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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ban_Sidhe View Post
    Well Claws, I presume you flew into a complete nerd-rage before you got to the end of my post. I actually say at the bottom that PVP'ers tend to be better players because they're usually playing against other PvP'ers. But threads like this tend to provoke a lot of feeling.

    Shivan's are just temp pets, and pretty much everyone can now self destruct with the near same effect as a nuke. Please note, I said "near" same effect.
    Right, given that the 'nearly' does not include being able to... you know, be alive afterwards... I'm thinking that's kind of a major difference.

    The point is that the PvP'ers actively discourage people from going into the PvP zones, while the dev's want people to go in there. The OP came across a group that wanted to be left alone. He didn't respect, or for that matter understand, that they wanted to be left alone. They were in a PvP zone, therefore they were targets. They asked him to leave him alone, he refused. He did not respect their request. In fact a lot of PvP'ers don't, and those that do are in the minority; which is terribly sad.
    Fortunately, the majority of people who don't wish to PVP don't go into PVP zones. No PVP'er can ever force a PVE'er into PVP. Every single PVE'er who finds themselves in a PVP fight chose to put themselves into a situation where that could occur.

    It's not nice to blame other people for your decisions.

    The zone entry text says "You are now entereing a PvP area and can be attacked by other players." If someone asks you to leave them alone, then maybe you should pause a second and ask yourself would it not be more of a challenge to hit on someone who wants to fight back? Just because you're in a zone doesn't mean you have to team, that you have to talk to someone, that you have to PvP.
    No, it just means that you are willing to engage in PVP.
    If you are unwilling to engage in PVP, stay out of the zone.

    Hence the PvP flag suggestion. If I'm in a PvP zone and want to PvP then I set the flag, and my name goes orange. Otherwise it's grey because I want to be left alone to have a mooch around a zone, or enjoy watching some PvP'ers fight. It's always interesting to see two well matched players in a fight.
    And even more interesting when as a grey-flagged player, I begin to heal one of them.
    Or pass one of them inspirations.
    Or drag enemy spawns into them.
    Or just fly/run/jump around, acting as a spotter for them.

    As far as I can see, there are too many ways to alter the way a fight is going for this idea to really be viable. Of course, if you have a solution, I'm all ears.
  2. (Supergroup)Storm Shaman: Man, I *wish* we could get some girls in the group. I don't just mean Masks, I mean actual female members with actual bodies.
    (Supergroup)Avalanche Shaman: Dude, what makes you think all of the Chambers are male?
    (Supergroup)Storm Shaman: ...
    (Supergroup)Storm Shaman: OH THAT'S DISGUSTING!

    . . .

    (Team)Mary MacComber: Ok, that didn't work. This time, let's all zerg in and attack prople at random!
    (Team) Initiate: Um... ok.

    (Team)Mary MacComber: Heck, another wipe. I suggest that we rush them, blasting at anything that moves!
    (Team)Storm Maven: Didn't we just...?
    (Team)Mary MacComber: Trust me, I got it this time!

    (Team)Mary MacComber: Rats, wiped again! It's like they were waiting for us! Ok, this time, let's mix things up a little and bum rush them, all powers blazing!
  3. Perhaps I am remembering incorrectly, but wasn't one of the initial concepts for enemy groups in the initial run called the 'Mirrormen'?

    I'm going to poke around here and there and see if I can find a reference to this.

    I seem to recall *someone* posting a quick list of stuff that hasn't made it into the game... and a faction called the Mirrormen, I'm almost certain, was one of these things.

    (Search-fu weak! Defeated by Mass Posts! GAH!)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sam_Sneed View Post
    The standard excepted by this player base is amazing. You will actually make excuses for a poor product again and again. It's amazing how excited you all get over more band aids. Just keep smothering this pig with more lipstick, i'll pass. Don't worry, I did cancel both my subscriptions and no you can't have my stuff or my names.
    Am I correctly reading your opinion as:

    "I'm not a customer, I don't have any suggestions, I don't even play this game, but I'M IMPORTANT LISTEN TO MEH!"


