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  1. you ever get a free minute with nothing better to do I have a Broadsword regen candidate lol

    Let's see if I can find some decent ones

    BBQ anyone?

    You thought a BS/Regen was scary? One with ranged weapons Muwahahaha

    I hate Clockwork

    close up 1

    closeup 2
  2. One I'm not too late for? Dang, all the good pictures are at home

    Best I have for right now, so don't count me if you don't want lol


  3. There is just something inherently creepy about the way they made Jack in Irons look, almost to the point where I would probably be scared if they were to manage to get that giant metal thing off his head
  4. Teutonic_Knight

    Moon Hazard Zone

    How about a Rikti Mother Ship as a Giant Monster Spawn... Could either do that or a construction thing like Paladin... You've stopped the 5th column from completeing the doomsday device
  5. I admit, I dind't get it on my main. I started about a week after Celebrant was no longer awarded and openly admit, didn't know about Isolator.

    I was corrupted into a badge collector, started out slowly with the accolades and the like. And the last few rounds of badges pushed me to the 302 mark, but I still kick myself for not having Isolator.

    Now, while I'm glad it can be obtained, I'll most likely have to wait until 5:00am on a sunday to try to get it, or a few month's from now. I've never been a big PvP person and have tried to stay away from it, the smack talk and general school yard bullying tactics are what turn me off about it. But that's besides the point... It's there and obtainable again.

    I just hope the griefing isn't too bad
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    "Dark Helmet"

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Gotta proof read, was sure I replaced all them... Ahh well creidt should go to Mel Brooks not me
  7. Now you backstabbing cretains, leave me alone for I must continue to plan for the downfall of Paragon city

    *Door clicks closed, sound of drawer being pulled open*

    Lord Recluse (as Lord Recluse Doll): Finally, Sister Psyche, I At last, have you in my clutches. To have my way with you. The way I want to.

    Lord Recluse (as Sister Psyche doll): No, no, please, leave me alone!

    Lord Recluse (as Lord Recluse doll): No, you are mine!

    Lord Recluse (as Statesman doll): Not so fast, Recluse!

    Lord Recluse (as Lord Recluse doll): Statesman.

    Lord Recluse (as Statesman doll): Yes, it's me. I'm here to save my girlfriend. Hi, Honey!

    Lord Recluse (as Lord Recluse doll): Now you are going to die.

    *Sounds of clicking plastic and scuffling*

    Lord Recluse (as Citadel doll): Hey, what did you do to my friend?

    Lord Recluse (as Lord Recluse doll): The same thing I'm going to do to you, big boy.

    *More scuffling and sounds of clicking plastic*

    Lord Recluse (As Citadel doll): Oh, ohhh.

    Lord Recluse (as Lord Recluse doll): And you too.

    Lord Recluse (as Manticore doll): Oh, ohh.

    Lord Recluse (as Lord Recluse doll): Sister Psyche, at last we are alone.

    Lord Recluse (as Sister Psyche doll): Oh, no! I hate you! I hate you! Leave me alone! Yet, I find you strangely attractive.

    Lord Recluse (as Lord Recluse doll): Of course you do. Goody two-shoes are often attracted to money and power, and I have both, and you know it.

    Lord Recluse(as sister Psyche Doll): Oh, leave me alone!

    Lord Recluse(as Lord Recluse Doll): No, kiss me.

    Lord Recluse(as Sister Psyche Doll): No, no! Yes! No!

    Lord Recluse(as Lord Recluse Doll): No!
    Dark Helmet (as sister Psyche Doll): Yes! No! Yes! [moaning] Ah oh oh uh oh. Oh, your spider arms are so big!

    *sound of door being thrown open*

    Scirocco: Lord Recluse!

    *Scattering plastic and more scuffling*

    Lord Recluse: WHAT?

    Scirocco: You're needed in the War Room sir!

    Lord Recluse: Knock on my door! Knock next time!

    Scirocco: Yes sir.

    Lord Recluse: Did you see anything?

    Scirocco: No sir. I didn't see you playing with your dolls again.

    Lord Recluse: Good.