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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Not against the idea, but werewolves are bipedal not quadripedal. so they would use Beast Run as their most likely means of travel and we can already make werewolves and use beast run without suppressing our powers/toggles
    No, actually, that's only ever been true since Hollywood started doing them. Original Werewolves were just that; men that turned into wolves.

    A friend of mine was very pointed about that, i.e. rude words about Hollywood

    EDIT: Seems Bill beat me to it, heh
  2. We have Coyotes and Panthers....why not Wolves? I thought that would have been one of the first uses for the four legged rig. Proper, non-Hollywood Werewolf, anyone?

    Should be simple enough, right?
    (Disclaimer: I have no idea, but it certainly seems feasible going on existing powers and 4-leg skins, reality may not be similar, your mileage may vary, time for reading this not refundable.)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    What I personally wish they'd do is to break the concept of bases and raids into two separate systems.

    1. Bases - scrap the current system, and make something that is more flexible and usable. I have a personal base that I've been working on for years, I cant stand working on it more than once every few months due to the clutziness of the interface.
    While I know how utterly mental the current system is....I also know how much outrage that would cause. There are some spectacular bases made using the current system (I should know, I've been in some of them) and only if you could replicate those sorts of looks could the Devs really get away with it.

    I think they are very wisely stepping around that particular sleeping dragon.
  4. Techbot Alpha

    Of TankMages

    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    I can roll any random hero, go to a atlas park, and be hit several times by a shotgun to the face. Blast energy out of my hands, defeat said shotgun wielder and just walk away and do it again without any medical attention needed. ThatÂ’s just "slightly extraordinary"?
    Nope. That's metagame.

    The game engine cannot handle, say, an SR user dodging shots, or only being slightly grazed. You simply cannot GET the cinematic quality of, say, Batman or Spiderman in this game. That is why we have the 'stand still, trade punches' fights; because we have to.

    Ergo, that argument is dead already. Just saying.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    I'm literally speechless. Anyone who was here at the beginning can probably figure out why.
    Uh...I wasn't, tell?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    For point and reference (sorry about the enormous post size):

    Support Set Soloability Chart
    This color indicates a power is usable when solo


    The pattern I've noticed here is that the more inclined a support set is to healing and/or buffing (newer sets like Time and Nature notwithstanding) the less powers it gets to use solo. That seems a little unfair considering that debuff-heavy support sets have most-if-not-all of their powers available for solo play.
    Bloody hell, I didn't realise it was quite that bad O_o
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    ... durrrrrrr. Sorry about that. To clarify, I DO think we should all team! However, I don't think the game's powers should be balanced around that in the "Cannot target self" mechanic; there's no real reason (that I can see anyway) that support characters aren't able to buff or use single target heals on themselves.
    To clarify the clarification; there are ALREADY plenty of incentives to Team; better rewards, not being the only target, people to chat with/socialising with friends, etc, group RP for folks like me and other friends on Union who do...

    What we DON'T need is forced and primarily mechanical stuff. My Empath/Psi, for instance, is going to be getting an alternative version who is Psi Melee/WP when that comes out, because she NEVER gets played outside of a team. Not because teaming is more fun/rewarding, which it already is, but because I refuse to solo something that painfully bad at soloing. It's simply not fun.

    /In my opinion
  8. Techbot Alpha

    Of TankMages

    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    Given that this isn't a comic book, I think the argument "it works like that in comic books!" extremely childish.
    It's a pity people keep using it in defence of silly stuff on Beta. /other thread
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
    Somehow, "things have always been bad like this, so they should continue to be bad like this" doesn't strike me as very compelling reasoning.
    You'd be amazed how often people try and use it, though...
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
    One - "That happens in comic book publishing all the time" is a crappy excuse for anything.

    Two - Read what you wrote. The discontented forumites here "don't like it". The difference is that they have a forum for expressing their dislike whereas the comic book publishers are insulated by their letters pages.

    Look at it this way - when comic books retcon things, angry fans write letters to the editor. ANGRY letters to the editor. So, this kvetching is just like comics, so that makes it okay, right? Standards work both ways. The only difference is that the comic book letters pages are a very heavily moderated forum compared to this relatively unmoderated one.

    Besides, after reading some of the stuff posted to the DC forums when New 52 went into effect, I find the idea of comic book readers being calmly "oh, well, we're used to this sort of thing" to be a fairly amusing one.

    Slick here has apparently pre-hacked my brain and reworded everything I would put much more better.

    Saves me having to try and post it
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    Comic books have been handily rewriting or ignoring canon since well before either of us was even born. This will continue to happen.

    And these are often not small rewrites, they are huge, sweeping things that often affect that entire universe.

    I wish you well in your quest to make certain this never, ever but never happens again; I cannot help but have an image of Don Quixote tilting at windmills pop into my head, but regardless. I am sure that not only the creators of this game, but all comics creators everywhere will soon bow the knee to your edict of NO CHANGE ANYWHERE, AT ANY TIME EVER!
    1. This is not a Comic Book. It's a game, an MMORPG to be exact. There may just be a sliiiight difference between the two, m'kay?

    2. Point out to me where, exactly, I wanted 'NO CHANGE ANYWHERE, AT ANY TIME EVER!' instead of pointing out what, specifically, was bugging me.