    Um, yes.
    Or, rather, no.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
    I just read about #17 and there is one thing I *really* don't like about it...

    - Epic archetypes are now unlocked at level 20.

    So here is my protest:

    Don't do it!
    I've been working and working to get at least one of my toons to lvl 50 so I may finally, after 2 years, check out the epic archetypes! I am lookinf forward to it!
    It's a reward! Why take it away?!
    Lvl 20 is not hard to reach at all....

    Besides, the Epic archetypes are epic for a reason... They are a bit trickier to play, so you need experience! How else to gain that then training at least one of your chars to lvl 50?

    *looks sad and pouts*
    "Please don't do it..."
    I'm going to have to disagree with you here, Darthy-D.
    I understand where you're coming from, and I don't think your opinion is wrong or stupid, but I still disagree with it.

    First of all, anyone who want to wait until they get a character to level 50 before playing an Epic... can still do that, just like before.
    It's just that now, those that don't want to wait don't have to.

    It is indeed a reward to be able to crank out an EAT, but it hasn't been taken away from anyone. In fact, this reward has been given to a large number of people.
    That's a good thing.

    It's very much like when a permanent version of the Nemmie Staff was made available through Veteran Rewards - this didn't take the in-game Nemesis Staff away from a single person - it just allowed a much larger group of people to have the power, earlier, and forever.

    That's why I'm in favor of this.
    Could they have made it 30 instead of 20? Possibly... but they are the Devs and although they are far from perfect, they actually are pretty bloody good at this game developing stuff, when you get down to it. I'm willing to trust them on this.

    Hope this cheers ya up a little.
  6. Also given the fact that several of the Devs are now sporking Rikti-style names and avatars...

    This does not sound like a coincidence... (glances nervously at the sky...)
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
    Personally, I would prefer if someone just asked to be left alone rather than run away. If someone nicely asked me to leave them be, I'd do that. If someone runs from me, however, and if I think I can catch them, I will. No Mercy.

    Asking nice, sure I'll oblige, but running is like blood in the water. The good news for them is I'm not usually good enough at PVP to stop them long enough to kill them. But I might.
    So long as you understand that often, the opposite is true - running as an effective avoidance tool, while asking to be left alone is like blood in the water. Given the odds, I'd rather bet on my running than someone else's forebearance. And in any case, as you've pointed out, I agreed to the terms of the zone when I entered it. I'm not going to ask other people to modify their behaviour to suit my sense of fun - but please extend the same courtesy to me.

    EDIT: That's not entirely true. Odds are in most cases I'll be too lazy and impatient to pursue, but if I'm feeling especially bloodthirsty, yeah I'll try to run 'em down.

    If someone actually started RPing with me in PVP in character, I'd stop fighting and weep with joy and thus be easy pickin's.
    It's an unfortunate aspect of fast-paced competitive games that embracing the 'fluff' often results in less efficient play on the part of the player doing so. I'm not even saying this shouldn't be the case - just rather too bad that it is.
  8. I can help answer the 'why don't you like it' question a bit, at least for myself.

    I don't enjoy losing fights. I trust I don't have to elaborate?

    I don't enjoy fighting to a draw. It strikes me as a massive waste of my game time.

    I don't enjoy causing someone else to lose a fight. If you do, that's fine by me - I don't think you're evil or amoral. But that enjoyment you get, knowing that you have defeated another living, breathing, thinking opponent, I simply don't feel it.

    I have fought in PvP a few times.
    When I lost, I didn't enjoy it.
    When I fought to a draw, I didn't enjoy it.
    When I won, I didn't enjoy it.

    When I left the area, and the player who attacked me either didn't find me again or left me alone from then on and I was able to finish whatever it was I trying to get done in the first place - that I kinda liked.
    When I'm not actually attacked in the first place - that's what I like best.

