582 -
Thanks to the Tankers that came out tonight for two teams.
Team Citadel
Tankin' Tart
Butchers Choice
Benko Gambit
Deomayne Paul
Team Manticore
Bub J Simps
Walk Like A Man
Strong Woman
Moon Willow
Another great raid tonight! Thank you to everyone who showed up!
Thanks Panzeer, QuantumParticle, Hewn Stone and Paul Metcalfe for assisting in team management! WOOT!
Congrats again Liberty!!
See you Saturday for another Raid!!!!
Quote:Hehe it was a strange run indeed and OMG your teams were great. Always fun to see something different.Did I mention that the Green/Blue teams were outstanding, yesterday?
No? Not yet?
The Green/Blue teams were outstanding, yesterday.Even taking the occasional stray shot from a yellow or from Hami himself, that was one solid and disciplined group.
Sorry folks. I can't lead the raid tonight. I am pretty sick. I will lead one on Tuesday before Tanker Tuesday. This coming Tuesday. If anyone else feels like stepping up and leading tonight by all means feel free. Once again, sorry I cannot make it.
Quote:Perfect. That works. TYNot sure if you've tried this, but if you right click on your chat window and go to Channel Search > My Channels and select the desired channel, there is a Set MOTD button. If you enter your MotD in there you can fit a lot more characters than if you just click on the channel and to go Set MotD.
Oh wow Amygdala... I've been playing how long and NOW I learn this. I can't wait to test that tonight.
I put my site back up, it used to have SGs/VGs and some other goodies. Now it just has the calendar and a few tid bits... but it is there nonetheless. AND I pray it is up-to-date with events.
Yes, plug plug plug of the site, but no where on it does it have a CoP for tomorrow. :P
Link is in the sig. -
Quote:It'll be 8pm and we're always done before the next hour. You're safe buddy.oh hell, what time is Hami raid? don't wana run into eachother!! Mainly cuz ill be on the raid lmao...
WAIT a minute... what time is it?? Seriously... you're always there... noob. Get a watch! -
Personally, I don't list anything that is "daily". Forget that. LOL
I do wish the Devs would allow for more characters in the MoTD, it's starting to get full with the events we have now. I might have to put my site up again for funs and list all the events. -
HAHA Harmony Hut!!! Best place evar!!
Wow, Karmaa, just noticed your time zones are eff'ed up.
9 central is 10 eastern... what time dude?? -
Quote:Dude?! You didn't. He meant Freedom folks. He's just being uh... silly.Of course, i transferred a toon over to liberty the other day for pvp purposes, and i have to say, that AP over there is just ridiculous. Its loud, obnoxious, and very commercial. I don't know, is there a happy medium? Just seems like on the larger servers, AKA, Exalted, Freedom...there is just less respect between players.
Please do change your global to @Panzeer and be done with it. :P -
I'll admit Ukase, I was pissed off and disappointed in the MoM run that failed. More so that some of the newer folks didn't listen to the directions and that those same people were not shifted. I'm being honest. It's selfish.
BAF/LAMBDA are there for a reason; hence why I ended up running 3 BAFs and 1 LAMBDA last night because I had a toon that was 50 (+1) and I wanted to encourage non-shifted folk to get their shifts.
We do need more leaders willing to do a grind night now and again just to get those goodies to shift yourself.
I don't agree with the reasoning of, "well it's just a few folks" regardless of how good a player they are. They will be next to useless at -6. But that's my opinion and of course not fact.
It was your trial and for that I do apologize if my "nay saying" was too negative. I have just never failed a MoM and I was flabbergasted. I was more disappointed in the tells that I did give to people who said "oh sorry" and continued to aid in our failure.
I do believe in one cardinal item; respect the leaders choices. If the leader decides to have non-shifted people on the trial, then that is their choice. Everyone else knows what they are getting into when they join the trial.
A few things come to my mind when I see level 50s... just 50s on a trial recommended for shifted folks.
1) They're too damn lazy to do the BAF/LAMBDA because of them hating it or no one is willing to step up and lead it.
2) We are lacking in leadership for iTrials.
3) They want the goodies fast (which honestly, isn't as fast as most think).
4) They are filling holes (we don't have enough shifted of this or shifted of that). Which I find hard to believe... see #1 and #3.
Hold the phone? RECOMMENDED!
Yes, I had this discussion with someone the other night. We still have 5 other incarnates that are to be opened and I guarantee you, doing the MoM and TPN trials will have the iXP going towards those.
I think I've rambled enough... hopefully I got some idea of how I was feeling and my opinion across. I respect your decision Ukase and will support you anytime. You know this and if you don't, well you do now.
Cheers! -
When is this happening??
I was thinking of making a Stalker... but... we'll see... -
TY to @FlyingCodeMonkey, @Karmaa. @Paul Metcalfe and @Heavenly Perverse for being team leaders! TY Everyone for the great run!!!!
See you again soon!
Next raids will be:
Tuesday night: January 17th, 7:30pm EST.
Saturday night: January 21st, 7:30pm EST.
We take out Hamidon at 8pm EST. -
Awesome fun yet again!
Thanks to all who was there and those who stepped up to lead the teams. Couldn't do it without you.
Next one is Saturday at 7:30pm EST!! -
*** Hamidon Raid ***
I think Hamidon has been sleeping too long. We are due for a raid. So meet up in the Hive at 7:30pm EST on January 10th! That's this Tuesday folks!!
We will also be running a raid on Saturday, January 14th at 8pm too, be there for 7:30pm EST!
Let's get ready to rummmmmbllllllee!!
I have 1 Scrapper on Liberty and would not be opposed to rolling a Dark/Dark for funzies. Let me know what day and I will be there.
Success... again.
Ty everyone! See you at the next raid. Date to be determined. Might be this Saturday, maybe next Thursday!
*** TONIGHT ***
Let's get ready to rumble!!!
Meet in the Hive at 7:30pm EST for the Hamidon Raid which will commence with defeating of DE and then the assault on Hamidon itself!
Your leaders will be:
Myself on Flaming Tax E with help from Paul Metcalfe for the Yellow Taunting Team.
Hewn Stone will be leading the Hamidon Taunt team.
Panzeer will be leading the Yellow Assault Team.
Ukase Rex will be leading the Green Hold and Green/Blue Assault teams.
Let's do it!!!! 53 merits or a Hamidon Enhancement or 4 Incarnate Shards!
Congratulations!! 2 years, that all? Figured you guys were around forever. Buttheads.