822 -
I don't think AE killed the game or be responsible for the lack of people in game. This time of year is always slow and I can name few other reasons why there are not as many people on as before, #1 Other MMO's have been released, which is good for us as the consumer competition makes company's work harder to keep our buisiness. #2 School is in session, a lot of the kids are back in school getting their education and have no time for games, #3 People are probably back to work someway or another and are either to busy to play or have made their play time at a different time than what it was before.
In my opinion farming is just another way for a player to play the game how they want to. I neither condone or promote farming myself but I do always say let people play how they want to play the game. Unless someone pays for my monthly subscription i'm going to play COX the way I want to.
As for teams its not hard to form one, especially now with super SK'ing. I'm a scanners guy myself and at any given time a full team can be easily done. -
I'll post for Ima Mankiller since she won't be back till after Halloween, my oldest boy, (14) retired from ToT'ing last year and says he feels too old so he won't be going out. As for the others Maverick 9, Matthew 12, and lil Jessica 2 probably won't going out either unless Ima hits the local stores like Mcdonalds. Too cold in Kansas and I think both my womens are sick to go out Halloween.
More hate coming yo way becuase I wasn't there! Great pics looks like everyone had a great time. I'm coming next year and if I wasnt stuck here in RL RWZ I would have came at a moments noticed just to meet everyone from Champion server. Looks like a lot of fun, oh yea and Ms. Liberty is hawt!!
Gratz on your first year, I hope you have many more!
OMFG ROFL LMAO.....dude if I did that i'd break my ankles, shatter my wrists, and bust up a lot of furniture!!
Im hating all you fools for being there and I'm not, nothing but hate on my part! Seriously great post and thanks for keeping us updated. It'll be really cool to finally meet up with all of you one day and meet the people behind the mask. Please keep the info coming and all of the question I had peeps are already asking.
Thanks for the shout out on last nights show Nibbs! I'm definitly going to be there Sat night for the show.
Quote:Good luck, keep your head down, wear your body armor (it's ten times better irl than what a blaster gets), and when in doubt call in a damn airstrike even if it means overkill on a sniper position. Oh, and keep in touch with the wife, she'll whoop yur butt when you come home if you don't.
LOL! The new armor we just got issued reminds me of a medevil knight's armor back in the day. Airstrikes are a no no now becuase you have to ask the Iraqi Gov now permission to fly any missions in Iraqi airspace. No fears though im still going to shoot a guy in the face if he asks for it, instead of energy blast i'll do switch to my weapons/device build!Thanks again for the post all. Want to keep in touch shoot me a tell in game i'm here till early next week and i'll shoot you an email where you can get a hold of me.
I don't know if this is goodbye or maybe someone can help me with this question, especially from someone who has been to Iraq recently and has returned. Is COH accessible from Iraq? If so what is the lag like? I will be leaving for Iraq in the very near future and the last time I was over there we didnt even have a Phone available for use till 4 months in.
If not let me say this....
Thank you Champion, BMT, freinds, and countless others that I would like to name but I'm afraid I might leave somebody out for the many hours it was playing this game. I'd like to thank all Sg/VG's that provided the server with events such CC, TF's, Teams, or others events that included everyone and not just within the groups. Special thanks to Dark Guard, Dark Guard apocalypse, Royal Legacy, Fated Guard, DO Left for Dead, and Dark Guard Sovereignty for letting us be coalitioned with you from our very beginning. To the many others that I've played with for the last 2 years thanks for inviting me or teaming with whether in TF's or regular mission teams.
So this is not a complete goodbye, just a year long pause till I come back and hopefully some of the great folks I've teamed with are still here. Please continue the weekly RWZ Raids, MA mondays, TF Tuesdays, and other planned events in server to keep things interesting.
.....Wish me luck and hopefully work ourselves out of a job bringing EVERYONE back sooner. -
Hey great playlist last night Nibbles. I couldnt hang that late last night but I downloaded it to my computer thanks to your link. So are going to have same time slot every week? I don't know if I can stay up that late especially with work the next day but no worries. Great job though I'm happy to say that im going to be downloading your show every night you broadcast till I leave for the great sandbox, it'll give me a great variety of music to listen while im there.
Why not post this message on Champion server, oh wait we already know why?
EverStryke is another one of S T R Y K E R accounts, he does this every time 2xp weekend comes out trying to get poeple to come to his sg during this event. Don't be fooled though he is still the same person just a different name on Virtue.
Thanks guys I really appreciate it! Finally got that monkey off my back after neglecting badges all this time I am totally in our debt. Anyone else needs help just gimmie a holler.
Looking to hop on a team of greats to get the MoSTF. I've ran with a few teams this past week and all of them were awesome but couldnt accomplish this task for one reason or another, (did get a HO
. I'm heading to the sand box soon and would like to knock this out before leaving.
Looking forward to it UHB and pre-gratz also to 4 awesome years! I'm definitly going to come.
Hand's Assassin lvl 50 MM
SteelParalysis lvl 50 Crab spider -
Im sure times are rough for everyone what makes him so special? Why doesnt he ask LS for a time card heck he went with him to the other server.