11 -
guess im grabing SJ then and your right it somehow does seem fiting for brutes
well ill admit im abit tempted to go fly again. But im afraid it wont look all to good with the Theme of my char. Hes got a kind of duke nukem inspired look going. Pretty rough brawler type thing. Dunno if its just me but the thought of a guy flying around in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans is just abit odd.
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Put it down to a jetpack, rocket boots or an A-grav belt. I seem to remember Duke Nukem getting a jetpack at some point.
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well explaining why he flyes isnt a problem its more the fact that i think it looks stupid with him hanging there in mid air :P a big spanking jetpack might solve it though :P -
any controle over the jumping height and distance? Dont wanna go rocketing half a mile into the sky trying to get down to the end of the street.
well ill admit im abit tempted to go fly again. But im afraid it wont look all to good with the Theme of my char. Hes got a kind of duke nukem inspired look going. Pretty rough brawler type thing. Dunno if its just me but the thought of a guy flying around in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans is just abit odd.
hmm on the subject of power polls does stealth sound completely like the ramblings of a madman for a brute? you know to get right in the middle of the mobs before staryong to smash em
I recently started up COV from a clean slate after reactivating my acount and rolled a brute for my new main character. But ive ran my head into a wall here with picking a travel pool to go for since none of the ones ive tryed so far fits his background (An unstopable powerhouse of raw mutant smash power who can teleport or fly?)
so here finally comes my question. Ive narowed it down to either superspeed or leaping. Id like some sugestions and sutch on witch one to pick. Not only from raw numbers but also entertainment value.
Hes an SS/Invul btw. -
would have been kinda cool with an abomination set for the mad bioligist or perhaps elemental minions for an evil wizard
where more squishy than your average slug so no martial arts would definately not work
doing thugs/poison with I7 myself. Kinda hoping for the whole gangster look most likely theyll use some kind of rifle again. Could be cool though with a shotgun and a bunch of mobsters or gang bangers helping ya.
yea but heroes dont comand others around :P not seen any that do yet anyway
my bots mm
Assault bots
Vector X-7
Vector X-8
Gamma Y-8
and my merc mm has
Pvt. Jenkins
Pvt. Wilson
Cpl. Jonson (medic) -Not aquired yet
Spec ops.
Sgt. Hawk
Sgt. ?? -sugestions would be welcome for when i get him
Major. Khaine -Not aquired yet