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  1. Steiner

    Mids and i17

    It's doing this because our tables in Mids were off by a column. You're getting numbers from other sets that powers/enhancements don't even belong to.

    Stoney and I are working on a fix as I'm typing this.
  2. Steiner

    Mids' for I17

    If you have to ask yourself whether you should uninstall the application before installing the new one, there is no harm in doing so; but SHOULDN'T be required.

    Remember this only installs properly if you're in admin mode or at least have admin rights. (UAC enabled computers will fall victim to a bad install, disable for the install in the only real alternative)
  3. Steiner

    Mids' for I17

    ::in the back of the crowd raises arms and says::

    ... and Steiner, YEAA....

    ::Everyone giving me an awkward stare, goes home and cries::
  4. Steiner

    Game Info Feed

    Originally Posted by SailorET View Post
    While your suggestion bears merit, there are players on here with computers that barely support running CoH on minimum settings (until a recent new computer purchase, I considered myself among this group). The devs usually do whatever they can to accommodate those players, and besides, packaging another feed under the CoH loader will throw up red flags on every firewall and protection program. While completely harmless, security concerns over the game and questions of "what else is being passed along this mystery feed?" will begin popping up, causing controversy the game truly doesn't need.

    Beyond this, if someone is bored by their experiences in the game, I honestly don't think the City Vault will keep them here. It's really the community that keeps us all here, since the novelty of the game easily wears off in a year or two, if not less.
    This is honestly a great summary as to the cons of my proposed idea. However; What I gave was an outline not necessarily how it should be done. It would honestly be something along the lines of what Snow Globe is saying.

    It wouldn't be a mystery feed, it would be an official underlying HTTP/1.x send to a Web Service (like the one we use for CIT via HeroStats or secure catch scripts that does equivalent checks and balances.

    The great thing about these are that any network monitor (for instance Fiddler2) can catch the send in clear, human readable text/xml, so the less trusting users can verify what exactly is being sent. Also, if the devs explored into this feature at all... it would most likely be triggered by a simple on/off flag in the options in-game, making it fully optional.

    Also, the idea isn't to send anything but your a handful of information in real-time. This would most likely include; super's name, arch, and online status. Where as the rest (badges, merits, souvenirs, inf, etc) would be sent on logout, via an option. (As Snow Globe originally assumed how it should be).

    And since it would be sent via HTTP/1.x it would be no different than hitting "submit" on an online form as far as resources go.

    Believe me, this is FAR from additional resources... it's simply designed to take the weight off the game-server.

    You would be amazed what kind of interest an offline stats system would do for the community... I mean Titan Network has 10,000+ users using its sites and services... which granted is probably only a fraction of the whole userbase... but if that ~10,000 users found what we provided useful and helpful, I don't see why the rest of the community who is unaware that this is even possible, would love to see something like it provided by the game instead of a bunch of bored power-users seeking to make the game more interesting/fun outside of the game itself.
  5. Steiner

    Game Info Feed

    I've been told and read for myself that plans for the CityVault are being shelved due to "unplayable lag". Which is honestly understandable being there is a lot of information to send back and forth between game server and httpd servers...

    However I have a solution that might be worth exploring. Use the player's computer for the resources! Create a widget or even a XML table within the client's running memory for either your own widget or existing classes/libs like Hero Stat's dll can read and shoot off to a web service of the user's choice as well as the CityVault.

    Having the resources use the player's computer would keep the game servers and probably the httpd servers from getting any, if at all, additional lag. And it would make more sense these days, being a basic $300 machine has like 2-3GB of Ram and a dual-core processor... meaning it would be exceedingly easier for computers these days to support 3rd party instance tools. (Even if the tool isn't 3rd party by definition, lol as I'm hoping it will be in-house developed by Paragon Studios)

    I only bring this up because the people behind all the great things in COH that aren't dev related... are getting bored and "taking a break" or just have too much going on personally to keep their ideas going/active.

    For instance, Mids' left the active COH community not too long ago, No one has heard hide nor hair of RedTomax... in addition the other 3 original founders of Titan Network (SuckerPunch, Maverick X, Voltaic Shock) went into retirement (though truthfully it's more like semi-retirement because they still help when time and family permit, lol).

