can understand not wanting to be associated to anything with Budweiser involved but still.
    Hey TRT, I wanted to chime in about this.

    In all honestly, Z has been really great about getting prizes for PvP events getting costume codes for that many players was a huge deal, considering in the past we had to beg and plead for getting like 5 to 10 codes for an event.

    Avatea and Ocho were also both great in this aspect, they got the prizes with minimal reminding/harassment and actually wrote us back if there were any issues with obtaining the requested swag.

    I don't know if its legal to talk about this but (and I forget where I read this- either the PvPEC boards or the PvPEC GP site). Part of the issue with the T-shirts for U2BG was that people were requesting XS or 4XL t-shirts which Paragon Studios (idk if they were called that back then) didn't even have access too. I don't know what ended up happening but I'm sure communications broke down.

    The champion league, Bud told me (while we were still both on Sporks) that he was pulling all the prizes and telling paragon studios that he didn't want any swag for the event. That is why if you look at the rules now on the GP site there is no mention of prizes nor were any of those "full sets of pvp Ios" given to team captains after the 2nd week.

    When I talk about lack of support I'm talking about when I was leading PvPEC and was told "no we can't get you any swag". We then went almost 4 months with no communication with that rep, we couldn't add anyone to the hidden PvPEC forums nor remove people who had left/quit. The fustration was tremendous, and I was personally funding all the events with my own "swag", this actually was a common practice for PvPEC, the leader prior to myself would actually buy time cards or DVD box sets and offer them as prizes, because there was a lack of support from the devs at that time.

    So to go from that to what we have now, where I could talk to Avatea or Z and get 20 codes with no issues is amazing. For Kat to get the, idk, 30+ codes he got is unheard of.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
    Pre-I13 pve knowledge was the same as pvp knowledge and if you knew any sort of fps tactics on top of the basics of coh pve you were golden. Dont try to make pvp out to be some secret society that only the anointed ones could understand, that only happened post-I13 and the convolution caused by TS/HD/DR. The mindset that pvp was so hard and had to be formally taught is arguably what got us I13 in the first place.

    Also, if you actually knew Con you'd know he pretty much pvp'd for the lulz that could be had. He was never all that competitive but he made pvp enjoyable mostly from his personality. His test league team came after I13 because there was a vacuum and we knew pvp was beginning to circle the drain.

    My post about extensive knowledge was pure sarcasm.

    The point I was trying to make was simply that someone was speaking about PvP from an authoritative position when that person had minimal if any PvP experience.

    At the point where someone speaks based on second hand knowledge or information you really lose the validity of that information, because now you are accepting as fact whatever personal opinions or biases that person has formed about the data/experience they have collected (rather than forming your own).

    You are 100% right, I don't know Con, I only have heard some of the Justice PvPers talk about him and read some of his posts. So if I claimed to be an expert on Con I would be as guilty as the next guy of talking about something I had no real experience with.

    My point was:

    Some people left CoX after i13. Some people came back. However, Pre i13 pvp was just as broken as post i13 pvp.

    I think everyone who states otherwise is focused on TS/HD/DR while missing that the very things we (as the pvp community) asked for in our top priority demand list we got.

    Do you remember when arena was almost unplayable because you had to keep resetting to get a "playable" map? that was a simple fix but it was huge.

    That is/was my point.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
    I had an exchange with MP after a "quick" lambda trial that indicated that either I don't understand what's going on or she doesn't. Am I wrong in this assessment.

    There are basically 4 ways to do a lambda.

    1. Kill outside - turrets - courtyard - get acids and grenades - Victory style, wait till 18:30 and then use acids and wipe everything.

    2. Similar to 1 without doing turrets

    3. No outside/turrets, courtyard to open the facility then get acids and grenades but don't use the acids and wipe everything outside

    4. As 3 but never enter the acids part of the facility, whole raid rampages throught the grenades side killing stuff in there as the timer won't allow you to proceed for 5 mins anyway, then get the last grenade as clock approaches 5 mins. This (I've never done one) is my understanding of "Freedom standard" for a fast run. By doing this the timer never extends so guaranteed 5 mins.

    1. is best if you're desperate for iXP.
    2. is probably more efficient than 1 for rewards/time
    3. seems worst of all worlds, you give up on 2/3 of the iXP and chance for catalysts and threads, and it's not even that fast unless you can clear both sides inside 5 mins.
    4. You recover some of the iXP/threads/catalysts by actually killing stuff inside, you lose 1 astral, but may recover the 4 threads anyway.

    The only reason for doing a 3 would be if you had a league full of +3s and were confident of clearing the whole inside within 5 mins (we took 7-8 in the one I did as there were several +0s).

    #4, is as Klaw stated, how sLams are run on Freedom. Its pretty fast and effective, the one thing that seems to help a lot is if there is enough -jump on the team you can keep Maurader from jumping around and he just stands at his spawn point the whole time (note: I have yet been able to prove its -jump, but that is what everyone keeps telling me keeps him locked in place).

