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  1. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback and suggestions for this event.

    I thoroughly apologize for the bungled up mess this event became. Thank you to the two people who did show up, I appreciate it.

    Maybe another time.

    (Hears Tam pounding nail into Triumph PvP coffin.......)

    or maybe as Bob Hope used to say "Thanks for the memories........"

  2. In other words I feel like crap. I'm getting my daughter's cold and to save my sanity and reduce drug induced (cold meds) confusion EVENT HAS BEEN COMPLETELY MOVED TO POCKET D.

  3. When the color of the Oni matches my outfit....then I'll be happy Right now his red color is seriously crampin' my style
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psyrene View Post
    So the question is, is this on the 25th at 9eastern as the poster says or is it the 26th at 9 eastern like the write up under the poster says? Saturday is Champion PvP League night so if it is the 25th I definately can't make it, if it is Sunday night then maybe I will show up.

    I'm sorry It's supposed to be the 26th, Sunday, at 6PM Pacific/9 PM Eastern
  5. Due to feedback the event has been moved to Recluse's Victory (or Warburg depending on whether there is even hero/villain participation).

    The costume contest has been moved to Pocket D (due to my shortsightedness) as well as the final round for the event.

    PLEASE NOTE THE RULES HAVE BEEN CHANGED to reflect the move to RV (or Warburg) and due to feedback/suggestions/concerns.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
    for future events atleast let them be in arena's, since we can turn off some of the crap, or RV where IOs are still relevant.
    Gotcha. Thank you for the input.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Azrhiaz View Post
    I ran the PvPEC for two years so I definitely put my time in and then some. I remember well how it can be a thankless job.
    Yeah, I know, I remember you Azrhiaz.
  8. Well, ya know, I'm open to suggestions for future events and you guys CAN always volunteer and then you could help me and or plan your own events. I don't do this because I'm getting anything from it and the prizes (with the exception of a donation from Havoc) come from my own influence.

    I hope some of you do decide to show up, play fair (i.e. no hiding in the hosp or at the ceiling), and have some fun. If not, well, no loss to me...I just get to keep my monies ;D

  9. EVENT:
    "Bounty Hunter"
    WHERE: ENTIRE EVENT Moved to Pocket D
    DATE: September 26th, 2010
    TIME: 6 p.m. Pacific/9 p.m. Eastern

    HOST: @Stormie Gail


    1. Results will be determined by the host. All results ARE FINAL. In the event of a dispute every effort will be made to provide a fair resolution.

    2. All players must check in with the host 15 minutes prior to start of the event on the character they will be playing throughout the event. EXTRA TIME WILL BE ALLOWED SO THAT ALL WHO WANT TO PARTICIPATE CAN BE INFORMED OF THE NEW LOCATION

    3. Bounty targets will be selected at random using a random generator. New targets will be called every 10 minutes. You may be called as the target more than once in a round.

    4. No teams.


    Goal: Be the one to survive the longest with the “bounty” on your head.

    Event will be in three rounds. Two elimination rounds and a final round where the winners of round 1 and round 2 will hunt each other to determine an overall winner. The time for rounds one and two will depend on the number of participants.

    ROUND 1:
    The person who survives with the longest combined time with the bounty on their head will win this round and will sit out Round 2. In the event of a tie there will be a 10 minute tie-breaker round.

    ROUND 2:
    The person who survives with the longest combined time with the bounty on their head will win this round and will fight the winner of Round 1 in a 3rd and final elimination round for one winner. In the event of a tie there will be a 10 minute tie breaker round.

    FINAL ROUND: Random Map. Round 3 will be 30 minutes and the player with the most kills will be the overall winner.

    Costume Contest:
    Be the BEST DRESSED IN THE WEST come dressed up in your best "Old West" costume and strut your stuff. Costume contest will be held in Pocket D after the final round of the event for all participants of the event.(Please arrive at the costume contest on the same character you used for the event) REWARD $10,000,000

  10. I'm in, I can bring my ill/storm or my ill/rad
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
    Who are these people ?

    Will they PL MEH? : O !
    No PL fo U, get over it!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    It was fin Gail, sorry I left you high and dry the whole time.
    Meh, had fun, that was the point. No worries
  13. Thank you all who showed up! Thanks to Neuronia for bringing a char over to Triumph to support my first event.

    and Gratz to @Lord Ozi and @Center Energy for the win!
  14. Event this Sunday! Be there or be....