    Things like HeroStats, Titan Network and even Mid's Hero & Villain Designer make the game worth playing after the in-game interest has run dry. I can't mention enough how many times I just got bored and starting asking myself... "I wonder what my average damage output is on Blaster is...?". Just to load up HeroStats and find out... which then upward sprials into, well I need to make this guy better... ok what badges do I still need for my accolades (check City Info Tracker); ok well I'll use HS or TNT: Glycerine to track my progress on the badges... oh well; now I have my badges, let's open Mids and see what I can do to tweak my build.... and so on and so on... lol.

    I don't know of many people that haven't gone through that scenario or something like it... so I know most of you can understand where I'm coming from.

    I just really don't want the interest in this game to die out, as it is a great game... and obviously has plenty of great things that are coming our way while we patiently wait... but this would be a great feature in-its-own to have in the next big release for the game ( or sooner if possible, lol).
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    Let the board mods / Community Specialist know you are taking over (send them a PM) and see if there is anything they can do to help. I'm sure they understand how vital the program is to some of the community and would be willing to work with you on highlighting releases and other important info.

    As with any other project, the community shouldn't expect you to run over here to tell us every little thing that takes place (certainly when we can get that info by going to the Titan Network forums), but in return, it would be nice to know about releases here on the main board.

    I'm sure this will all work out in the end. Like I stated before, it's sad to see Mids move on, but you sound willing and able to carry on. Can't wait for the update!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd love to get some support from the Community Leaders, however... I honestly hate the idea of being another burden on their already stressful jobs and functions.

    So in that light I will be creating a Mids' exclusive progress RSS feed... I use a script called "Collabtive", it's an awesome lightweight script that lets anyone see the progress I'm making on a given project. The best part about this script, is it has a fully recursive RSS feed that anyone can access.

    I'm seriously thinking that is the only idea I have to mainstream its progress to everyone and not just Titan's users.

    You guys (and gals, ) are crazy supportive and it's nice to know how welcome I've been in the light of my overall inactivity on the Official Boards.

    Thank You! And you will hear from me soon on that RSS feed, and moreover on the progress of MxD.

    I have a lot of ideas I want to put into it, however it's imperative that we just get the planner up-to-date before any features/ideas are added.
  7. Some background info is due...

    Umm, ok... Umbral;
    Q: Will there be a representative on the US forums to take your inquiries on MxD?
    A: uhhh I'd like there to be, but we're having enough "fun" keeping our forums up-to-date with our changes and advances... I'll see what I can do, in the interim please send any inquires about Mids' to

    I'll try and get on these boards at least once a day... however, I've had bad experiences in the past here and don't wish to repeat any... I might have to ask a favor of one of our moderators to be our rep.
    Though it will just make our lives easier for the Mids' patrons to just sign up to Titan... but you guys never had to before so out of respect for the Mids' patrons we will see if we can setup a ticket/form system to automate the inquiry process without the need of becoming a Titan user.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't mean to be materialistic or ungrateful, but does this means the i14 update for mid's isn't going to be out for a while? =/

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It's a fair question.

    I can't give it a time-frame really... I have to have Mids walk me through the code's thought process before I can try and tackle any major updates... but within the next 2 weeks we should have an i14 compliant version spun out. And please for forgive the issues that I know I will have to start out, lol .
  9. Let me relieve some of the worry behind his departure.

    The application will remain one of the top priorities on the Titan Network... there is even talk of one of our founders possibly returning short-term to continuing the code exclusively... however, regardless of that happening it will be maintained and updated on a regular basis I ensure you of that!

    We have a few ideas for it that will link it with the existing Titan services so that will be something to look forward to.

    Also, it won't just be me on the project. We have a great group of knowledgeable developers in our ranks and though it will be hard to replace Mids' contributions to his application... it won't be impossible.

    The application itself will remain "Mids' Hero & Villain Designer" out of pure respect for the creator and his contributions to the CoH/V community. Though we're thinking about giving the panda an overhaul, imagine a buff panda with a cape, lol... j/k.

    Side note: There are just too many places to post important information about our progress on things like that, so if you don't already have an account, sign up to Titan so you can follow our progress. (We're also on Twitter,

    However, this is the official forums so someone representing the TN will be on here to keep everyone posted.

    PS. Mids' never said he isn't coming back and I'm pretty sure he isn't gone entirely. Don't be surprised to be posts on Titan or the EU forums by him.
  10. ... I don't get the comic and it worries me, because something tells me I should.... I feel like there is an empty void in my mind... GRAH
  11. GuildWars is at 48% on the Favorite pay to play!

