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  1. Slygon

    Badge Questions

    [ QUOTE ]
    seriously stop whining about this thread. is there any wonder posi doesn't read it anymore? i mean for christ sake the thread was started 14 months ago. it lasted a good 5 months and then was necro'd from deah after a 6 month stop and then again another 2 months later. Posi is not reading this thread anymore and likely hasn't since july of last year. get over it.

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    Did he or did he not start the thread?? Did he or did he not say he'd answer the questions? To bad YOU don't like it, the questions weren't addressed to you , so follow your own advise and don't read it ; otherwise get over it because the questions WILL continue til we get an answer (and not from you).
  2. Slygon

    Badge Questions

    Obviously does little good, pwny. They can fix it for heroes but the Villains get squat! He doesn't even take the time to reply to this (I posted month or so ago in same thread, same subject) thread. Typical, just typical.
  3. Arachnos Flyer??? Flyer?? Flyer?? (feel like Ferris' teacher) ANY "NEW" word on this spawn???
  4. Slygon

    Badge Questions

    Any word on this one Posi? Arachnos Flyer spawns seem to be seriously bugged. Only a handful of players have ever even seen the thing let alone defeated it for the badge. How bout it? would be nice to get some definitive word from a redname instead of the rumors of " a redname posted and said it's working properly" or a secondhand /petition report about the "flyer is working as intended". Sorry I just can't buy those same, lame reasons anymore. Spent waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time hunting, looking for, or trying to force-spawn it through various different means. IS it or is it NOT bugged??? Inquirying minds want to know???