1263 -
Its pretty clear from the veats and heats as well as the recent changes to the patron/epic pools that the power selection system has a fair bit of flexibility. and a expanding of the current nine powers per set with extra powers and alternate powers would bring some nice variety to the sets.
the biggest problem probably is the sheer amount of work/time required to implement it and it would at least as far as the AT power sets go have to be done in a oner to avoid calls of favoritism. tho I suppose what they could do is work on all the pool power sets first and do them and then do the AT power sets or vice versa but its still a massive chunk of work. -
Now, Im usually quite patient...
But where in frags unholy name is the Science Booster pack? Its been on test. TWICE, in fact. It works FINE. WHY is it not on Live?
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Got to agree some science booster goodness would be nice. -
on my bots/poison mastermind i find my self in the opposite side i find the single target heal near useless and quite frankly a waist of end but find envenom a great power and use it every fight as often as i can and would love for envenom to be swapped round with alkaloid.
I think Coolio_Wolfus idea is probably the best solution make the tier 1/2 powers in the secondary selectable from creation that way every one is happy. -
To be fair to marvel (provided im remembering correctly) they don't have much choice but to growl at every one who even looks like they mite be infringing on there IP as to maintain there IP rights they have to actively defend them.
to be honest i can see any big chunks of new content until they either add a new zone, do a zone revamp or move the story forward.
Tho i suppose we could see some ground work laid for GR but that's liable to be more high end content and to be honest i think heroes and especially villains could do with some more low to mid range stuff IMO. -
let me guess, everyone's invited to the closed beta
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hehe i cant see them makeing that mistake again.
we'll probably get a couple more screenshots showing other colors on difrent sets
though im hoping for some shots showing a change in animation for powers but im not holding my breath -
Very true clothing can alter the preseption of where the waist line is
maybe some low slung belts are in order -
As far the power-coloring goes, i only think there will be a static set of colors to pick from. fire would be green, blue and maybe whitish just like real flames can be, no exotic self-picked colors.
Same for elec, blue, yellow, red, maybe even whitish.
In a nutshell, nice features for those who awnt a bit more costumizing. But i dont mind, all new thingies are welcome and enhance my play experience. I make my own fun, my own 'content', i dont need new stuff ever week to keep me busy.
(if only for once, they gave merc some attention)
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well we already have a pinkish color for fire in this screenshot so there may be more verity than you suspect -
Huh did you even read your reply
"to awnser your question, there's nothing wrong with it until you've posted it on every leaving thread "
so if i post "good bye" or words to that effect on every leaving thread im no better?
hows about you how many times have you posted in leaving threads with a good bye message? should we consider you a troll?
Its like your saying "people who speed should be banned from driveing" while you your self are doing 40mph in a 30mph area. -
What exactly is wrong with posting "see you in a issue or two
" its no more or less meaning full than saying "good bye and all the best" should people that post that be flamed and criticised?
add to the fact that in at least 50% of cases its true I've lost count of the number of players I've seen leave and then return a few months later or for the next issue.
So if your going to crit GG and report her for saying "see you in a issue or two" in a leaving thread i hope your going to report your self because your both doing the same thing.
*go's of to report everybody in this thread for daring to be social and say good bye to a fellow player* -
Good bye and all the best in your future gameing and hey maybe we'll see you again in a few issues.
That you dislike US people is your own problem, but its rather hypocritish to say only they have the tarts. At least there you still have options, here at the AE all i read is lvl1-10 peeps asking for exp, outside that you're pretty much on your own (defiant).
Again, i rather be put in a populated server and fight against the n00bs then sit around in a freaking empty server doing not except solo'ing my alts.
If people still think u need brains for this game, even against AV's this game is [censored]-easy, the handfull of TF's you need to think a bit you only do once in a blue moon and thats about it.
My US account hits 18 months soon, i know how US is and i know why i prefer that place. But since i have a 2 51's here and NCsoft is too retarted to even try getting new people on EU servers, i just sit and wait whenever they will do the merge.
And i know quite some tarts on the EU also, sadly due low playerbase, you meet them more often then u hoped for.