    #3, I have seen players run speed lamadas this way as well. I guess the thought is, if you can clear both the warehouse and the lab in under 2 minutes it would be *faster* than just blitzing the grenades. When I have been on one of these type of runs, typically you just do just what you describe, leave all the doors open and just try to beat down Maurader as fast as possible, hoping that you kill 30 IDF to get that extra astral as well.

    I think the real differences between the two would be:
    1)with #3- you have the opportunity if everything goes to <pancake> to close the doors since you have the temps.

    2)4 would be a bit faster IMO, by maybe 45-90 seconds.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Christ, Masque, I thought I posted long stuff. I'm going to have to have that open in a separate window to respond to it point by point.

    Dual montiors ftw.

    You haven't been reading my posts. It's balance. It's just the most narrow, limited form of balance possible.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    This is wrong on a scale so epic I can't even see it all from where I'm standing.

    Ask anyone who does serious game design and I promise you that is not even close to what they will tell you.

    Said another way: "You keep using that word (balance). I do not think it means what you think it means."
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    *sits down in his armchair*

    The only way I can see to possibly achieve anything even coming close to balanced enough to not matter anymore is to put two or more characters of opposing factions in the room with the exact same abilities, exact same attributes and exact same weaknesses. The environment must be completely symmetrical with zero variation at any point. Both players must be of exactly the same skill level (ratings systems do not accomplish this since they can be gamed) and all players must be playing on the exact same system with the exact same technical specifications on a connection that operates at the exact same speed/latency.

    Or it can be turn based.

    Z!!! have you not been reading Uber's Posts. THAT IS NOT BALANCE!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I am not using the word in some special way that applies only to me. I am using it in a way that many game makers and players use. Specifically, I rebut that achieving "balance" requires that two characters facing off have to have a 50/50 chance of winning and have equal DPS, mitigation, mobility, etc., to achieve "balance". You specifically claimed that and used it to assert that balance is impossible and/or undesirable. There's a term for saying an untruth about something and using it to argue that the something is wrong or bad - it's a strawman argument.
    I never said that balance was achievable, only that its the same in PvE as it is in PvP.

    Perhaps you missed Coyote_Seven's post:

    While player characters are arguably well balanced against the game's environment, it's pretty clear that they're rather imbalanced against each other and always have been. How well and how often could a Controller win against a Tank or a Brute on an otherwise even playing field? Even if they're both tricked out with IOs, accolades, set bonuses and Incarnate abilities. I'm sure someone out there's crunched the numbers already!

    Besides that, it's easy to say that it could be improved on just because other parts of the game were improved on. But the devil's always in the details. Exactly how is it supposed to be improved? The devs have already made several attempts to improve it and those have all pretty much failed. What more could they do? Give all PCs in PvP zones an equal number of hitpoints? I don't know!
    This is what I responded to with:


    Controllers can beat tanks/brute almost 100% of the time. /poison is a beast.

    There is no such thing as balance in any competitive game. If there was there would no point in playing.

    If there was a 50/50 chance of me winning in a fight no matter what, then why would I even want to compete.

    There is a reason there is no competitve coin flipping league.

    In PvE characters are certainly not balanced. If so why do do you hear people asking for corrs/defenders over PBs/WSs.
    So again, I didn't define "balance" as comparing one character to another and stating that "balance" ment that either player had an equal chance of wining. I was replying to a coment from another poster.

    Therefore you are either being disingenuous by stating that balance does not mean what *I* think it means, or you simply didn't really read the posts.


    I don't think CoH is as well balanced as it could be, either before I13 or after. I think better balance is a desirable goal. I will be very shocked if we ever get it, because it takes time and effort, and PvP is too niche a concern for our community.
    Bolded pretty much what I've been saying this whole time. You desire a better balance, and I believe I asked (perhaps it was in a draft of my post) what would you do to create this balance you think is the only way to have viable pvp in this game? Honestly, have you even considered what you are asking for? Or because PvP isn't really up your alley do you instead just buy into what your "friends" told you?

    OK. I13 chased most of the good ones away.
    Yet every league we get old school PvPers back who join and then leave again once the leagues are over.

    Because I was party to conversations involving a dozen or so people who did, zone and arena, pug and league/ladder, and I understand the mechanics of the game. While nothing is a replacement for actual experience, with a firm knowledge of game mechanics and some experience you can draw a lot of decent conclusions. When those conclusions are then verified by what other players who actually PvP a lot report, you can feel pretty confident that you're on the right track.
    I watched an episode of CSI once, but I don't think that qualifies me as a forensic scientist.

    I also spend a lot of my time talking to surgeons, that doesn't mean I'm going to pick up a scapel or tell one how to do sugery.

    I just do not understand how you can ride your high horse and lay judgement on an aspect of the game which you by your own admission have never really participated in. Maybe if you did, you would realize something can be fun without having to be 'balanced'.

    By the way, what are you attempting to imply with your emphasis asterisks on "friends"? Are you trying to insinuate that they didn't exist? That they weren't my friends?
    Yes, I was. If this hurts your feelings in anyway, I do appologize.


    Dark Blast and Rad Blast did not exist for Blasters in I13.

