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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Borts View Post
    Aren't you pushing 40 by now?

    Borts and Katfood = putting the Sexy in sexual tension since 2004.
  2. Talia_Rayvyn

    I'm Back!

    Welcome back....again....again. =P

    It's like you Capt Omega and Sgt Liberty all have the same break/return schedule each time.
  3. Happy Birthday Missy!!!
    (Don't care if it's not before it is now... OR ELSE)


  4. Prodigy - Fat of the Land Album
    Deftones - Around the Fur Album
    Dethklok - The Dethalbum I
    Marilyn Manson - Portrait of an American Family Album
    Nine Inch Nails - Downward Spiral Album
    Queen of the Damned Soundtrack
    Resident Evil Soundtrack
    X-Ray Dog - Best of Show Album
    Globus - Epicon Album
    Saw I Soundtrack
    Cranberries - Zombie
    Samael - On Earth
    Megaherz - Gott Sein, Rock Me Amadeus, 5. März

    Songs that Rock Band made me appreciate:
    Avenged Sevenfold - Almost Easy
    Coheed and Cambria - Welcome Home
    Anyway You Want It - Journey
    Judas Priest - Painkiller
    Livin' on a Prayer - Bon Jovi
    Hollywood Undead - Young

    Songs online friends made me appreciate:
    Scooter - Maria, Fire
    Broolyn Bounce - Born to Bounce, Get Ready to Bounce
    Lonely Island - Like a Boss, I'm on a Boat
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheStarscreamer View Post
    Hello and welcome to the horror that are the EU members - you think you're invading... how foolish

    But assorted heys that I have as yet got around to. Beware, for Europe has arrived and I'm wearing black, have the 'giggety' comments armed and am not afraid to use them on all you strangers...

    On behalf of all of the those under the black and blue banner of Ultimate Darkness, a fond welcome to carnage! Those who wish to get to know our legion of devoted psychopaths can find out more via the link in my sig (and the assorted content like our comics therein).

    And finally my trademark battlecry to wake the masses: VIOLENCE FOR THE PEOPLE!!!
    I like you <3
  6. Grats to RO!

    Is Alty still involved with this? We havn't heard from her in years since she abandoned us for ya'll. =P
  7. Controller and Fortunata from 48 to 50 on Friday

    Didn't play Sat or Sun.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shades View Post
    i can't make out that last part of your title ...
    is that XXL?

    XXI = 21

    *Pulls out Chalkboard of Learning*
    Watch this. I will now explain Roman numerals to you. Please remove your shades, if you are wearing them at night, so you do not miss a moment of this.

    In Roman numerals:
    I = 1
    X = 20
    L = 50

    You're gonna love this. If I had put XXL that would be boring, because the L should be in the front. Stop having boring orders, stop having boring life, amirite?

    BOOM, chop it up, and switch the order around (the numbers will come right off) and you have the correct showing of 70:

    So you see XXL is worthless, forget about it. *throws it out*

    One chop to the L, put it back at the end where it belongs, and you got XXI for a total of 21. Isn't that beautiful?

    Please refer to my Book for more information. If you call now, cause you know I can't do this all day, you'll get 2 for $19.95!

    Making Union (EU) insane, one slap at a time.
    Empress Kali Izanami Renee Rayvyn XXI
  9. This invasion has been approved by the Empress of Justice (whom is I, which is me).

    Please inform your server ruler that I would like to have a brunch and/or supper with them to discuss and trade benevolent tyranny techniques.

    Empress Isabella Marianne Kelly Rayvyn XXI
  10. [ QUOTE ]

    haha, the Justice Insanity could lend itself towards being cheery! After all, aren't the most eccentric people generally the happiest when nobody's bothering them? *Continues talking to self*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Justice forums were made to promote people posting anything related to Justice. If Arrgy wanted to make a blog about him creating a new costume every day more power to him... as long as he's making them on Justice . So I'm not trying to be a downer on him making a blog at all.

    ..And no I have no idea why I quoted TehVyze lol.