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Again with the shouts of all there is to do are MA teams i wish i could get on one of these MA farm teams where i can just sit and drink in the XP but clearly there's something about my alts that prevent them getting a invite.
On Sunday i logged in with my mind/mind domi to test out the changes some more had just finished my cape mission and popped to Cap to sell some salvage when i get a /tell asking if i wanted to help with cape mission so i join up and do the 2 parts of the cape mission there was only 3 of us on the team but it was a lot of fun.
a little later i log on as my sonic/mind blaster do a bit of street sweeping in perz and then head to Atlas to clear inventory space while in atlas i didn't receive one random invite and i only seen mention of one MA team on broadcast (the channel definitely wasn't being spammed) and then i get a tell "want to come run paper missions in kings" so of i went to kings and spent a few hours with a large team (7 ish members) doing some paper missions and getting the jump pack.
In both instances i never went looking for a team i just had my status set as "will do anything" so saying that teaming is dead EU side and all there is is MA farms is wrong.
Of course I'm on union but i would think its cheaper to move to union than take out another account in the US -
i was hoping for something better, like when you skip the tutorial, you start out as level 2.
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Getting to level 2 involves taking down like 3 or 4 mobs tops, which take... oh about 2 mins or so.
Tbh, i'd like to see an option that where you have x number of level 50's you get the option to start at level 20 instead.
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That would be pretty cool only down side is that it would shorten your time to 50 so you would be rolling new toons more frequently.
tho i suppose that could be a good thing from the NC point of view as more toons equals the need for more slots. -
very true the look of the model can be improved a fair bit with some slider fiddling but it would be nice if the default settings gave a better (super heroin) proportioned figure to begin with.
I think what sorudo is trying to say is that the distance betwean the top of the hips and the crotch on the female model is to big and that the female model would look better if this distance was decreased.
While i don't think that's the problem with the female model i do kind of agree that the model is a bit off the sizing between hips waist and bust all seem wrong and the head has always struck me as being a bit on the big side. -
as it is i have a charichter named The.Enchained i can totaly agree with this suggestion having it so that the "the" was actually used would be nice.
In this moment is low on US server, they are sleeping. i think.
freedom 275 villans and 405 heroes (union 93 villans and 186 heroes)
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Instead of comparing freedom try one of the other US servers as its been said over and over freedom is for whatever reason a over populated server -
On a side note, player created ones will probably be taken down because of NcSoft's IP not because of Marvel.
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I wonder if they would they seem quite happy to ignore mids and its predecessors and things like paragon wiki which all yous images and icons from the IP some of the stuff on paragon wiki is even removed from the game files (and we all know how they view interfering with the game files) so maybe if some one did create a functioning offline creator it would get ignored (cant see it being endorsed) by NC. -
Going back to rage for a second is there any point to having it perma or even stacking?
Surly the debuffs applied when it drops mean you loose a huge chunk of the second rages damage boost? -
Which is exactly my point the agreement was made out of court largely because of marvels stupidity in using the creator to create there characters and then using that as a base for there claim in fact had it went to court it could have went really bad for marvel as if you read the EULA it states something along the lines of
"you grant NCsoft full rights to do what ever the hell they want with the characters they create"
and some one at Marvel agreed to that and then created marvel owned characters in the game that's a pretty large doh moment.
but of course I'm only guessing at what the agreement says because as it never went to court its not available to take a look at but it makes since that its something along the lines of we wont sue if you police your self as that's basically whats happening marvel aren't suing and NC are policing the infringements.
I wonder if we'll see marvel go after Cryptic for champions or if the agreement that was made included any future games developed/published by the involved parties. -
Personally, it's something I've long wanted, so I16 will be well recieved by me.
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agreed PC is something I've been wanting for a while often the only thing that stops me rolling a toon that uses the same power set as another of my alts is the fact that there powers will look the same but a simple change in color will be enough for me to roll toons that use that same sets.
and with any luck it will extend to mastermind pets so i can finaly roll another bots mastermind -
1000 word cap thats pathetic for a true monolog