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  1. 13th hasnt been playing for a long time and for some reason he decided to clean house and kicked alot of toons from both United and Obscene. Sadly no one that is still playing seems to have any in Obscene
  2. This is kind of a shot in the dark. I am looking for anyone who still might have a villain in Obscene. Its the Villain counter part to United. I realize it has been a long time since either has been active, but I'd still like to get the vg back. If you can help in anyway please contact me ingame @Soul Strike. Thanks!
  3. Soul_Strike

    I'm back!

    Old timers indeed. A friend of mine started playing again and was showing me some of the new stuff so I thought what the hell lets see for myself. Lots of cool stuff now I just got to figure out where to start. So I need to ask what does a hami-o loaded player with outdated specs do to start out? And what are all cool people doing now a days?
  4. Soul_Strike

    I'm back!

    So I've been away for something like 5 years. Anyone I know still around?
  5. Name - United
    Server - Pinnacle
    Faction - Hero
    Size - Medium
    Recruiting - by invite right now
    Contacts - @Soul Strike, @Mars.Volta, @Footsore, @Dorkus, and @Chilling Temper
    PVP - Anything

    We are a PVP SG born on Pinnacle that is now expanding onto the Test Server. We run both Heros and Villains and always up for setting up pvp matches or just practices. You can find a link to our website and forums in my sig. Just create an account and post. We look forward to hearing from other SGs.
  6. Soul_Strike

    COP questions

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    I'm not sure if that is sarcasm or not....

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    No, it wasn't. I am seriously chagrined by my comment. I knew you could blitz pretty quickly if you had a decent team, but that is fast even compared to what I thought. Once we figured it out, I think we did it pretty quickly with 11 people on 2 teams, but your speed blows us away. I am honestly curious about how many people/rough team composition, strategy, etc. to accomplish that. It deserves a congrats!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We had 2 teams. Team 1 - 1 Tank invuln/SS, 1 rad/rad D, 1 pure emp D, 2 Blaster ice/ice and elec/em, 1 scrapper. That team I was the ice/ice blaster. Team 2 - 1 Tank stone/fire, 1 Defender kin/dark, 3 blasters fire/fire, energy/device, ice/em, 1 controller fire/rad. for the 4th and 5th run the lvl 17 blaster.

    Outside, team 1 zerged the north tower and team 2 zerged the south. We would clear the mob using aoes, melting them in seconds. Then the tower would get taken out ignoring the Natterlings. It would take a total of about 45 seconds. Both teams then converged on the 3rd tower clearing that in the same fashion. The first team there would have the mob cleared in time for the second team to get there and destroy the tower.

    Inside the AV room. Both teams quickly gather and clear the front-left Willforge spawn after getting a Fulcrum Shift. Team 2 would circle around to the front-right Willforge and clear that with the FS buffs still on. At the same time team 1 circled to the back Willforge and take initial agro on the AV. With FS buffs still on all it would take to clear those 2 Willforge spawns was a heavy aoe from one of the Blasters and the Ice Blaster laying a Blizzard. Those mobs litteraly would be cleared in less then 20 seconds. After all was clear, the AV would get debuffed from both rads and everyone else went to town on it. The AV would drop in under 30 seconds. 2 EFs and 2 LRs with 5 blasters and a scrapper at the damage cap is HUGE. Endurance from using nukes is a none-issue at this point becuase of one Transference off of the AV right off the top.

    One thing worth noting. Everyone involved, except the 17 blaster, is lvl 50. All of us are good friends who have played togather for along time, always on Ventrilo. I know at first that doesnt sound like much, but in the end we all know each other's playstyle and intuitively know what everyone will be able to do/will do.

    I expect fully there to be lots of other SGs that can do what we did, if not better so. I also understand there is even more SGs that wont be able to just for the simple fact they lack the number 50s and diversity.

    With that in mind I feel the CoP trial is good to go as is. It cant be farmed by large SGs, due to the IoP capacity of the bases, and it isnt too hard for smaller SGs. I think if a SG can field 2 8-man teams, averaging lvl 35ish, can complete the trial. All it takes is alittle planning and team work. Not to mention a good rhythm. Ventrilo helps alot with this. After all who has time to type. I know I dont when I'm blasting the bejesus out of stuff.

    Some might say small SGs couldnt even do that. To counter that. If a SG cant even field that it is unlikely they wouldn't even be able to earn the prestige needed to build a raid ready base. There are exceptions I'm sure, but not the norm.
  7. Soul_Strike

    COP questions

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    Bull-excrement show me a screenie with you in the AV's room at 56:00, 58:00 and 59:30 on the timer...

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    Here you go

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    Hole-y Underwear, I can't believe what I'm seeing!?!

    Wow, so how many people did you have? Did you blitz the three monuments and then blitz the the forges simultaneously?

    I humbly rescind my comment and bow down

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not sure if that is sarcasm or not....

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    Wow, you could probably PL someone to 50 in a weekend.

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    Actualy no you can't. Unless the IoP placement is bugged this prevents that. As things are now you cannot sell or delete an IoP. You dont even have the option to place it.

    You can only run the CoP unless you meet 4 things: Have 6 anchors placed, have a raid teleporter, have a mission computer, and have an empty IoP base placed in a vault. If you dont have a place for an IoP to get put after completing the trial you cant start the trial. FYI, the IoP is auto-placed when rewarded. So unless you have a secure plot with lots of empty vaults you cant run the CoP many times to get the ubar XP rewards.
  8. Soul_Strike

    COP questions

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    Bull-excrement show me a screenie with you in the AV's room at 56:00, 58:00 and 59:30 on the timer...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here you go
  9. Soul_Strike

    COP questions

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    For a while you were able to build/sell the basic IoP's on test and they were completely removeable etc. But what's it like when you capture one? Does it then show up as an item on your place item list that can be placed once ever?

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    What you do is this. When building your base you set up a vault room. You place the IoP base. Its a brown circle with small squares around it. It is listed under IoPs in the base editer and costs no prestige to place. After you complete the trial you get an IoP. It is automaticly placed on top of this base you placed when building the room.
  10. Soul_Strike

    COP questions

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    I'm already of the opinion that this is going to be the new PLz0r! tool.

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    2, 4 and a half minute runs got a 17 blaster to 19.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Grats to Lazy on hitting 50!

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  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Grats to Soul Strike on hitting 50 with Lady Ice Witch!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you thats number 4 now for me. We will get Darktalyn to 50 tonight for ya.
  13. As far as I can see with the changes is this. Minions and lts, there isnt much of a change to performence, untill you start fighting +2s and up. The big differences are seen when you go up to a boss then an EB. This is from a SR scrapper perspective though.

    If you realy want to see something that brings back memories of Perma Elude..... Well this is what I did. I first logged in Soul Strike from the Hive. I looked down and saw a Thorn. So I toggled up and jumped down to give it the acid test. Mind at this point I hadnt tested anything yet. Lets just say the Thorn took 10 minutes to take me down, I have no self heals. On live without Elude I last about 30 seconds.
  14. Would it be possible the requirment is to lead both respec trials and have both respec badges? just a thought.