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  1. Well, I ran that log file all night,

    I've tested with power shield. on vs. flame.

    The log file is a monster, some 650 pages, and I'll have to wait untill this evening to even try and make heads or tails of it. In the meantime, I'm testing with the shield off.
  2. I'll call dibs on power shield vs. flame.

    I'll try a longbow flamethrower.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they get an acc bonus, since lonbow get everything else under the sun, so I should probably do a baseline test against them as well.

    and that dot may make for a log file of interesting size...

    With luck, by the end of the week, we might have an answer...
  3. Mass test:

    Any input on the proceedure used?

    I don't mind trying to generate more data. It might confuse the issue, but you can always throw out what you don't like for your final analysis.

    Get enough people doing this and spectators may see servers full of energy brutes, all holed up in instances, in parties of one...

    slowly getting pounded on by even con minions...
  4. honestly, there are countless ways they could write the equations and get it right. I don't see why it would be at all hard to do, I'd be very happy if they'd show us the math, but, but I'm happy enough as it is. My 3 EA brutes will be most grateful.
