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  1. Stormravyn

    Cthulhu Mythos

    I am laying out a mission based around HP Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos. Here are my critter canidates for the Cthulhu creature models:
    Cthulhu - Devouring earth Terra model. Can I add wings to this model?
    Shub-Niggurath - Archvillian Hydra. Can we use this model?
    Yog-Sothoth - Any ideas, looking for a cluster of glowing spheres or glowing ball?
    Shudde M'ell - Can we use the Kraken from Independance Port?

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions and insights.
  2. Stormravyn

    Ambush Broken

    Fixed problem, the map was too full to allow the ambush to spawn. I remove a couple of patrols. It's functioning correctly now.
  3. Stormravyn

    Ambush Broken

    I just wrote my first mission on Pinnacle - Worries with Werewolves. There is supposed to be three waves of ambush as the boss's health drops. I have tested in several times and then published to see if the ambush would work in game. So far I cannot get the ambush to work. The ambush is set for 3/4, 1/2 and 1/4 boss’s health. No luck.

    Any suggestions or help?
    Thanks in advanced,

  4. Change email to mail system so I can mail my other toons:


  5. Codename: Bruise Brother
    Real Name: Magnus Frendo
    Origin: Mutant
    Powers: Invulnerability / Super Strength

    Magnus Frendo and his wife Felicity were a happy married and worked as Senior Reactor Operators at the country most prestigious nuclear power plant, Terra Volta. That was until the day the Freakshow decided to strip the plant of its technology and cause the reactor to go supercritical.

    Magnus was able to stop the chain reaction and hold the Freakshow at bay until the New Guardians arrived to thwart their machinations, but they were not in time to stop the kidnapping of his wife. The memory still burns deep within his head.

    “You fool; you think that you can stop Dreck, you are just a gnat in my presence” echoed over the PA system in containment. The Tank boss had Felicity draped over his shoulder like a rag doll. His whole being was taunt with a murderous rage.

    “Have your petty victory, I will keep this pretty bobble until next we meet”, he bellowed. Before Magnus could react the boss was gone, winked out of existence.

    Magnus sacrificed his life to stop the chain reaction, only to have his wife taken from him and his life burned away. A latent gene is what saved him and the city; an aberration in his DNA. The lethal dose of radiation coupled with the adrenaline brought on the metamorphosis and left Magnus as he is today, a hulking mass of muscle incapable of feeling pain. What was Magnus Frendo was incinerated the moment he entered containment, what is left is the Bruise Brother.

    He stalks the streets for justice; he stalks the city for Felicity.
  6. First off, I love your guide. Your guidance is an inspiration to all of us.

    A strange thing occured the other day. I was following your guide to the letter when a Bonedaddy scream out:

    "All your base are belong to us"

    What can this mean? Have I strayed from your proven formula? Please advise me.

    Also where can I subscribe to your Kill Skuls newsletter?