  15. Ya know at this point, I'm willing to play it by ear and see if anyone actually shows up. If not enough show up we'll just have fun, I'll still award prizes and then we'll declare Triumph dead... stomp on it's cold body, dust off our hands and go quietly into the night ;p
  16. Tell you what, in the interest of being flexible and just promoting some fun if you have a friend you want to team up with for the duration of the event then please sign up here with names of BOTH team mates participating.

    Those that show up without a team mate will be paired together by random draw, no arguments about who you're paired with or you will forfeit your right to participate.

    Final Offer

    Now lets just show up and have some fun! kfightgo!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
    I still never got my costume code from the last one :P Meh, I'll probably still join.
    Sorry Unfortunately the only thing I can advise you to do is PM Kat with the info on which event, date, etc. and she'll look into it. As I didn't organize that one, not much else I can do.
  18. No, it's worse......

    I volunteered (madness must run in my family)

    but of course if no one wants to show up and ~Takes meh monies ~ I'll just go spend meh monies on IO's for meh!

  19. PvPEC Presents: SUMMER SQUASH! 2v2 Tourney

    Sunday, August 15
    Time: 6 PM Pacific/9 PM Eastern - Please show up early to register. Event will start ON TIME.
    Location: Pocket D Arena
    Host: @Stormie Gail - Register with me in Pocket D by sending me your global and AT. You MUST stay on the same char. for the entirety of the match.

    Format: Random Draw 2v2
    Weight: SHW (47-50)
    Match Duration: 10 Minutes
    Match Options: Travel Suppression Off, Heal Decay Off, Diminishing Returns On.
    Maps: Random. All maps will be in play.
    Additional: Tier 1 Inspirations and Arena temps are permitted. One reset is permitted within the first 60 seconds of the match if a player disconnects. Sudden Death Mode does not count.
    · This event will consist of 4 preliminary rounds to determine four finalists.

    · Preliminary rounds will be 2v2 format with random partners.

    · New partners will be drawn after every round.

    · New opponents will be drawn before every round.

    · Scoring will be as follows: 3 points for a win, 2 for a tie, 1 for a loss.

    · In the event of odd numbers, one player will have a bye round. No player may have more than one bye round.

    · Each team must call “All In” before engaging their opponent.

    · Partners selected for the finals will remain until a winner is decided.

    · Finals will be in a best 2 out of 3 format.

    · Ties count as a win for both teams.

    · Additional rounds may be played in the event of a tie.
    Prizes: 25 million influence/infamy (whichever side the winner chooses) for each winner.
  20. StormieGail

    Got Hacked >:(

    Having extremely recently just experienced this, here is the info that they will want from you to verify your account. Also, although you will want to submit a help ticket my experience is that you need to call before you'll get a response. They want to talk to a person, usually, to verify that you are indeed the holder of the account.

    -- What first and last name did you use when you created the account?
    -- What physical address did you use when you created the account?
    -- What date of birth did you use when you created the account?
    -- What are the 20/25-digit serial codes/access keys for all games you added to the account?
    -- What is the Unique Account ID for all the game accounts you added to the account? (This was sent to you via e-mail on the date your game account was activated with a subject header of 'Game Account Activated'.)
    -- Original billing information: If activated using a credit/debit card, please provide the last 4 digits of the credit card used. If activated using a game time card, please provide the 20-digit game time card code used to activate the account. If activated using PayPal®, please provide the Transaction ID or the Invoice ID associated with the original activation purchase.

    Billing and Technical Support can be reached via phone,
    Monday - Friday, 12pm - 5pm Central at (512) 225-6359.

    I would call them first thing they open on Monday (if you can) and just get in the call queue and have that info ready.
  21. I've been hunting for that badge myself the past couple of days as well as the Warrior bosses. I've found a greater quantity of Family bosses and Warrior bosses in Striga than I did in IP. Just my 2 cents.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    Fixed the OP with the time.
    Thank you! So long as kids cooperate I'll be there.
  23. Never having participated in a Rikti Ship Raid I would be delighted to join the party especially since it involves merits

    However, there is just one thing lacking in this lovely invitation to kick some Rikti butt...what time does the party start?
  24. Thank you for responding! I will definitely take your suggestions under advisement.
  25. Well, as I say you never quit learning and when it comes to a build doubly so! This morning I changed a couple of the enhancements to add some kb protection and I have decided to take a slot away from hurricane and add it to spectral terror the next respec I get to get more rchg from set bonuses.