    Christ on a cracker, are we STILL doing this, after so damn long?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post

    (And less Posi pointing out the current 'changes' actually fix things.)
    Nope, pretty sure they tried that one back then, too.

    It didn't work out so well
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post
    Then try generating constructive dialog instead of commenting twice on how much you hated something. Try putting forth ideas on how you think it could be improved.
    Yes, because you're really contributing to this dialogue now.

    Oh, wait. What was that about, pots and kettles, or stones and glass houses?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    And then you realised you were looking in a mirror..

    Love ya!
    Don't be dissin' my style, braaaahhh!!

    I'll kill you later, honeybunch
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
    The club hair is perfect for the Skulls, because it reminds me that these are people who need a beating in the worst way.
    And the doofus hair, well, I have SEEN that in real life. Today. On the street. Top of the hair left alone, shaved sides.
    All of my What
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    This is an MMORPG. RPG by it's definition is a Role Playing Game, where you immerse yourself in a world rich in history and storylines. Writing is just as much a part of this game as the gameplay itself is, and needs to be treated as such. Some people have been drawn to this game specifically because of stories, and some people have actually left the game due to the drastic, ridiculous turns the writing has taken. We were even given the AE to make our own stories and share them with others.

    So when something comes up in the writing that needs to be addressed, like a blatant avoidance of past established history, it needs to be brought up. Otherwise we'll get more arcs like the original Closed Beta Field Agent Keith Nance, where he threatens us with off screen ninjas if we don't follow his orders, and our doppleganger is actually our Praetorian.

    So yes, story is important. It may not be important to you, but there are a number of people in this game that are drawn to it.
    Bingo, we have a winner.
  17. I think my main beef with Chernobog, other than who/what he is, is just how annoyingly cliche he is.

    "Hurr hurr, my brother say not to fight, yes? But we make good fight! Come, let us wrestle, little man!"

    It's like someone has been playing too much....Team Fortress...2....

    In all seriousness, though, it's impossible to take seriously a guy who's got more abs than brain and talks like every Slavic/Russian cliche *ever*.
  18. Eh, he's no problem as a big, nasty Lieutenant (within the group as a whole), but he's not an intimidating enough figure for one of the two big bads, in my opinion.

    At least one of them needs a scythe, for one thing >_>
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post

    Regardless, I love what they've done with the new Skull update... so *shrug*
    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the fact the gang finally got some visual love and more in-depth missions. I just don't see the need to butcher the one bit of solid canon they had for a guy who looks like a less cool version of Salvador, i.e. a not overly tall guy on steroids;
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    And yet we have the creator of the characters telling us differently...
    If by Posi saying "Uh, actually, I don't really have much clue about this".....wait, that's not a compelling argument in the slightest.

    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    I am not "up" on the full Skulls lore at this time
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    That is not what I said. Please do not put words in my mouth, Mr. Techbot.
    That's pretty much exactly what you said, actually;

    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    This is very much how I see it. This goes along with my request to the devs: please don't spend too much time "fix" the new Skulls. Lots of other more worthy things to work on besides a group whose primary reason to exist is to be *skipped* by most of the players running DFB to level up.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    Any yet somehow, I don't.
    Saying that they don't need to revamp low level content because people can grind DFB from 1-50 if they have no motivation other then levels is...

    Yeah, let's just say that myself and others are very glad that the Devs don't subscribe to your news letter.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Hey, guess what- that's what's been happening since the day the game left the incubator.


    You want some unchanging universe wedded inviolately to "canon", you better write it yourself because it doesn't exist in the world of serial collaborative endeavor, and I dare say it never will.
    Except that is totally NOT what I am saying.

    With Issue...whatever, Invasion, the Devs 'changed the Rikti'. And it was great. Because they went on what we knew already, they expanded existing canon, they progressed it, moved forward with it...we didn't suddenly have the Rikti change what they were, how they acted and who their boss was. In fairness, it was never made clear prior if the Rikti had any bosses, so that was ok; Hro' Dtohz was an addition, filling in a space where there was nothing previously.

    That is all NOT true with the Skulls. Chernobog as one of the Petrovic brothers is NOT an addition, it's a change to previously established canon. And, again, that in and of itself is no bad thing. I mean, dear god did Praetoria ever need the hell retconned out of it. Goatee-Mirrorverse Praetoria was terrible. I don't think anyone disagreed with that. But the Skulls are not in the same place; they have pre-existing canon that was just never explored right and done justice in-game and, now the Skulls are finally being expanded, said existing canon is being completely thrown out because....uh....because Posi didn't actually KNOW any of the gang lore before calling that shot? That's CERTAINLY what I've got out of this so far, and that is not good.
  24. I did wonder about that myself. I was more focussed on the writing side, aside from Cherno-fat, so I didn't bother noticing the visuals beyong 'This looks better'.

    Good to see they did keep the diversity, I would honestly have been surprised if that hadn't been the case.

    (Psst, I still think the 'cut off at the elbow' tattoos are silly! )
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    This is very much how I see it. This goes along with my request to the devs: please don't spend too much time "fix" the new Skulls. Lots of other more worthy things to work on besides a group whose primary reason to exist is to be *skipped* by most of the players running DFB to level up.

    Your reasoning is bad, and you should feel bad.