591 -
At a guess, this is on the Champion server, correct?
It seems that everyone there is experiencing this. We're hoping for a fix soon. -
Moving under the assumption that their system design team is worth their name (which is a fair assumption since this rarely happens) this seems like a multiple failure scenario. It may require them to replace a lot of equipment both on the server and within the network to get it running again. That said, when I logged off, there seemed to be some progress being made as I could see my global friends again.
Admittedly, the one problem with Champion (if you can really consider it a "problem") is that most of the time people are teamed at level 50 or close, at least from my experiences. If you're having trouble finding any teams, this could be why.
So jealous that I had to leave right before this run. Congrats guys.
Team 1
1) @Amygdala - Sonic/Pain Corruptor
2) @ResplendentMs - Emp/Dark
3) @SovereignSavior - BS/Regen
4) @Captain Drej - Thugs/Pain MM
5) @Cobalt Azurean - Elec/Elec Dom
6) @Tommy Truestar - Blaster
7) @Jaguard - Rocky Vines Dominator
8) @Jitsurei - Soulstruck Elec/Psi Dominator
Team 2
1) @Thul Sorapa - Willpower/Battle Axe Tanker
2) @Zero Force - Elec/Elec Blaster
3) @Stray Kitten - Rad/Rad corr
4) @The Crimson Brigade- Energy/Energy Blaster
5) @ChicagoDoodler Mind/Psi Dom (tentative)
6) @TFury - Earth/Cold Troller
7) @Gender Poison - Rad/Rad
8) @BigMoneyHustla - Ice/Fire Blaster
Team 3
1) @Magenta Phoenix - Emp/Psi defender
Probably doesn't mean a whole lot, but updating the roster to reflect which toon I'll most likely bring. -
Quote:Only going to link it since it contains profanity and I don't feel like getting mod smacked immediately.The stick is for aerodynamics.
Oh and this thread combined with Buds new sig reminds me of the 'what trolls think is happening/what is actually happening' picture. I'm on my phone, someone post it kthx.
Content rated T for Teen -
Quote:I would have to argue that if it were working as intended it would give you a message along the lines of "Value out of range, please select a value below 100" when inputting a higher value instead of just saying "Channel timeout set to xxx days." and in reality setting no time out. As it stands, either its not working as intended because a) they intended to allow days > 99 and it doesn't or b) they did not intend to allow days > 99, but it does not display the correct error message when the value is outside of [1,99]. We have no way of knowing which was intended, but one of them is presumed to be the correct one.*It does work as intended. It just doesn't work in all cases. That's not the same thing as claiming it doesn't work at all, and that anyone that says otherwise is wrong.
I'm not picking nits, I'm picking what is clearly a swollen ego balloon that needs to climb down off the high horse for a while.
*Unless the devs hate us, but I'm assuming that not to be the case.
Team 1
1) @Amygdala - Sonic/Pain Corruptor
2) @ResplendentMs - Emp/Dark
3) @SovereignSavior - BS/Regen
4) @Captain Drej - Thugs/Pain MM
5) @Cobalt Azurean - Elec/Elec Dom
6) @Tommy Truestar - Blaster
7) @Jaguard - Rocky Vines Dominator
8) @Jitsurei - Soulstruck Elec/Psi Dominator
Team 2
1) @Thul Sorapa - Willpower/Battle Axe Tanker
2) @Zero Force - Elec/Elec Blaster
3) @Stray Kitten - ...something
Here's hoping my internet behaves this time. -
On a related note, I tried this on an old channel and it doesn't appear that 3 digit numbers work, only 2 digit. Tried 365 and 180, which I know some people in that channel have been gone since '09 and no change. Tried 90 and it dropped from 72 people to 16. This may be why there was some confusion as to whether it worked or not.
Quote:So this actually works now? I know at one point it responded like it worked but it didn't actually do anything.If you're referring to this....
/chan_timeout <channel name> <days>
Sets the number of days a member of a global channel must go without logging in before being automatically kicked from the channel.
It's been in the game for quite a while, and works fine. We cleaned up some channels with it. -
I would like to go on the record as saying, if you have any problems with the way I've moderated anything, feel free to talk to me about it. I would prefer that it be done via tells just to keep any resulting drama out of BMT, but if I am in the wrong and get called on it, I will do what I can to make amends.
I hate my internet, I would like to state this for the record. Grats on Bunker Buster you all.
I'll do what I can to be there, Amy. I would like to bring my scrapper, but I'll change up depending on how the league make-up looks.
Quote:Thread resurrection
[BMT of Champion]Firemoth: still trying to figure out why I take anywhere from 1 to 12 damage just from walking down that hill in Talos.....
[BMT of Champion]Stray Kitten: Fall damage?
[BMT of Champion]SCyberTaz: slippery slope?
[BMT of Champion]Vhailor2003: ((It's a haunted hill. The ghosts are biting you.))
[BMT of Champion]Pengy: Land sharks
[BMT of Champion]Ashcraft: I second Land Sharks
[BMT of Champion]SCyberTaz: bearing candygrams -
Quote:Given that most new people will have the same restrictions as trial accounts, and we rarely hear out of trial accounts, I don't foresee many people being helped by us. That's why the concern about the freeps is a little odd to me.Wow. The reactions in this thread are interesting ,to say the least.
I see a few people who don't want to play with freepers.
I see many more waiting to see what will happen.
I see some who will stay on champion no matter what.
I see some excited to see old friends coming back to the game. (Me included.)
How many of you look at this as a way to teach new players about what makes Champion great?
There will be many new players who have never experienced fly, never ninja-kicked a bad guy through a wall, never met their double in a mission and gone 'OMG... wait, his costume is better than mine.' and I'll have the chance to show them all of this.
What I'm saying it: We have choices, but one choice that hasn't been considered much is that of HELPING the new players become good players.
Just my two cents. -
Hopefully this is the correct forum for this, but I figure this to be a technical question (if not an issue) of sorts.
My question is, when viewing the game's chat logs, does the time-stamp conform to the user's locale settings? Or is it standard across all logs?
Example, currently I see this:
Code:as my timestamp. Since I'm a US player, this conforms to mm-dd-yyyy hh:MM:ss like I would expect, but if someone was in a locale where the date was usually formatted dd-mm-yyyy, would the logs change accordingly? So it would be something like this:07-16-2011 06:17:45
Code:16-07-2011 06:17:45
Honestly, just don't call them rangers and you should be fine. Power Rangers wasn't the first and last sentai show.
As much as I hate to say it, I don't see anything that really excites me. Poison corruptors might be okay I guess, but I'm really sad that we're still not seeing any dark secondary for controllers ._. I want my ill/dark.
He's just lurking. I team with him regularly, but its typically only really early in the morning (EDT).