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  1. TheBlackMallard

    More answers....

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    16. Adding Tanker damage has become a little problematic. It makes the almost too powerful...but it's an ongoing issue internally. We are definitely adding more aggro control to the Tanker.

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    If you add tanker damage will you add defender damage?
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    I'm not talking about close, just back up to 75% like it was in beta. Rad would be the only defender even able to get close to Blasters. Tankers have attacks as a secondary and their damage is being looked into, so should Defenders. Just my two cents.

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    Okay I'll bite. the day they give blasters secondaries that are anywhere NEAR the effectiveness of defender secondaries.... I'll hop on that bandwagon. How about it? a 66% effective shadow fall for blasters?

    didn't think so. Don't expect me to support driving a nail into the blaster coffin with a move like that. Actually I kinda feel sorry for defenders now... If massive AoE's take a hit on the blaster side.... you just know the defender variant is going to be pure crap.

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    Start playing a controller you can have any other defender primary besides dark at 80%. Defenders don't really rely on AoE attacks, I think they'll be fine. Personally I don't think AoEs are a problem with blasters. Lack of useful secondaries, sure, I'll give you that besides Energy and Devices. If AoEs are "fixed" the Fire primary is going down the toilet, it lacks the stun, slows, or knockdown/knockback the other primaries have. I've got a blaster I need to get to 50 really quick.
  3. I'm not talking about close, just back up to 75% like it was in beta. Rad would be the only defender even able to get close to Blasters. Tankers have attacks as a secondary and their damage is being looked into, so should Defenders. Just my two cents.
  4. With the talk of Tankers getting some sort of damage boost, is there any chance that Defenders will too?