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  1. TehVyze

    Unique build?

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    hehe, I'm imagining a toon that is a blend of Psyche and Macgyver
  2. As far as solo builds go, I'd aim for good Single-Target (ST) damage in both the primary and secondaries. For this reason, I'd go either a Sonic/Energy or an Ice/Energy. Fire primary has good ST damage, but it's focus is primarily for AoE. Ice primary has a wide array of ST holds, and every single attack is a slow. It is a close second to Fire in terms of damage output, but Fire has less survivability in the drawn out battles.

    Sonic doesn't start off as strong as either fire or ice, but as your recharge goes up you can deal more damage due to the -resistance effect, and has some great tools for survivability (cone sleep, for instance, as well as a good stun that pairs well with most of the /energy attacks).

    If you're aiming for a less survivable toon that could be more damaging if/when you get on teams, I'd stick with fire/energy. It's still a solid combo. If you're really not looking to team EVER, then I'd go either sonic/energy or ice/energy.

    I'll post my Sonic/Nrg build later when I get home from work.

    Also, in terms of the changes since you've been gone, refer to the link in my sig (3B Guide to Blasting), it points you to my post, made in '08, that describes the changes that happened in i9
  3. TehVyze

    Unique build?

    I like unique builds, even if they are a bit...unwieldy at the end of the game.

    Stone/ice tank ftw (does not go well together, at all lol, but I'm sure as hell not leveling another stone tank, FAR too boring)

    Ice/FF troller ftw, since I can pretty much chat it up except the 30 seconds out of every 4 minutes I have to bubble people up :P

    As far as blasters go, I try not to go too far outside the box, I aim for unique builds in the sense that they mesh well together but aren't seen very often. Fire/Ice isn't "unpopular" but I see more fire/fires around. AR/(anything except devices) and (anything but AR)/devices are going to be fairly unique, IMO, mainly due to the negative feelings surrounding those 2 sets.
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    can we post favorite songs now?


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    I'm on a mother [censored] boat!

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    i'm at kinkos

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    Is it a bad thing I just imagined what "I'm at a kinko's! Everybody look at me 'cause I'm making copies at a kinko's!"
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Hi Con!! ASL?

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    ASL is too misleading. I thought you were hitting on a deaf person

  6. TehVyze


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    they can just as easily put the damage boost in cloaking device but it would make far less sense in there.

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    Not if there was a stealth strike component in each blast.

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    If they do this change, I'm coining the word Blalker
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    CC in GC in 5 minits. no powerz or ur DQed

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    can we do this on another server sometime?
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    both of which add a certain amount of malevolence to my otherwise good Hero

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    Can you unlock the non ugly costume ones now Vyze?

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    lol, don't you remember when I made Sexy Vyze for the server-wide costume event?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I had that issue untill I got ALL of the unlockable costume stuff. Now it only happens every once in a while and seems to correct it well.


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    I've already unlocked all of the costume stuff and it can't show the tattoo on my face or my chest emblem, both of which add a certain amount of malevolence to my otherwise good Hero
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    I keep getting costume errors when I try to make myself with my saved costumes even after going to the tailor and making sure everything is a valid name/option.

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    yep, same thing happens to me. I guess the devs didn't port over the full character creator over to the MA. It makes me kinda
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    PETA is no stranger to oddball campaigns. A recent one was aimed to re-christen fish as "sea kittens"

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    haha, I'm just imagining PETA members throwing cats into the sea
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    She's currently on the rebirth cycle and is bouncing through time as an infant with her "son" Cable, who's like 50 and was born from her clone who is now the queen of a demonic dimension.

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    This is why I don't really read a lot of comics. I don't watch daytime soap operas, either. I can suspend my disbelief for all kinds of crazy things like laser beam eyes and using a move called Head Splitter to "arrest" someone, but I can't cope with evil twins and mothers being raised by their own sons. That just speaks of desperate writers. Next thing you know, someone wakes up in the morning and a "dead" person walks out of the shower to tell her it was all just a crazy dream.

    Matt Groening once said that when a TV show adds a new character for new reason other than to try to regain some audience (He specifically named The Great Gazoo, but this includes Cousin Oliver and whatever the name was of the kid Leonardo DiCaprio played on Growing Pains) and not advance the plot, you know the show is going nowhere and he identifies that as the "Jump the Shark" moment. For me it's usually whenever they "kill" someone and have the person come back from the dead. (E.g. Denny on Grey's Anatomy this season. WTF!) Comics bring in new villains and I don't think that's a bad thing. Killing off the main character is what, to me, screams: "We are totally stuck here and desperate for a reset or some way to dig ourselves out of this hole/rut we're in." I guess I can't judge them too harshly, though. It's gotta be hard to come up with something "new and different" when you're working on a franchise that's been around as many decades as these characters have.

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    IMO any t.v. show that is purely plot driven (Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, etc.) can only have a finite number of seasons. The only shows that can survive for a much long time are sitcoms (Scrubs, Seinfeld, etc.). I think it was Lost that was going to be 6 seasons long, and then they wanted to push it farther and it completely sucked the entire season when they did that.

    I particularly liked Avatar: The Last Airbender because it was only 3 seasons. I think perhaps they could have done 4, but I was very satisfied with it.

    all righty, end of rant!
  13. Just an update from a year or so ago. Leadership has changed hands a bit and we've had a complete Forum overhaul.

    SG Name: DROW
    SG Leader: TehVyze
    SG Website: www.drow.org
    SG Recruiters: See the recruiting board for CoH at www.DROW.org
    Peak Hours: Evenings
    Our Mission: Our mission is to be the most well known, respected, and feared group of competitive gamers on the planet. We will accomplish this goal by sponsoring many teams in the most popular and competitive online gaming formats. We will retain members who not only have world-class talent, but will practice honor, loyalty, and commitment.

    Above all else, we will do it for fun... And to build a brotherhood that will last forever.

    Nive_ created this:DROW CoH/V and Everything You Would Want to Know About Our Recruiting Process.
  14. Recharge Recharge Recharge
    If you're daring to venture into IO sets (which is an excellent thing to do nowadays), aim for ones that will give you both good damage and maximize your recharge. There are a number of sets that will give you +5/+6.5% global recharge without going into expensive purple sets, which will increase your dps. Choose these! I'm pretty sure I'll have a 9-10 second downtime on Aim/BU when I finally get my character slotted out (with a perma-hasten build )

    Defiance has had a MASSIVE change. Use the new numbers systems to figure out which attacks give you the greatest damage buff (the tier 1/tier 2 powers give perhaps the best damage buffs). Start out with the low-damage attacks to build up defiance. Do experiments! Find the best routine! I know on my fire/ice blaster I can build up defiance on a mob of enemies really really well by using Shiver on the foes! I know! A non-damage attack and I can build it up to +30% in one hit (depending upon the number of foes)! I usually use shiver + aim + bu + fire-ball + breath of fire and almost everyone's dead.

    nowadays Blasters are the ones to worry about in PvP. We can die easily, so we have to be on our toes, but we are also the most unpredictable. Have the ability to slow down a foe? Use it! then slam them with whatever attacks you have!

    Finally, never be afraid to experiment with your blaster. Don't worry about dying on teams, just be sure to always learn from it. I know I still die every so often on my blaster, but I don't like to slow down
  15. oooooh, this isn't me griping about double XP (it is going to be AWESOME, after all), but wouldn't it be nice to have 2X the amount of rare drops?!?!?

    *watches WW prices drop rapidly*