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  1. All the best DrD - have fun, and maybe see you back in Paragon some day.

    And...the same to everyone else I haven't already said it to; have rather lost track of threads as the day's gone on.
  2. All the best Alex - thanks for all your work on the CoX side, and may your future be bright, sunny and rewarding!

    Have fun, take care, and try to avoid land wars in Asia.
  3. Very nice post Scarlet - some meshes very well with my own feelings, some less so, but in any event well said.
  4. Et tu, Coin? There's a lot of it about at the moment.

    All the best, and hope you have great fun on CO! (If only because I'll probably be there too, so I'd like it to be fun for selfish reasons!)
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    We're stuck with you until last week?

    Take care Standoff. Maybe I'll see you around elsewhere, maybe not. Either way, have fun mate.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    <cough> May...I said May all along, not April! Ahem.

    All the best to you too FFM - wishing you much fun, and as you say very possibly see each other in some Champion game or the other.
  6. Well, for reasons discussed elsewhere I cancelled my sub yesterday, and with some regret I didn't find any new news today to persuade me to deunsubscribe. And if that isn't a word, it damn well ought to be.

    I'm afraid you're stuck with me until the 23rd May anyway, and I don't doubt I'll pop back from time on reactivation weekends or after a few Issues worth of content had accumulated, but even so this is probably the right time to say au revoir.

    Thanks to the devs, at Cryptic then NCSoft for providing all the fun in game, and the various forum mods (Bridger, K, GR and the rest) for keeping the EU Mob in order and making this a good place to be.

    And, most of all, thanks to Dr Toerag, Illum, Killer Queen, Coin, Carni, FFM, Londoner, and the many many others for the teams, chat and friendship - have fun, y'all!

    Edit: Fixed expiry please excuse me while I dramatically storm out, then find I've shut myself in the broom cupboard.
  7. Only if you're level 35 or higher.
  8. Standoff

    i15 moaners.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'll admit that some of the changes, especially EU side have hurt. I'll freely admit that there have been some poor decisions made. I'm in no way saying the game and world are perfect.

    But I still enjoy this game (much more since we got loads of fun new content in issue 14) as an escape, and the general feel of bitterness on the boards gets to me.

    I still enjoy the game.

    No, that doesn't mean I'm an idiot.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I wouldn't dream of suggesting that that makes you an idiot...

    For you, and all others (of whatever vintage) that still enjoy the game, that's good - in a completely sarcasm-free way (for a change) I'm happy for you. Different people like different things, and if the recent things that have gone in (looking at MA in particular) tick the right boxes for you that's the way things work out.

    Unfortunately my boxes had things like new zones and canon story arcs in, and for whatever reason they just haven't been there in quantity recently.

    I'd probably be a bit less bitter and sarcy if there hadn't been so many non-specific "wonderful stuff soon" promises - probably naively I read that as "wonderful stuff you'll like soon", and was put out when that turned out not to be the case.

    So unless Posi's announcement unveils a whole bunch of unexpected stuff that's really coming soon I'm likely to be taking a break from Paragon. Hopefully only an au revoir, as the new stuff will come eventually (if not soon), and when it does I'll be back to play it.
  9. Standoff

    i15 moaners.

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Then perhaps the devs actually need to start doing something to address all the moaning, instead of just ignoring it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING the devs could do, that would stop the complaining. Even if there were detailed requests, and they supplied all of them, there'd be a "You just don't listen/understand!" line from some people.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That's true to a point, but just because there'll always be some people complaining (and some particular people will always complain about anything) doesn't mean all complaints might as well be ignored.

    If, over the period of a month or two, a lot[1] of people that have been very supportive in the past all start saying "enough's enough", perhaps there has been a significant change[2].

    [ QUOTE ]
    Listening and even doing that which has been requested won't stop those that used to like the game, are now sick of it but don't want to admit it to themselves, and know where the forums are.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Six of one, half a dozen of the other; my play time's certainly fallen off over the past 12 months or so, and a significant factor there has been jadedness with the same old same old. What could have prevented that? More novelty, more new maps, zones, carrying the story forward, that sort of thing. From my point of view there hasn't been enough of that sort of thing, not nearly enough. Was I expecting an unreasonable amount? Well, I can only be subjective here but I'd say not...if there'd been more than what I'd call the "not very much at all" amount, and less undelivered "coming soon(tm)", I'd have been happy.

    [1] Maybe 6-10? Which isn't a lot in absolute terms but is a fairly significant fraction of regular posters here.

    [2] Brighton closing being an obvious one.
  10. If they're still trying to hire someone it's probably too early to make much of a commitment about what he/she'll be doing.
  11. Standoff

    i15 moaners.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not going to lie and pretend I'm going to be playing CoX forever, myself. I can sense that these frustrated veterans are bored of the game itself though, and seem to be asking for an entirely new game to play to get rid of their boredom. This isn't going to happen in CoX anytime soon.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    As a frustrated veteran all I can say is that if it looks like I'm asking for an entirely new game then there's been a communications breakdown.

    What I'd like is enough new dev content (zones, missions, TFs, etc...) to keep things fresh. What we've received over the last 3 (or maybe 2.5) Issues is a few Cimorea story arcs in I13, and a promised TF+SF in I15. All the time with promises of big stuff soon.

