
P.E.R.C. Representative
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  1. Stalemate

    Santa Pictures!

    I've only had time to complete 3 of the posters so far, due to all sorts of things popping up these days, getting in the way, but I haven't forgotten them and will issue the missing ones as soon as I can.

    Thanks for your patience.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Woohoo, we picked up Avatar Assassin today! Next week I'd like to finish off MoKeyes by picking up Avoids the Green Stuff and Loves a Challenge. These were the only two we missed last time, and ironically probably the two that are easiest to pick up. Don't touch the shiny objects. Don't stand in the green death. Don't get dead. BAM! Badges. See you guys next weekend.
    On Saturday Dec. 24?


    Could we postpone that one a couple of weeks?
  3. Stalemate

    Santa Pictures!

    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Congrats on a very nice event Stale. I was glad to donate, I hope that we keep seeing more fun Protector events in the future.
  4. Stalemate

    Santa Pictures!

    That was pretty great, indeed!

    We managed to stash away 3 billion inf, donated by the following players:
    • Septipheran
    • Shining Magic
    • Layla Rei
    • Cassiopea
    • Blue Manchew
    • .MIDAS
    • Exercitus
    • Karlik
    • NunYo
    • Globetrotter
    • Madame Pistacio
    • Archiviste
    • MissKyo
    • War Base
    • Hyperstrike
    • Santa Laws

    And for the participation prizes, several IOs were handed out while Blue Manchew walked away with Layla's contribution of a COH hat.
  5. Such a slacker.... Need to log in more.
  6. I've only had one shot taken at Master of Keys, have not run the Underground trial once yet, and now there's another one?!

    I'm such a slacker.

    Congratz Iron_General.
  7. Stalemate

    Santa Pictures!

    This is today?!

    I still have sooo much wrapping to do...

    See you this afternoon!
  8. Stalemate

    Santa Pictures!

    As part of Protector's 2012 fundraising campaign,
    we're jumping the ball a little early on December 17, at 3pm eastern
    in the Ski Chalet* and giving you the chance to get
    a Christmas picture taken and immortalized as a custom made seasonal poster!

    You can have the shot(s) taken with any one of the following volunteers:

    Santa: @Santa Laws as himself
    Santa's Helper: @Layla Rei as XMas Layla
    Star Fairy: @Cassiopea as Lady Cryostat
    Female Elf: Archiviste as Nonohana and / or Young Mrs Claus
    Male Elf: @Stone Daemon as The Naughty "Elf"

    Your character on Santa's lap, one of Santa's helpers on your lap, or a group shot of everyone - you pick and pay! **

    The screenshots will then be manipulated into your choice of seven backdrops, text caption added (if so desired) and will be sent to you personally.

    Also, Protector's PERC staff, Miss Kyo, Toxic Striker and I, will be there to greet you while we take pictures and have a yuletidey*** great time.

    Please take a few minutes to come visit, and share in the fun!
    This will be a unique opportunity for veteran players to invest into the server's future events.

    Plus, as an additional incentive, Layla has offered to put up one of her COH hats as a prize to be randomly drawn among the donors!
    There will also be other prizes drawn, to be announced.

    * If the Ski Chalet is not opened at that time, Pocket D will be our party area.

    ** Small print: All donations are welcomed, but please consider a minimum donation of 25M inf for a simple picture, or more if the shot is more complex or requires more effort. Every effort will be made to have the posters handed to their purchasers before December 25. Direct donations, without poster requests, are also accepted.

    *** Not an actual word.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by doomrider View Post
    ...Protector already feels like my second home. Keep up events like these and It might have to become permenant hehe.
    That would almost double our Canadian population on the server!
  10. The Player Event Resource Committee would sincerely like to thank everyone who competed in Mr. and Ms. Paragon Universe. The Server winners were each asked to complete a demo-record of their powers, character text, concept, etc. which the judges watched together. The effort put in by each server winner was just amazing. It was beyond difficult to name a winner! We met on December 3rd to acknowledge their effort and announce the winners.

    PERC is pleased to announce Mr. and Ms. Paragon Universe 2011!

    Mr. Paragon Universe 2011- Deathsman
    Ms. Paragon Universe 2011- Azazael

    All of the server winners deserve to be acknowledged:

    Mr. Champion 2011 ~ Deathsman*
    Ms. Champion 2011 ~ Crazy Nutz
    Mr. Defiant 2011 ~ Blast Master
    Ms. Defiant 2011 ~ Midnight Conduit
    Mr. Exalted 2011 ~ Time Splicer
    Ms. Exalted 2011 ~ Fay
    Mr. Freedom 2011 ~ Dr. Turgenev
    Ms. Freedom 2011 ~ Ret Con
    Mr. Guardian 2011 ~ Song Cricket
    Ms. Guardian 2011 ~ Maggie Mae
    Mr. Infinity 2011 ~ Bizguit
    Ms. Infinity 2011 ~ Bogeyma'am
    Mr. Justice 2011 ~ Legerdemain
    Ms. Justice 2011 ~ Trixie
    Mr. Liberty 2011 ~ Storm Wrath
    Ms. Liberty 2011 ~ City Rep
    Mr. Pinnacle 2011 ~ Gentleman Geoff
    Ms. Pinnacle 2011 ~ Her'ja
    Mr. Protector 2011 ~ BO BO Ape
    Ms. Protector 2011 ~ Black Amethyst
    Mr. Triumph 2011 ~ Cardshark
    Ms. Triumph 2011 ~ Vortex of Souls
    Mr. Union 2011 ~ Bloodtype Power
    Ms. Union 2011 ~ Sepulchre of Souls
    Mr. Victory 2011 ~ Homunculus Jones
    Ms. Victory 2011 ~ Little Butterfly
    Mr. Vigilance 2011 ~ Elwood Thompson
    Ms. Vigilance 2011 ~ Azazael*
    Mr. Virtue 2011 ~ Automobile
    Ms. Virtue 2011 ~ Thiket
    Mr. Zukunft 2011 ~ Master of Ceremonies
    Ms. Zukunft 2011 ~ Mezdeke