    When dealing with otehr people I just honestly prefer cooperation. I don't consider the opposite to be bad in any way, it's just not what I myself enjoy.
  9. Tetsuko_NA


    Hi, folks!

    Remember the quick -n- dirty Bigot Test for Sexism.

    Re-read War_Admiral's posts, just substituting white/black (or christian/jew if you prefer) for male/female whenever they appear. Quick example:


    You're on target now.... blacks playing whites DOES weird me out as it should a lot of people. Whats the point? I just dont get it.

    I wouldnt have a problem with a RPer in general. Lord knows, I prolly team with a lot of them not knowing. But they surely dont come across as "whites" being blacks and if they do have a white toon, I know its a black behind the screen because they had enough respect to tell me up front.

    These 2 people led the 5 of us on (even my girlfriend) to believe they were white. That's just wrong on so many levels its......just......gross.


    ...feel free to check the effect on several other of his posts.

    This, really, is what's gotten folks riled. In my opinion, anyway.
  10. Hi, folks!
    Sorry for the confusion on my part - I was under the impression War Witch was a Scrapper due to the fact that in the comics, she passed along her 'broadsword' (presumably the manifestation of her Fire Sword) to a Scrapper.
    I was taking things too literally.

    That's what I get for working from memory rather than research.

    Ok, now that that's (and the text - thanks, Retrogression, for setting me straight!) settled, let me say that the picks of character images are excellent!

    Big fan of the designs. I'd also like to echo the others in saying that a couple of shirts - one design with Winner #1 on the front, another with Winner #2 as a small 'pocket emblem', both with the Winner #3 text on the back, would be ideal.

    I'd happily get them both.

    Thanks again, everyone!
  11. Love all three designs!

    I did have one question about the winning design, though. Text is 'Which AT are you?' Images are (I believe): Manticore, SisterPsyche, Positron, War Witch and Back Alley Brawler.

    Sister is a Controller, War Witch is (was) a Scrapper, and Babs is a Tanker.

    But aren't both Manti (TA/Archery) and Posi (Rad/Rad) Defenders? Why no Blaster? *sniff*
  12. .Greetings!

    .Um... shouldn't 'simian-like' be hyphenated?

    .Just a thought.

    .Good luck and Good Plotting!
  13. [ QUOTE ]

    Last time I had looked at the posted subscriber numbes, an individual poster in the forum accounted for 0.0005% of the actual playerbase.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    .An interesting statistic, and one I have no reason whatsoever to question.

    .From this, we can see that any single individual is a vanishingly small portion of the playerbase of the game.

    .Of course, there is (as far as I know) no real way to tell if an attitude or feeling shared through the posters is shared in the same proportions as theough the entire playerbase. Save, of course, that the playerbase is likely to be more positive towards the game than those on the boards - after all, at least some of the folks on the boards are here only because they wish to complain about something or other.

    .How much more positive, is, I think, hard to judge.

    .My main point, in any case, is that different people have different concepts of fun, and I wanted to suggest that the smaller group you draw your opinions on what might be 'fun' is, the farther off you are likely to be. Not assuredly to be, merely probably. Asking 100 people is more likely to give you an accurate result than asking 10, and asking 1000 is more likely accurate than 100, etc.
    .And that if you get contradictory results, trying to come up with (or not get away from) a solution that allows both sides to achive 'fun' is likely to be more satisfactory than a solution that pleases only one.

    .Good luck and Good Hunting!
  14. .Greetings!

    .One quick observation I'd like to make here, in reading through this (and many other) threads where 'fun' is discussed.

    .It always seems that the point is made of how small a percentage of the playerbase are forum posters. This is generally used to suggest that the opinions of the forum posters, especially with regards to things such as fun and playability, are invalid.

    .Let me suggest in response that the Dev Team is a far, far, smaller percentage of the playerbase than the forum posters. I am far more willing to believe a forum opinion of what is fun or challenging that I am the Dev Team - the forum is a vastly larger section of the playerbase.

    .Just an observation.

    .Good luck and Good Hunting!