708 -
eve, what does that mean?
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do itashi masite : 1- You're welcome, 2- not at all, 3- don't mention it. -
New layer, rotation, expansion, transparency..
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sorry.. what?
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-Use the text tool/click on anywhere.
-Type text.
-Use the move arrow and options to make text rotate, skew, etc..
-In the options at the top, change font, font size, font highth and width..
-Under layers, use drop down menu to change layer's master opacity
-Mess around with edit/stroke and voila!
all this assuming you're using PS 7+
Any more questions and I'll start posting screenshots -
Yes, I've used MS Paint. I found it so much easier to type into Microsoft Word's Word Arts, then paste into MS Paint for any manipulations, and then into Photoshop. Although I have noticed the rather odd contrasts the bubbles now hold.. I will either return to shrinking then slightly or filtering them as well.. or use whatever fonts you can provide me, I will definately have a play around.
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Gah! no! =P
If you have PS, might as well type text bubbles with that! The editing is by far supperior when integrated in an image. New layer, rotation, expansion, transparency... Of course you do as you please, and I'm not one to /tell/ you what to do.
Have sent you that mail.
EDIT: Can I quote your comment on the back cover?
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Quote away! -
Good work on the comic so far.
I do have 3 comments to make regarding the font and speech bubbles:
-First, I would strongly suggest to alter/change the font of the regular speech bubbles. Using a font that gives your comic more identity. It really looks like you either used MS paint or that you didn't put any effort into it.
I have a couple of comic font variants, pm me if you want any..
-Still regarding the speech bubbles, I would again suggest making the outline a tad thicker. It's way too pixelated and contrasts way too much with the smooth filters applied to your panels.
-Chapter 5 has the best displayed attack names. Keep that up. -
lunna pour la victoire hey swissy?
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Tu l'as dit bouffi :P
Well done girl!
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OMG! Tox, how can I have been so blind as to overlook that detail.
Gratz to you to!
Thank you, Note, for pointing that out.
A little PL Tox, for forgivness sake?? :P -
Lunna next, Swissy?
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That would be nice. -
Had great fun and was honored to be there.
Gratz again guys.
Next up, Spiritess and Sulphur... XD
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You have a guy called Sulphur? Interesting, is this exacty how it's spelt?
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Yes we do, Mr Sulfur. -
Had great fun and was honored to be there.
Gratz again guys.
Next up, Spiritess and Sulphur... XD -
recruté les bas level a Atlas ne sert pas a grand chose je trouve.
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Si ils restent assez longtemps et en mode SG, c'est du prestige en plus pour le Groupe. Et hop! un nouveau terminal :P
Du coup il y a beaucoup d'invitations pour les bas niveau de la part de SGs qui démarrent..
La premiere fois que j'ai débarqué du Ziggurat et arrivé a Mercy Island, je ne pouvais pas faire 2 pas sans récuperer une invitation pour joindre un SG que je ne connaissais ni d'Eve, ni d'Adam...
C'est moche comme technique mais c'est courant. -
No problem! As I said, it's a good pic. Would love to see more ^^ -
Remember that the Gimp does not have the massive corporate financial ivestment and experience that Adobe has..
All I'm saying is that even after having used PS from the fifth installment, I have no problem finding my way in the Gimp. Sure it's not as nice looking but the concept is the same. Surely you aren't "stuck" without PS installed on a pc? -
Of course Photoshop has the king of interfaces. Once you've used it everything else pales.
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Yep its terrible. You can create layers but I can never figure out how I'm supposed to switch between them. And I've about 7 years Photoshop experience.
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n00bz00r! XD
it's really not that hard.. -
Thanks but it makes more sense to either have a bust, a torso or a full shot.
Of course you don't *have* to do a full page drawing however in this case the fact that the legs are smaller than the thighs and that the feet aren't displayed describes a lack of paper space imo, which is a shame really, I like this piece ^^ -
...it would be nice to hear your thoughts on it
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Sure! click me
I'm guessing he ran out of paper space.. ^^ It's kinda cute otherwise! -
Note to self: keep sugar-coating your replies in Creative...
Hmm nice sketch!
quick question though: Why do the pencil strokes look absolutely great, but the inking seems a little jerky?
More please! -
Nice one. We need more art in the creative forum. Keep em coming ^^
Considering you tought yourself, that's pretty good. Your pictures are breathing life but your anantomy is a bit off. I would have used more construction lines..
Great job! -
Heh. In the meantime, send me your screenies, possibly with and without powers and from front and back views.. Either host them online and pm me the link or send them to swisslad@campus.ie
Well you can always send me screenies but I can't garanty a fast delivery. As I said, Lady Elli is pushing me to draw the whole SG at the moment.. so my hands are a little full right now..
Dang!, I never updated my thread... But Elli is pushing me to spend less time playing and more time drawing...
..Must prioritize tbh.. -
Yeah I'd like to give you a hand with Moonie, Phil, and slag Rooks in the process.. But the family picture Phil! Think about the picture!...