    You pay for the game, there is no monthly fee, that shouldn't be in the category.
  12. [ QUOTE ]

    I'm know it has been said before, but honestly, all this prestige is doing is giving the large supergroups a huge boost, and scrwing the little ones. It's already hard enough to establish a new SG when everyone wants to be in the top ten SGs causet hey got the big cool base... now, with this, what is all the new SGs supposed to go make 25 trial accounts and just spam invite a bunch of throwaway people?

    HOnestly, if everyone is doing this crap (except those without the time/friends, or those like me that consider it to be exploitative and cheating), why bother giving the prestige based on members? Why not just give 3 million prestige to all supergroups and be done with it?

    EDIT: After reading more of this thread, I realize that what one person said is true. NCSoft is aware that people will "cheat" to get their 3 million prestige, and they don't give a damn. This is just yet another time when I see how people can say that video game EULAs don't hold up in court, because they set rules and regulations and expect us to follow them, and then they pick and choose when and which rules they enforce. NCsoft isn't the only video game company that does it either. I've personally seen cases of SOE and Blizzard both breaking their own EULAs, in my mind meaning I legally don't have to follow their EULA (though I still do, and I still waste my time reporting violations that I know will not be punished). Ask any lawyer, if it's a contract we sign, they sign it too... and if EITHER side breaks the contract, it's null and void.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    EULA is not a contract, it's not even a verbal/visual recognition. It's a series of pretty words that pretty much give the right-holder the ability to suspend/ban a consumer from it's services.

    ALSO, even if a distributer/right-holder brought a EULA violation to court, it would be waste of their time and money. Lawyer fees alone will be at least 3 times what the case is even worth... and none of that money goes into the game like it should be... and that is exactly how the 'powers-that-be' see it.

    In the defense of the SGs like mine (The Omega Force #3 on Freedom; WOOT!) where we've had to create branches (Omega Force Legends; Omega Force .Destroyers, etc,) because our members and aspiring active player invites were breaking the seams of each branch before i11; The 150 limit was hit before the second day of issue 11 AND none of them are member's alts. (Due to a strict set of rules we have in place)

    Now, we've been around for almost 3 years, I've been in it for 2 and we have had to down grade out plot numerous times due to rent being so high and pres being scarce. The SG economy system is redundant. We've literally been waiting for something like this 3 issues!

    If the prestige grant is leaving a sour taste in your mouth, grab a handful of mints from the closest candy dish, because all games have countless features and events that please 50% of its audience; and no amount of griping is going to change that.

    Plus there is almost no downside to the prestige grant. The SGs who are exploiting this handout are bad SGs to begin with and will probably not last, and the smaller SGs that can benefit from any help will use it to become greater SGs.

    If you think 3,000,000 mil worth the pres is a lot for bigger SGs, it's not... we pay about half a mil a month on our base forcing us to have all our members in SG mode all the time, which makes them poor and incapable of buying enhancements.

    This grant will help those who need it, and will only hinder the ones who seek to exploit it... sure they'll get bigger bases... but they'll learn the hard way that a bigger base can lead to the downfall to an SG. Luckily we grabbed ours right before the brink.
  13. JKevinCarrier:

    VALID, VERY VALID points!

    I'm a big believer that most people look at a situation like it's a square. 2D, four-points and only one face.

    I usually like to pride myself on that I handle situations as if they were a cube... 6 faces, multiple answers/outcomes for one situation.

    I hate to admit it, but I failed to do so in the response you quoted; for that I apologize.

    All of your quotes replies make very much sense. This is a new feature and like most new features; debates, arguments... sometimes even digital bloodshed might entail;D.

    It puts a smile on my face to know such intelligent people do exist, this topic has done nothing but prove it. I feel that you're more right than I am now, only because you put into perspective.

    Regardless, I believe everyone's wishes will be granted after the devs read this. I seriously doubt they will let such obvious personal information be exploited.

    I'm also positive that if someone is harassing you in any context, in real life or in a game... it is a lawsuit waiting to happen. And players of this game should be reminded of that. And even though NCSoft might be less lawsuit intensive than its players; it will not stop the moderators from taking actions they see fit. They would most likely ban that person from the game or something of a noticeable disciplinary action.

    I understand avoiding the drama is in all of our scopes, but sometimes; causing enough for it to get noticed and fixed by 'the powers that be'... is a little more effective.

    I love this new feature there is no doubt about it... it will make SG info tracking such much easier, and just a general overhaul on hero information altogether.

