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  1. TheWeaver


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    Other mobs can break my placate on another target. Or that a mob can attack while placate is animating, still be placated and I lose my chance for a crit.

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    Any more detail on this so I can get QA to try and replicate it for me? Are there certain critters that do this, or is it a general case? Do any special circumstances need to be met?

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    What I have seen is it is a timing issue.

    Mob begins action during the placate animation.
    Placte fires.
    Mob attack lands and breaks the hidden state.

    Note the placte is holding, as the mob is not aggroed, I have just been unhidden so dont get the critical.

    Its kinda hard to bug on the fly, but I have seen it a few times.
    The timing has to be 'just so'

    I will try to bug it, or catch on a demorecord if I can.

    Good to know swipe is being looked at, would any adjiustments carry over into scrappers ?

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    Just wanted to add one more voice to the "I've seen this/it's annoying" chorus. The sequence seems to be as described. If you are unlucky enough to fire off placate just before the mob attacks then they will still get their attack off and if it hits, no hidey for you. Very, very annoying since in a hectic battle it is near impossible to actively avoid.

    Oh and on Thunder Kick - I noticed this one as well, but since this was my first MA character I just figured that's the way it was. I have both Air Supp and Thunder Kick and AirS is definately doing more damage (plus its secondary effect happens more often and is much more "effective"). I still use TK as a filler, but it would be nice if it was more effective (and I kinda wish I had taken CAK instead at this point).
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    Also remember that the Freakshow will work for anyone who provides sandwiches and a keg.

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    Ok, so my co-workers all think I'm crazy now. Guess that's what I get for reading the boards at work .

    Mmmmmmm..... sandwiches....
  3. Well, I can't do it. I've tried, but I'm just not good enough. I can't run this build without stamina. I'd really like to because I hate sinking 3 powers and 5 slots into it, but I just can't make it work unless I rely on something like RA from a teammate.

    Now, it may just be that I'm too low level right now. My Kin/Elec is SL26 so I've just gotten Transference and all it has in it is an ACC SO. Also, since I'm SL26 and don't yet have more money than Bill Gates, all my SO's are -1 right now.

    I have a respec in my pocket and played with serveral builds on test. The common elements being 6 slotted SC, 6 slotted BL, and 6 slotted Hasten. I played with builds with Leadership and with Fighting and with and without Stealth. I did the testing in Striga soloing packs of wolves (most packs had mixes of blue to yellow con's).

    Bottom line for me is that without Stamina I run too close to the edge and can't make use of powers like Siphon Power (which for me right now is both a buff and a form of damage mitigation) and Lightning Bolt. This in turn makes the fights longer and more dangerous and caused me to come closer to death than in the Stamina based build (even though I was adding extra powers that were increasing my def or res or acc).

    Like I said it could just be that I'm too low level to have the tools required to make this work or it could be a skill/playstyle thing. More power to those that do (I have no doubt it can be done), but I'm going to have to put myself in the Stamina camp once again .

    Oh - and this build is a blast to play. Very fast paced and fun.
  4. As one of those who posted concern over the recent changes, just wanted to make sure to say thanks. Thanks for listening and for running a great game.
  5. TheWeaver

    Boss Changes

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    I liked City of Heroes for one reason mainly. I could play solo. I am a Dad and when things come up with the kids and the wife I MUST leave the computer you just can't REASONABLY stress reasonably do that in a group. Its not fair to the group. You say MMP shines with a group that may be true. But yours was different it finally was a place solo players could fight solo and just chat with other people. You did not have to fight as a group. But as time goes by each change seems to move away from that. I just feel you are working against me now. As a dad I may need to look elsewhere for an online game.

    Terry Bailey Sr.

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    I could not agree more. This is my exact situation. COH is the only MMP I've every played, ever had a desire to play. I love the source material and the pick it up and have fun with it whenver nature of the game made it a perfect match for my life. I actually prefer to group, but the sporadic nature of my play makes it hard to do so (folks you've gotten to know will understand, pickup groups don't and shouldn't be expected to). The group of folks I hang out with now is starting to pull out of sight (my main just made 30 and they are mostly 35+ now) and finding teammates is getting increasingly difficult. I'd love to play a Kheldian, but the thought of getting to 50 is, well, unthinkable.

    I'm not going anywhere and I still have tons of fun creating ALTs, but I think the game has just gotten next to impossible for my main. I want to experience the content, I just can't touch most of my missions now (and street sweeping is booooorrrrringgggg).

    Maybe now that the respec is on Live I can rework my Inv/Nrg tanker and make the push for Striga - from what I've seen looks like a fun place to play.