708 -
Point taken.
I'll do more fur research to see if I can modify it to look more natural. Which also means I'm going to have to use the smudge tool, I think, whereas so far it's all been using a single and same type of brush at different sizes.
Will look into it! -
You're leaving? =(
And no one posted a comment ¬_¬
I always click the link before I read the post. It's a (bad) habit of mine.
Recognised the fact that it was a Warshade straight away. Kudos for that.
Need more construction lines though :O -
*Blushes like a schoolgirl*
Don't know what to say.
Even though it's not done yet. -
That's a dude with the 'tude
Yeah, bad jokes are bad.
I think he's got a great look and I think for a first attempt, it's pretty well done.
It's great that there aren't any bucket tool fills visible. It's clean.
If it were me, I'd add more shadows on his torso. That would define the light source better. You have more shadows on the trousers than on his upper body which makes the latter look flatter.
If I learned anything when colouring, casted shadows creates more depth.
My 2 cents anyway.
Keep it up. I feel great potential in this one! -
Oh hai!
I'm jumping in on this. I could do with a competition. -
I disagree that CoH/V still looks great.
This is my only and biggest grip with the game: it looks old.
And you can't compare it to WoW because Wow is stylized. It's the textures that makes it nice looking after so many years (for the record I played it briefly. Never got to the end because the game annoys me - so I ain't biased).
CoH is not stylized. It has a generic look.
The character models, the zones.. most of it, in my opinion, needs more depth. Which probably means rounder models.The buildings are flat, the models looks kinda square and clunky.
I'd leave the power FX alone though, as they are very nice and abundant in game. No need to add more particle effects either.
If you look around:
Guild Wars looks great.
WAR has fleshed out models.
Champions Online has a zest of cell shading and that's refreshing.
DCUO previews fleshed out and shader'd models...
Even if you don't compare it to any other MMO out there, as it stands on its own, it's missing depth.
I agree something needs to be done. Specially in a game where individuality is key. I mean you want your toon to be the best looking with the best details.
Now I understand that due to the character creator's intricacies it would be a tough job and could create more trouble than it's probably worth (as in, if it ain't broken, don't fix it). But if they are doing it, I hope they don't only just add new gimmicks like water ripples... -
Many grats on this steady and swift path from 1 to 50 Doc.
Very well done -
Oh you! Come here for a full "thank you" reach around!!!
Unstoppable Doc!
They all pretty much rock hard.
Keep'em coming! -
Sister looks hotter than ever on that banner/header..
Ouélquomme baque !
Good to see you're still at it and getting better too! Awesome sauce here! -
Don't make me go back and edit all my thread titles and links on my site.
This stays as NaNoDraMo! -
I wish you all the best, Stase! In everything you undertake from here on out.
You'll always be remembered in my mind as someone who made many heartfelt and honest posts.
Sad to see a regular go. You'll be missed.
Take care! -
Oh! Midoh!, si tu passe a Dublin, envoi-moi un message privé via ici ou à travers mon site si tu veux aller boire une bonne pint de Guinness à l'occaz!
Aussi, je peux demander à des contactes chez Activision, ou ici chez PopCap, si il y a du boulot (si ca te dit de rester dans le jeux vidéo et si t'as pas encore trouvé du taf).
Sinon, bonne chance à toi et à ta moitié -
Aye it's 50 drawings in 1 thread per poster and you can draw anything.
Ideally Coh related but who cares?
I won't be able to participate this year. Got way too much on-going: already super late on current pics, Bejeweled Twist crunch time is starting soon and remaining time left will be spent on trying to catch up friends on WAR.
Plus I never manage to reach the 50 mark anyway. Every year.
Have fun all who partake in this endeavor though! -
Welcome back my friend!
Good to know you're still an addict. Won't see you unfortunately (or fortunately for you)as I'm having WARspasms at the moment.
Well 595px × 842px is a decent size for images, sure. But some of the text becomes hard to read. Like the Shivan speech bubbles.
Maybe it's my desktop resolution 1600x1200. Too high?
Hmm. Either I lower my resolution or you need post slightly bigger versions or the comic. If I'm the only one experience this, fair enough
Doesn't make the comic less funny in any ways. Still love it after reading it again! -
Brilliant! Lol'd as well.
Please make images slightly bigger. Squinting eyes FTL. -
<Cynical quote>
Some of you are saying you are looking forward to it, but lets face it, when was the last time you checked out the creative forum? I thought so.......
[/ QUOTE ]
At the very minimum, when there is a new entry in it.
Sorry to hear you have absolutely no interest in the Creative forum though. Maybe you should let your creative juices overflow () and post the results in said forum.
A bit of imagination might help this cynicism you seem to be overwhelmed with... -
Again, apologies if I came on a bit too strong. I only make long replies when I feel passionately about something
I want to stress that, I know you have the knowledge and skills, I just didn't think you applied them here (for reasons you stated above).
I was unable to achieve what I had visualised.
[/ QUOTE ]
Been there. Know the feeling. It's encouraging to start over imo. -
I admire what you're trying to do and I respect what you've done.
That's why I'm not going to sugar coat my reply.
I cannot hide my disappointment regarding the lack of said animation. You know, squash/stretch, movement, secondary action, pivotal axes of bodies, etc...
It all seems very flat and stiff. A bit like southpark animation but even they use all the aforementioned animation techniques.
How about adding some short action scenes or even the 2 main characters jumping from building top to building top? They could be running at each other for a brief moment before the pouncing. That would heighten the tension...
On the other hand the composition and direction of the shots are pretty spot on. You direct the viewer's eye directly at what you want him to see. Kudos for that.
Don't get me wrong. I like it.
But animation follow rules of timing and gravity that I cannot see in this clip.
No offense, I hope, because none intended...