    Fact is, this does have its potential information leaks that need to be addressed.

    Please, a dev, clean this up... specifically someone that knows what's going on with this feature!
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    You know, not to be the proverbial mess in the punch bowl, but at least you even get the option to hide your stats.

    WoW's Armory doesn't have an opt-out, after all. (Yes, people whined about that just as much. They also forgot about it as soon as the next patch notes gave them something new to whine about :P)

    [/ QUOTE ]


  15. [ QUOTE ]
    The default setting needs to be on.

    90% of the players DO NOT read the forums and thus have no idea what's going on here. Many of that 90% don't bother to read the MotD either.

    So if the default setting is off then something like 80% - 90% of the characters won't ever show up on the site. What would be the point behind even having the site to begin with?

    And I'm still not getting it, really hoping someone will explain it to me in small words. What is the freak out about? ZOMG!!! Someone will see my character online!?!?!?! Oz Noez!! Ahhhhhh...

    Yeah, just not understanding the fear... maybe I'm just too stupid to get it. Or maybe it's just that nothing on the internet scares me. I'm a bit older than most people on the net I think, so if it doesn't involve 10 guys with machineguns knocking on my door in the middle of the night I just have a real hard time working up any fear. My generation is kinda funny that way I guess.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Small Worded Summary: People on the game fear that their "perfect" build will be at public view. Sadly oh well.
    /end of small worded summary

    Truth is, the best builds can't be replicated... very few people are going to bust their... butts to buy/obtain every IO that build might have.

    And if your perfect build doesn't use IOs than you have nothing to fear. The people low enough to steal your build and not experiment on their own time via test server will likely have no means in obtaining such information, based of their lack of intelligence to have to ask someone else for a build idea.

    Stop worrying! They devs haven't even told us what will be on there or not, just a general sections!

    ALSO, ALL/MOST web-based scripts will disable certain information on the actual site side script.

    Which means; you will have more specific settings via the site versus the game...

    BELIEVE ME! If the devs are a FOURTH as intelligent as they have convince us (or at least I) they are; there is no chance of "valuable" information being made public without warnings (such as this topic) and a time-window to make sure people take the correct precautions in safe-guarding such valuable info like a build or what people you talk to.

    Take what you're given people and be happy such a service was made. This is one of the few MMORPGs where the devs care more about the players than the game.

    Who cares who's on your friend list, if you have something to hide on a video game, you need to find another pastime!
  16. Quotes Truncated to make a point:[ QUOTE ]

    Why can't the DEFAULT setting be set to private?

    This way folks who would like to make their character info available can enable the web settings to their liking.

    Why must the DEFAULT setting be to display your info?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I dare not speak on the Devs behalf, but I'm pretty sure the default was set to ENABLE these settings to see if their script (which is probably in development stages) can handle the overhead of a 100,000+ users retrieving information at one time.

    It's a process that most code needs to pass through. Obviously the creation of 10 or 20 fake accounts to test it would be just as good, but not on a long-term scale.

    I believe they needed to see if their servers could handle that kind of resource.

    It obviously not public yet, but they wouldn't announce its launch unless it was being tested behind the scenes.
  17. Pure speculation on how they MIGHT bring these tools to the forefront.

    I believe that COH is controlled by a series of databases and xml-like sources that explains what is going on to the client-side of the game.

    With that said; I believe they'll be using some form of AJAX/XML linkage from their data-source to the site, only because it's traversable one way and extremely secure.

    Regardless of what methods they might use, I'm sure I and a few others will be quick to make a script that links such information to your SG's site on a 'every hour' basis using most web-sites' Cron-Job and/or server-time functions.

    I was actually in the works of re-writing one of the sources to one of those background tracking alternatives, but it was resource hungry and the "scanner" (device that scanned the channels for DMG, frags, heal count, etc,...) had to be updated almost every time there was a new patch release.

    Anyways, I've been looking forward to this since they became visible in issue 9! It should revolutionize the COH Community!
    Can't wait!

    ~text-based chatting client that lets you speak in the game to certain channels without needing the game open.
    ~Possible VoIP capabilities...? make sure you tell everyone FAR in advance if you guys intend doing this one ... a lot of people have paid full year(s) for a talk server... and I worry about server lag if/when this ever becomes an doable idea.

    YA RIGHT, these last two things will never happen ;D! (Lets see if reverse psychology will work this time... crap, can they hear my thoughts... what the hell... why I am I writing this down... oops)