    I'm just saying, has this game really come to the point that leveling outside of MA as a new/returning player is such a noteworthy accomplishment that it needs it's own blog? And yes I'm actually asking that as a question of the non-rhetorical variety.

    -If- it's true I hope Praetoria/Any future content is accessible through the AE buildings. Because they will have officially trumped themselves in the whole Winter Lord fiasco and created a generation of fail players (in reference to the guy/guys like that guy who left the Sewer Team, not the poster) that won't know anything outside of Atlas Plaza/AE building.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Encountered any giant spiders yet?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    hehe, I lived in Australia when I was younger, and the big spiders are the ones you WANT to be around, since they eat the dangerous ones

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wait, what


    But no pictures because I want to be able to sleep this week.
  12. *tackles* BA!!!!

    Encountered any giant spiders yet?
  13. Wait, you're making a blog about playing the game the way it has been played for the last 4 years and some change before AE...


    In Before the Epic Fail!
  14. Talia_Rayvyn


    Who'd forget that avatar, welcome back Nabeshin.
  15. Happy Birthday Posibot!

    ** Present **
  16. Sounds like fun Macod, if I'm on and there's room I can fill out whatever roles you need: Tank, Support, Damage, Comedy Relief, etc.
  17. Talia_Rayvyn

    Mish teams

    Hmmm I don't think I've done a normal mission team (if that entails contacts/papers/AE) in at least 4+ months.

    Usually when I hop on, I either chat or run a TF/SF/Raid then bounce back off. Though I do enjoy randomly inviting people in the zone to the TF/SFs if we have room. A lot of people I know usually run the same way or have perma-parked themselves in Atlas/Cap.

    But when I've popped through zones hero side I -have- heard a lot of PuG groups around Talos and Steel Canyon. Villains side has been and probably always will be more deader so the only place I hear broadcast chatter is Cap for AE stuffs.

    So quicker/better organized teaming I'd say your best bet is to stick with globals and stuff over zone teaming or the LFG queue.
  18. Talia_Rayvyn


    Welcome back!

    Total Casuality Count since April:
    Cimeroran Traitors : 8,460,789
    Rikti Invasion Forces: 3,441,904
    Freakshow in AE: 99,999,999+
    5th Column: 1,397,518
    Reichsman: 0*
    *He's Invincible, duh.

    You're all caught up
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The Delivery Change Request could not be processed at this time.

    [/ QUOTE ] from UPS is also getting rather annoying

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My cookies!!!
  20. I'm not calling you out or anything, Baalat I'm honestly curious:

    If you had to write up the same kind of article how would it differ?
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The lesson here is simple Bridge:

    PvP = serious business

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Or as someone (I believe it was Mac) said last night: When you're a jerk to them, people get angry.

    [/ QUOTE ]Good thing we have professors to tell us that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Education is vunderbar!

    ...or were you saying Macskull's a professor?
  22. The lesson here is simple Bridge:

    PvP = serious business

    I have always found it interesting how unwritten rules regarding how PvP should be conducted in video games as it's lifespan evolves.

    Last month I was over at a friend's house and her hubby was playing Street Fighter IV. He started laughing and called us into the room and showed us a message the guy sent him after he lost.
    Basically it said (minus the curse words)-- You're a noob, you need to learn how to play, I'm sending your name around to everyone in this bracket to blacklisting you from fighting 'till you learn how to play.
    And sure enough, anytime he was matched up against anyone from that bracket the rest of the night they'd decline and send him a message telling him to learn how to play before fighting anyone at their level...

    The part that struck me the most odd was that he BEAT the other guy.
  23. Hey if we were in Siren's I'd be hiding behind Futalia!

    Spiffy looking piece of our characters though, Battlewraith I like how Artemis' uniform is all shiny.
  24. If I was gonna play Star Trek Online I'd want to be Guy ... I forgot his last name.

    Bad news for ya Plasma, the new Star Trek movie is canon, cause they're including the destruction of Romulus in the game. All the stuff involved with the time-traveling due to the destruction has been omitted though.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Talia, you are EVIL.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can stop right there next time DR, that about sums it alllllllllll up.