897 -
Thanks for the replies, will have to look at how im slotted and play with the toon a little bit. But i think she may need a few tweeks in her current build as she does really well in PvE. at the moment but PvP in the open zones be totally diffrent kettle of fish.
I like propel, be it slow but its jsut so good to hurl a forklift at your captive prey (provided you get them held)
Hurricane i dont have at the moment, but its definatly a very good PvP power as i know how bad them tsoo sorcerers adn storm shamans are with thier hurricanes running.
And as have grouped with TG as well i can see how handy it is to keep bad guys from you. I imagine its quite an end heavy power but ideal in PvP.(till they nerf it which looks imminent reading the US forums)
I only plan to pvp in the open zones i never really been one for the arena, even tho that would prob be a good place to test out a pvp build.
Thunder clap i think i have slotted with enhances disorient and acc, which from i understand when mob is stunned, disorientated, held, immoblised that is when you get your containment. And as the animation is long, if mob held for longer than the animation would not matter as much casue of the damage taht you are away to hand out. poss.
But if they have BFs as mentioned then using powers like lift adn gale might be enough to throw them about to buy you time for your holds, propl to recharge, or team mates to take them out ?
you dont get taht many atacks as grav, as most of the early damage comes from your hold, immobs like crush, lift and the single target hold.
I remeber when starting off my controller long time before containment it would take ages to solo mobs, till i got my sings things where very slow going in PvE.Controller was defiantly a team player then
thanks for posting slotting examples as gives me something to have a trial with to see how i do
hehe so you all fearin' Soll' LOL
She was in Sirens other day and i reckon she got nailed loads, maybe coz im still becoming famliar with PvP. I think Gimpman was doing his rounds. And we all know how great he plays his stalker.
But yes i think storm is a great power set, its very versitile in PvE and i can see how much fun you can have in PvP with it, just love blowing folk about with gale even tho' its a situational power is always a hoot to see you fly backwards waveing your arms and legs as you go
I'll prob head into a pvp zone this weekend for a little while and see how i do, i imagine i'll be nailed a few times but its all good fun -
Thing i find bad about grav is the animation times seem a bit slow. I normally try hold the player then use propel as it does great damage, not sure if containment works in a pvp enviroment. I have crush in my build i never used to as i had the AE immbolise, but it was nothing more than a major agro giver in PvE. And things with ranged attacks would open fire big time on my controller. Crush i prefer as it dont give as much agro , as its only one mob who is getting angry as oppsoed to half a dozen.
Still have the AE hold tho but with the long recharge time and half hold duration i dont use it as much as iused to.
As used to be good to be in pve enviroment and could use it on every battle. But since recent patches its all changed, only really use it when things are getting a bit hairy for the team.
But thats the PvE side of Grav, as for pvp i think that there prob is a few powers which maybe poor in PvE but will shine more in PvP.
Snow i feel has also great potential but as im such a novice pvper i can see her getting minced loads of times, and as Dotted says blasters can be easy prey for them devious villians -
I was wondering if anyone can give me any ideas which powers would be good for making a pure pvp hero and which power pools are recommended. I prob would use one of my exsting toons and respec them. This is waht they are at the moment
Snow ice/ice blaster L50
Sollaria grav/storm controller L50
Crimson MA/SR scrapper L35
Vapur - peacebringer L34
Vollari eng/eng blaster L22
Astrall is pure empath so dont think she be any good in pvp
Congrats on L50
I had thought the same thing as Pyra, when ever i saw Sugar in the passing, i always thought she was L50 as well.
Well done in getting her there -
Im still on heroes more than villians at mo. Trying to get some prestige for SG since the rest of my SG for the time being have defected to being villianous. So untill they return it be a long hard grind of prestige farming (unless the base item prices come down a good bit)
The scondrals -
Anyone knows anything please let me know, you know who i intend to use the power on
[/ QUOTE ]
yes i have a good idea whose hurricane you plan to negate.
If its who im thinking of i've been teaming up with him recently , hehe
Happy happy birthday Tylantia
Need to gank some more villans as a nice birthday treat.
Have a good one
Congrats on L50
Always nice to get another one there -
Try deleting the room and rebuild it
[/ QUOTE ]
Sounds like a plan, never thought to bulldoze it and start again.
I'll give it a go when get home from work, I should get all the prestige back that i have spent on the room so should be able to remake it.
And yes i think its a geometry bug of sorts as well.
Thx for the info
THey're there (because I can run into them) but I can't see them.
[/ QUOTE ]
This happened in beta as well, i saw decorative items become invisible, and could run into them, when in edit mode could see them, but soon as went into live mode they where no where to be seen.
But this medical item does not reappear if goto the edit mode, its completly vanished,
Is definatly a bug i think, hope its fixed soon as folks cant goto base to be resercuted if the main item is not there for them appear in.
I have tried placing a tech one, and also tried an arcane one. The item dissapears no matter which i choose. -
we have got a small SG base sorta up and running but for some strange reason this particular item always seems to dissapear.
We have got a medical room with one of the medical arrival things which if you die in a mission you appear in if select goto base when dead
But question i have is that this particular item loves to vanish. In that i bought it put it in the room and when later on we go check the room it has vanished !!
we get no influence back, no one sells it , so just wonder where does this item dissapear to ??
We check on base builder is an option to see all room contents of a particular room , no sign of our medical thing ( i call it medical thing as cant remember name and not at home at mo). Any one any ideas where it may go this item ? -
Congrats to Holy Thunder on reachin L50. One of our Sg members who has worked hard in achieving L50.
Glad you made it now to have fun with your PB/WS
See you about dude -
I used to like Blizzard, before ED.It appears to have lost alot of its power since ED. I used to be able to cast it on reds and orange mobs and practally take them out. Since ED i tried it out on a group of yellow con mobs and it never killed them out right , like i was expecting it to. I normally use shiver than hit them with blizzard.
the knockdown is still handy, but blizzard the power has been gutted since ED, in fact my whole ice blaster is alot weaker. (Cant even one shot an even con mob any more with build up + bitter ice bolt) -
Sorry never manged to get to hammi last night, sorry to hear you never manged to get the jelly destroyed.
Hopefully next time tho -
yo' mad plastics, always loveing da debt
See you about, and hope to be joining the plastics on CoV but on CoH be staying as i is -
i will try be there in one guise or another, most likley as Sollaria.
Dinged Sollaria to L50
Grav/Storm controller
Snow L50 ice/ice blaster
Kakarok L50 ss/inv tanker
Synasta dinged L50 last night
Illusion/Kinetics controller -
Blaze of the Immortals are a supergroup that is happy to accept any good team players into their ranks of any level. We are not a powerleveling sg, we play at our own pace. We happy to group up and help lower levels, we also encourage the use teamspeak