14 -
And to be perfectly honest, I'm actually a little relieved what with States, Posi and the rest posting so much all of a sudden. I like it when they're vocal with us. So sue me.
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Ditto. Makes me feel like things are going smoothly on their end, so they have time to address our silly speculating and maybe play a bit more.
*stalks the servers that start with a V* -
Lighthouse worked for Sony, whom removed his soul and sent him over to us, which is why he is the way he is.
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No, hours upon hours of playing EverQuest and PlanetSide did that. But then, I don't design the game, so you are safe!
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That doesn't remove a soul. That builds character!! -
*cries quietly in a corner*
Now you've gone & done it. Sent me over the edge.
*rocks self*
I have tested this theory.
I had my friend use propel in atlas park, the couch stayed.
I then had him run into the couch, both he and I saw the couch go flying into the air and land in the same place, thus, cross platform/player compatability with both physical and visual effects.
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I don't think the objects remaining is a bug - I think it's a feature. But when it first started doing that, testing I did on teams indicated that the graphics were different for everyone (much like how the Propel power generates a different object for each person). If that has changed, well, then, I don't really see why we CAN'T have a big red ball.
Give us our Big Red Ball! -
>_> I killed the big red ball thread...I'm sorry...
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Actually I think _Castle_ killed it. Nothing like telling a bunch of overgrown kids that they can't have their ball. -
Primary powersets:
Ball bouncing
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Yep, it's fun, but nobody else sees what you see
My SG mate told me it just looked like I was running around after my invisible dog. I guess that's what Castle meant - the interactive between players part would be hard.
Perhaps a Big Red Tape Worm?
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sounds....gory. -
Or a quidditch field. I mean, really.
...Are you SURE we can't have our BRB, Castle?Even with some sort of work-around?
ALL of you are forgetting the MOST important question...
Is there a badge for this!?
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no badge please.
badge = ball hogs
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Yes, that should be the POINT of the big red ball. That there IS no point. -
The ball would consider every attack knockback. For example impale...would no longer immob but knockback(but JUST for the ball) And this would for sure not take any effort on the devs parts at all to just make a simple ball and make it constantly bouncing
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Wouldn't impale, um, impale the ball?
Maybe certain powers could deflate everybody's fun -
I....I love it. Sign me up for the BRB.
SG Name: Rogues Gallery
SG Leaders: SuperKeely, Knightsblade
SG Website (if any): rogues.dyrix.net
SG Recruiters: SuperKeely, Knightsblade, Chianti Charlie, BLASTINGCAP, NightQueen, Tech Paladin
Teamspeak/Ventrillo Server: Not officially. Some players use it, but most of us prefer to type.
SG Peak Hours: Evenings and weekends. Regular Sunday evening SG event.
Other Info: Loosely pirate-themed. Dress code Casual Pirate. We would like you to make one costume a pirate costume, but not strictly enforced. Coalitioned with Charlies Angels and The Eyes of Justice.
If you'd like a fun SG, send a tell to @SuperKeely. We'll team with you and see if you adhere to the pirates code! (well, they're more like guidelines really)