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  1. Mass Effect Series - Thread Topic Here

    Batman: Arkham Asylum - Thread Topic Here

    To prevent a cross-posting problem please keep all discussions regarding the Gaming Series in that thread.

    An ongoing discussion about the Mass Effect series is in the Comics section and I'd like to hear feedback from my darlings in Justice!

    If you also have a gaming series, etc you wish to discuss with Justice don't hesitate to post it up in this thread as well.

    -The Empress
  2. Happy Birthday Phantom, hope it was super special awesome!

  3. Aww I'm late to the party.

    *Bursts out of one of Mekkanos' robots in a shower of robo circuits, metal and oil*

  4. Obsidian Rayvyn, Scrapper - 32 to 33

    Spent most of my time on catching up with people I have not seen in 6+ months.
  5. Talia_Rayvyn

    I miss . . .

    Originally Posted by NaggZ View Post
    old Justice...
    Impeding Doom
    wars with Giggles and kicking him off the roof in sirens
    Smilin' Jack
    My global list with people actually logged on..

    From TG: Awwww sweet, NaggZ. You were realy good at PVP. I remember when a grp of us hunting in zone was fun in the Giggles and MRS tree days lol.
  6. Talia_Rayvyn

    Love that!

    Lightning Rod
    Carrion Creepers
    Footstomp/Ground Punch
    Rain of Arrows
    Flash Fire
    Melt Armor
    Crane Kick
  7. Voted!

    Interesting entries.
  8. 1st: Toxic Shia
    2nd: Happy Dan
    3rd: Clutch
  9. Awww that looks like fun but I'm gonna be busy next weekend.

    Someone compete in my name!
    *In order to properly represent me I expect you to be the worst person on the team. kthx
  10. Talia_Rayvyn

    Arkhan Asylum

    And just beat Arkham Asylum!

    Did the Poison Ivy and Joker fights tonight and I have to say... Of all the fights I hated Poison Ivy's the most. I can pretty much say the only reason I got past her was by sheer luck lol.
  11. I remember hearing about a Marvel heroes comic book creator that had a buncha standard backgrounds and page panel layouts for you to use.

    But I've also heard that if you're creative Microsoft Powerpoint can be used as well.

  12. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o(>^.^)>
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
    Also, that video is shamefully funny.
    That only shame involved is that the scene was not in the actual movie.
  14. Talia_Rayvyn

    Arkhan Asylum

    Arrrrrrrrrrgh I've been stuck again.

    I'm at the point that Ivy got injected with the Titan strain and her evil pod things are everywhere. I'm supposed to go to Intensive Treatment to get into Killer Croc's lair.

    But I have no idea how to get into the building (it's the one with the sniper on it).

  15. From the CoH Facebook page in case you has not seen it.

    Issue 17: Dark Mirror

    • New badges, new missions and new player emotes
    • Epic Archetypes now available at level 20
    • Improvements and additions to Mission Architect
    • Enhancements to UI and game systems
    • And more

    But that is not all the news we have in store for you!

    Remember Going Rogue? That's right, how could you forget? Well, you have the opportunity to get access to the Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning power sets in March and April, if you pre purchase City of Heroes Going Rogue (MSRP $29.99 USD)! You will also be able to get your hands on an exclusive item pack if you get the City of Heroes Going Rogue: Complete Collection (MSRP $39.99 USD), that will be available when Going Rogue releases in July!

    What's in that item pack, you ask?

    Well, a few nifty things like:
    • Alpha- and Omega-themed auras
    • Alpha and Omega themed costumed sets
    • Four stance emotes
    • The Shadowy Presence invisibility power

    Is this too much for you to handle?

    Hang in there, this year promises to be a fantastic one in City of Heroes® and we've got more details for you on these different offers coming soon!
  16. I'll speak for Talia!

    Babble babble ***** *****
    Rebel rebel party party
    Sex sex sex and don't forget the violence!
  17. Talia_Rayvyn


    Glad your financial situation has improved!


    ..waitamin, he said he's from Guardian? You pledge that you're gonna keep your butt on Justice and then we'll consider helping you.
  19. Happy Birthday Mari, hope the day is as awesome as you are!

  20. Talia_Rayvyn

    Arkhan Asylum

    Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
    Would any livestock be injured in the telling of said jokes?
    And now I am even more curious.

    Originally Posted by Mekkanos View Post
    EDIT: I just looked at a video of the second Scarecrow encounter to refresh my memory. If you're stuck early in the fight, there's a point early on where you need to use the batclaw to drag some boxes down to use as cover. As for the rest of it, the best advice I can give is to stay in cover and watch him. He doesn't watch your path forever.
    That was helpful, thanks!

    I am now in the Intensive Treatment section. My new favorite thing to do is stand completely still and just counter when one of the crazies runs at me. It's a funny animation where they leap at you, you throw them to the ground then you punch them in the face and knock them out.
  21. Talia_Rayvyn

    Arkhan Asylum

    Hahahahaha, I just noticed the thread title still says "Arhan" Asylum.

    Classic Fumbles right there.