    Sonic was not that popular on Blasters because of its animations. It was more popular (though I still didn't see it used a lot) on Defenders.

    And thanks for reinforcing my point about AR compared to the others.
    They exist now. Sonic was popular on blasters, perhaps the 3rd most popular: following fire and Ice. I was actually serious about AR, you can pick a power set just for proc damage. Look at Rad blast, you can pick up some nice proc damage IOs from defense debuff sets as well as acc defense debuff. There is a KB set (Explosive strike I believe) that has a damage proc that allows it to be placed in various AR ST attacks.

    Also for a humor break I offer:

    Archery is great at low level pvp, due to its power recharge and its acc.

    No. I have explained why and how it is not. If you don't undestand, you aren't reading what I am saying. (Edit: Arcanaville is saying something similar, too.)
    Just because Aracana says it, doesn't make it true. Just as Z saying Masque is right (sort of) doesn't make my points valid.

    I understand what you are saying:

    You think that everything should have a place- that every power should be
    desirable in some situation. I get your idea of what balance means to you. However, my point is, that isn't a PvP phenomenon (oh btw Aracana also said something similar to this). Its a CoX phenomenon. So saying that PvP isn't viable or is broken because of this is pretty rediculous. If that is what makes PvP so unplayable and that is why people don't PvP then wouldn't everyone also not PvE?

    Yeah, and the community offered Castle a lot of suggestions that they felt would have improved what was not so hot while keeping some of the most attractive things - notably the mobility. Basically none of those suggestions are what happened, as I recall them saying. Mac and Flea can probably correct me if I've got that wrong, as they hung around the same crew.
    I did post the link to what you are talking about here it is again:

    I will also post what Putz listed under Power Balance Issues and Suggestions:

    Power Balance Issues and Suggestions[*] Fly is not a viable PvP travel power. Add protection to –fly, possibly to an underused buff such as O2 boost, antidote, or one of the ST FF bubbles. Priority Issue[*] Many feel that cage suppression or some other mechanic to prevent permacaging should be added. Currently, cage has no specific counters and a single IO’d sonic can keep another player intangible for 90% of a match. Some like cage as is, and discussion about it is available here. Priority Issue[*] Villains have no access to ally grantable +perception in Sirens. Either switch the order of sonic repulsion and clarity or add it to thaw or the ice shields. Priority Issue[*] Hero and villain combat is not balanced, especially in the 40+ game. The most popular suggestion is to open up a set of APP for villains and allow them to respec out of their patron pools to get those. Priority Issue[*] TP is not viable as a solo travel power or for combat motion. Suggestions include changing the hover after tp to fly, decreasing activation time, removing the hover when tping to the ground, or allowing people to change how far they’re tping.[*] Many people feel that the balance of irresistible effects in PvP needs to be reconsidered. Changing irresistible effects might be another way of balancing heroes and villains. [*] Brutes, tanks, and scrappers are entirely absent from high end team PvP. Consider adding resistance or protection to Cage to some of the sets that aren’t as good in PvP (invuln, stone, ea) and make taunt less easy to shake.
    Look over those points, honestly, almost all of those have been addressed post I13. I'm not saying they are great fixes I'm saying that THESE are what the PvP community asked for (~175 PvPers).

    As far as the dogma of blaming the devs/castle for DR/HD/TS. I hate to point out since I consider Putz to be a friend but here is the suggestion that was taken out of context and all of PvP was painted by too broad of a brush stroke:

    [*] New PvPers feel overwhelmed as they try to get the hang of things. Consider adding a newbie friendly zone with debuffed damage, debuffed movement, and buffed resistance so players can learn basic mechanics at a slower pace.
    So yes the suggestions were listen too, and unforunately, taken TOO far, rather than the popular belief that our voices were ignored.

    Edit: Ugh. Posing in non-default fonts makes responding to clipped parts of the post really sucky.
    Sorry my internet connection drops at work on my crappy laptop so I will often type things up on word and copy paste them to the forums.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SabreBlade View Post
    Ok. In order for us to do a 5v5, we would have to wait until 1am eastern sunday morning. If that is too late for your other teammate, we'll ether have to settle for 4v4 or wait until the following weekend. Just let us know.

    Did this fight take place?

    Sepapounder, did you mean this week, like... this weekend we can fight? or next week <.< this week is better for me.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
    Every 3 months or so I'll get an urge to try something different in the game, and I miss being able to hop into a PvP zone and run around like a lunatic.

    If these posts (including the "I killed Zwill" thread) do something to make that possible again, I say more power to 'em.

    There is a silly lvl 5 pvp ladder happening on Victory atm. The rules are: only TOs, ts/hd on, no insp, no repeating ATs, no repeating power sets.

    If you can get a few people you should come, its funny.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post

    But that's cool, PvP in that other game has people complaining about healers, OP classes, etc. etc. It's part of the PvP experience I guess. Had a ton of fun playing L4D lately, but mostly because I can shoot my partner in the head/back when they are getting too lippy hehehehe. >.>
    Pee Wee Kara.... I'm pretty sure I will get mod'ed for that.