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  1. I personally find the local channel freakishly silent in COH, as compared to spatial chat in other MMOs, so a little spam is the least of my worries if it's in the name of roleplaying. When compared to the fools that post their half of a conversation in Broadcast, it seems positively trivial.

    Of course, I've had people get irked with my role-playing, too -- apparently, it takes to long to speak in complete sentences, and I talk funny.
  2. Greetings to thee! I am Ygrid, daughter of Ymir, sworn Valkyrie to Woden, the All-Father! And in Midgard, in this age, I am called Frost Daughter! And yet I am not myself entire, for there is another in my mind, who whispers knowledge of Midgard in mine ear.

    It is no matter -- my duty in this City is clear! To send the foetid demons that fester in the dark places to Hel's porches! And I would fight alongside any who seek to spread the iron embrace of the All-Father's justice!

    OOC: Frost Daughter is my die-hard RP character, after I failed to find a persona for my other character. My mission is to never break character with her, so we'll see how that goes. At the moment, she's a level 10 Magic Ice tanker, and she packs a mean punch with her mace.