    I aim not to strop or flame (although I will provide views on the game forums - that's what they're there for, after all) so when I think things aren't coming through as I'd hope I just move on.
  12. Standoff

    Theyre back.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Could you all just go instead of complaining that you're going to go?

    [/ QUOTE ]Would be kinda nice, considering they've been threatening to leave for... how many issues now, 3, almost 4? I dunno, I haven't been registered long enough to know if it's been any longer than that. Gets kinda old, we get it already...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Really, does that include FFM and me? Don't think so.

    Anyway, I wouldn't want to annoy anyone by making empty threats, especially you and Khorak, so...there you go.

    Had been planning to wait and see whether Posi's announcement was unexpectedly good, but can always reactivate if that turns out to be a winner.

    I'll be with you until May 23rd in any event.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Did i miss something ?
    Any I15 infos out yet ? If so can someone post a link pls ?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Try the start of the "They're back" thread.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Looking on the bright side...we can't say it's the EU being picked on this time round...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sure we can. Posi's making his address at 8pm their time, not our time.. So WE get to wait until we get up tomorrow, or stay up, oversleep, and be late for work.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    TBH given the wild frenzy of joy the I15 announcement and Anniversary CHAOS hasn't driven us to, I'm not sure getting the address a few hours late will be a major hardship.
  15. Standoff

    Theyre back.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm the only person on test at the moment and there's no familiar faces to be seen.... Though if i'm honest, i'm the last person they'll want to say "happy CoX birthday" too cause i'll tell them what i think.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I've not seen any notice of when the rednames may be on test.. but I've been thinking for the past hour or so that the board (or is that bored?) response to the event and I15 announcement will hardly act as an incentive for them to race on and meet their fans/customers/critics...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    True, but history suggests that if you give us something to be enthusiastic about, we'll be enthusiastic.

    If they give us what they have, then pop over and find us all going "Er, meh." then is that entirely our fault?
  16. Looking on the bright side...we can't say it's the EU being picked on this time round...
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not prepared to wait for I16, I17, I18 or even a possible sequel. Enough is enough now. Too long have they been saying that the NEXT issue will be it, too long have they been saying "Soon", well, enough now. Way enough. Competition is just way too close for them to be screwing around with loyal players like this, and I'm just all out of patience.

    So I'll go down on record right now and say this.

    If Positron's 5th year anniversary address does NOT come up with something new and exciting which we get VERY soon, my sub WILL be canceled tomorrow. I'm just not going to keep paying them money on the promise of "soon", when they just continually break that promise.

    Issue 13 was originally meant to be "IT", then MA was bumped as it was too big. Then Issue 14 was meant to be "IT", and it's turned the game into City of Farmers. Then Issue 15 was meant to be "IT", a massive story based issue, and it's got 2 stinking task forces, a few emotes, some faces, and something to help the farmers. Whoop dee frickin' doo.

    I used to absolutely love this game. I used to trust everything the devs said. I don't anymore.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    ^ This
  18. Standoff

    Theyre back.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    So has the Coming Storm been rerouted by a rogue high pressure and is now vanishing off out to sea over the horizon leaving a lot of bemused people wondering what all the fuss was about?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Perhaps it's been rebadged as the Coming Soon Storm?
  19. Standoff

    Theyre back.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm guessing either:

    * Lots more not yet announced (hey - Posi needs something to announce at 02:00)
    * Lots bumped to I16 in order to:
    --- launch I15 close to the CoH anniversary date;
    --- come out closer to the competition's stated launch date.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All my hopes have been summed up in those two bullet points. But... still. Can't shake the feeling that neither will be fulfilled.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Same here - there've been enough unfulfilled hints of awesome over the last year that from here on I'll be judging on what's actually delivered.
  20. Standoff

    Theyre back.....

    An old argument, but not sure the "for free" bit really works; the arrangement with CoX is that we pay our subs and they give us ongoing server access and Issues every now and again.

    You can (and we are!) debate about just what we can expect in an issue, but realistically getting Issues are part of the deal; not a "for free" thing the devs throw in because they wanted to give us something nice and happened to have a bit of spare time on a Friday afternoon.
  21. Standoff

    Theyre back.....

    [ QUOTE ]
    Looks... like an OK Issue, then.

    Adding an SF/TF is never a bad thing. New things to play with in the character creation/editing is always welcome. But beyond that... well let's best not complain too much, really?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Not sure anyone's complaining as such, and individually each item's fine, but in terms of quantity I can't describe that list as anything other than small. Even the individual items in there (5 mission TF/SFs) are on the decidedly Tom Cruise side of things...
  22. Standoff

    Theyre back.....

    Wonder if there's more stuff they'd planned to get in, but couldn't finish/polish it all in time to meet the "Anniversary Issue" deadline?
  23. Standoff

    Theyre back.....

    Well, no "More features to be announced later", and I have to admit that as the big mega Anniversary Issue I'm rather underwhelmed.

    One TF, one SF, new costumes and emotes, and some MA tweaks - if that's really all it's a very modest Issue indeed.

    Edit: And the TF and SF both only 5 missions each, which is very much on the short side for that sort of thing. And, I'm sure coincidentally, exactly the same as the maximum MA arc length.
  24. Bakewell tart - hmmmmm!

    Happy Bakewellday, Damsel!
  25. Ooops - late as usual!

    Happy yesterday's Birthday Psygon - now finish the cake before it goes stale!