16 -
Well I have no experience with blasters. And I just picked up the game again after 2 years off so I don't even know where to start or what starts or abilities I would need. I would use him mostly for teams.
Hi, I'm looking for a level 50 Fire/MM build. If anyone could post a Mids profile with a good one I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Quote:Is there any way to see totals on my stats in game the way I can see them in Mids?It's the build as a whole that counts, not one particular IO. Is the tank already high level or is it still a lowbie? A character under 30 is generally better served with standard SO enhancements; I typically start thinking about IO builds about level 30.
In all honesty since you're just starting out again and have a lot of catch up to do you may want to spend some time just getting the feel of the game; I don't know when you quit playing but this isn't the same game now that it was a couple of years ago to say nothing of what it was at launch.
The whole gamut of powers, enhancements, IO bonuses and the like can be overwhelming if you take it all at once. Break things into smaller pieces and get used to playing the game before you get into really complex IO builds. Once you're ready for that my two guides should help your Invuln tanker, they're linked in my signature. I recommend you at least look through the first 20 levels guide even if you're already high level, it discusses the all-important foundation powers and provides a template to build your tank.
Oh, everyone on the boards uses an invaluable tool, Mid's Hero Designer in planning their builds. I'd recommend downloading it and working out your build. All the guides will reference this program and most will provide sample builds in Mid's format. -
Yeah, I have Mids and actually worked out a nice softcapped build. He's a level 50, just haven't played in almost 2 years.
I just started playing again after a LONG hiatus and I'm redoing all my enhs from scratch and I can't seem to find any good purples for Inv/SS tanking. Is it just me or are there none?
Thanks, you really helped a lot. I had one more question though, as far as builds go, are there any enh that are just without a doubt the best I can get for Inv/SS?
Sorry, I'm using lingo from another game. What I mean is what abilities to use in what order to be effective.
Yeah, I've actually found a few threads that were helpful. I couldn't find anything about a rotation though. Honestly it's been so long since I've played that I'm going to need to spend some time getting to understand the new content before I really know how I need to slot and whatnot.
Quote:Yeah, when the first download finished the checksum went thru just fine in a few minutes. This is a completely new install also. And the first download was 1.1gigs, not 3.1. And now I'm a bit over halfway done with the second download which is 884gigs in total.The checksum is approximately 10.6 kilotbytes in size, but it has to scan the whole ~3.1 gig installation (only takes a few minutes on my laptop if something else isn't murdering the disk).
If this is a completely new installation, it should just be one download of ~3 gigs... but when updating from a fairly out of date version, I think I've seen it do multiple patches before... but you're likely at the end of the updating. -
And to do that takes almost a gigabyte of info?
Well, I'm 20% done with a second...lol
Yeah, I thought it was strange too. I figured I would just need to download one big patch. Which I did...and then it started another. Here's hoping this is the last one if I don't get an answer before it's done.
I just installed CoH and CoV after being away from the game for a few years. I began downloading patches and the first one was 1.1g and took over 3 hours to download. The second one is 884mb and will take another 2 hours or so. Any idea how many more of these I'll have to download before I can play? I'm really excited to get back into the game so I'm just wondering if it will take all night or what.
Hi, I haven't played in years and have recently gotten back into the game. My main is a Inv/SS tank and I was just wondering with all the new content that has been released what some of the best builds are and what rotations I should be using in end game content to not be fail. Thanks in advance for any help!