    *Overall winner

    PERC has copies of the all of the demo-records and will be uploading them to our website very soon. They will be posted in the City Life section (Mr./Ms. post) in the next few days.

    Thank you all again for you hard work and extremely creative ideas!

  11. My times for the Scrapper competition (unofficial)

    Radiant Refiner (@AIB)
    - Abandonned, defeated

    Exercitus (@Exercitus)
    - Abandonned, defeated

    Subject 9 (@Prospect1)
    - Abandonned, defeated

    Donovan Cosantoir (@Dr. Scrap)
    - Defeated pylon

    Ms Halflight (@Black Leather angel)
    - Defeated pylon

    Warrior Adept (@Taunting Monk)
    - Defeated pylon

    Qi Cass (@Cassiopea)
    - Abandonned, defeated

    Bastion Rook (@Mage Black)
    - Abandonned, no enough DPS
  12. I doubled the inf prizes per player, for a total of 1.6 billion inf.

    The hero team had a technical issue and could not complete the last TF (Mender Silos), but they were getting the prize simply for trying anyhow.

    Well done folks!

    I was particularly impressed with some of the villain duo's times.
  13. Participants


    TFs - Mender Lazarus, Twilight's Son, and Mender Silos
    • Delirious1 + Corem8000


    SFs - Mender Lazarus, Mender Tesseract, Mender Silos
    • .MIDAS + Black Leather Angel
  14. Some last minute details:

    It Takes Two to Tango
    12PM Eastern

    Ouroboros Task Forces Duo Run

    Hero Duos:
    • Mender Lazarus
    • Twilight's Son (Heroes Only)
    • Mender Silos

    Villain Duos:
    • Mender Lazarus
    • Mender Tesseract (Villains Only)
    • Mender Silos

    PRIZES - For each side:
    • Winning duo: 200M inf each (400M per team, 800M total)
    • Runners up: 50M inf each (100M per team, 200M total)

    Screencaps preferred to show fastest times for each TF / SF run in case of close calls. Fastest overall time wins. No restrictions on methods used to speed through these.

    I will be in Ouroboros, hero side, about 15 minutes prior. Participants can list off their team (duo) here in t his thread and what side they'll be gunning for, but given the last minute post I will still make a few broadcast announcements ingame in about an hour.

    Good luck everyone!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Ace View Post
    Only 16?

    Does anyone know if it was it the toxic waste, the lethal radiation, or the contact poison?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Danny DeVito.

    For Stalemate, my main, a carbon nanofiber laced plasteel armored inventor who lost his wife and son, I'd have to see Vincent D'Onofrio and Bruce Willis duke it out to see who can carry the most angst.
  17. Stalemate

    Thanks to all!!

    Originally Posted by 80sBaby View Post
    Now I MUST create a clown toon! Oh, it is ONNNNN!!

    See what you did Grumble?!
  18. Hey Vyx,

    How many people have signed up so far?

    I'm trying to get a feel for how much work this will be for what I have in mind.
  19. I can't find the "like" button...
  20. Stalemate

    Thanks to all!!

    Glad to have you join our server, guys.

    As always, if you find yourself wanting a more personal approach to ingame assistance, the mentor Project can help you out.

    You'll find, as I have these last 7+ years, that Protector can be quite homey.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Exercitus View Post
    Hmm... Have a marathon of the WST one week? You perhaps wouldn't be guaranteed a badge (depends on how close you are to the next one), but at least you'd make good progress. I like this. We'll have to have a see what the WSTs are for December and see if any are good for speed runs.
    Check the Protector Calendar - just put them up tonight.

    Originally Posted by Exercitus View Post
    I dunno about this one. Again, this seems like this would step on Sept's weekly Incarnate trial Master runs. Why run a normal Underground trial for one badge when you can go for several with Sept's runs? ...
    Practice ... and ... profit?
  22. Ex, if you'd like to have this added to the Protector Calendar and have editing rights to it, please let me know via PM by sending me an email address.

    Also, for my personal badge suggestions:
    • Weekly Strike Target - Assist badge(s)
    • Underground Trial - regular, plain vanilla run. I've never run it yet and need the badge for completing it. If I have it by the time yo uget around to it I'll help out if you need me.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ang_Rui_Shen View Post
    I've been trying (and failing) to get a Kal SF going on Exalted for a while now; you may have just sold me on transferring Huntsman Tantivy (lvl 35) to Protector.
    Do it.

    We have free kittens* for new Protector players!

    *Kittens subject to availability, and may turn invisible if shipping box is opened. All kittens are offered by Schrodinger's Pet Emporium.