1961 -
Quote:Try The Secret World from Funcom.So I'm guessing I'll never have my Power Armour Gatling Gun Guy or my buff ladies. Well, crap... Does anyone figure another company in the gaming market will have the balls to make something as fundamentally different from the established status quo as City of Heroes was when it came out, or are we doomed to "forest and elves" MMOs until I bleed out the ears?
Quote:Yes. It happens that way sometimes when businesses close.I'm kind of shocked at how quickly this went, can you really fire someone without notice like this in the US?
With luck, the employees of the studio will receive either a severance package or offers of employment elsewhere within NCSoft. You never know, though.
A local restaurant near where I live closed one day, without warning. One day, they were open. The next there was a sign on the door thanking customers for their business. They were part of a chain and the corporate office had decided to close several of the down to cut costs.
The employees were given two week's notice of the closing, and no sort of severance that I heard about.
I hope that the employees of the studio are being treated better than that. It sounds right now as if it could be a situation where they came to work, someone called Matt from Corporate and said "Send everyone home, NOW." and that was that. -
My sympathies to all of the staff of Paragon Studios. Something about the wording of the announcement left me feeling that NCSoft's decision may have been just as much of a blindside to the employees as to the players.
I hope that NCSoft treats you right when it comes to issues like severance and that you all manage to bounce back from this unfortunate event. The development, delivery and stewardship of this game is something that you should be proud to have on your resumes and any company looking to develop new properties would be nuts if they aren't already sending invitations for interviews to Mountain View.
Good luck, God Speed, and may your capes always fly high. -
They've posted an announcement to Facebook also. I'd expect to G+ to be next.
It's official. -
I am shocked and dismayed.
It's one year since Freedom launched. It's on the official website. There's no possible way for this to be a joke. It would be in such poor taste that it nobody could possibly think it was funny.
I'll hold out hopes that this is some kind of hacking incident but I don't think it is. Not the way it's written.
I've been through this before with other games (I still have a grudge against EA for Earth and Beyond) but I can sincerely say that this is like losing an old friend.
I don't know what to say. -
In response to the OP's request for screenshots, this was released to Facebook this morning. It's various combos of the Tech Knight set with itself and mixed with other pieces. I REALLY like the guy at dead center. If I had any misgivings, that one sold me on it.
It's a good thing my boss went out for a haircut... <.< >.>
For the curious, my word processor tells me that Hit Streak just added another 1106 codes to the list.
Quote:According to Arcanaville there are several thousand codes in the lists and Hit Streak intimated that more could be coming.Going to assume these are all gone....if anyone can confirm that, let me know. But I'll give it a go anyways.
They're going to some effort to make plenty available for everyone who uses the forums and then some. Better to assume that you'll find one, than not. -
Oh, yeah, the Batallion connection actually makes sense given that Mender Silos is all angsty about how he was indirectly responsible for Earth's defeat to the Batallion by distracting the world at a critical moment.
This could be the first tangible event in that chain. Nemesis puts his world conquering plan in motion just as, unbeknownst to him, the Batallion is about to put THEIR world conquering plan in motion.
You gotta wonder why Silos doesn't just show up at the doorstep of Nemesis and say "Dude, we have to talk...". -
Released on Facebook.
Nemesis seems to be stepping things up to the next level. -
Who knew that emitting Kirby dots could look so good? My favorite part is actually the way that it makes the eyes pulse, though that did preclude using "head" on my Wolf Spider, heh. That will be perfect for my pumpkin-head villain.
Great aura. Kudos to everyone involved, especially for keeping up the "Pax Weekend Giveaway" despite not being at Pax. -
Danke, Paragons!
8:11PM Pacific time here, and I found an unused code in the middle of the second batch of North America codes.
Now to check it out! -
Khorak - The tragedy of the Clockwork King is that he's is entirely deluded about his psychic power and about his "robots". He's possibly the strongest psychic mind in the world; so strong that his subconscious is able to hide his real power from his conscious mind in order to fulfill his wish to be the greatest robotocist in the world.
There's no evidence at all that he understood that he personally was responsible for the events that led to the death of those police officers. He truly believed that the clockworks were artificial intelligences. It's not at all clear that he would have wanted them to kill. Monsters from the ID and all that.
The real tragedy is that we'll never know whether he could have been helped and redeemed and whether he could have been made eventually to stand trial for those deaths or to regret them and attempt to make reparation for them. He was murdered in turn by Blue Steel, an ostensible hero. The only reason that Blue Steel is still on the hero rolls after that event is that the King's subconscious went all Donovan's Brain and "saved" the King, removing the evidence of Blue Steel's own culpability.
The whole story is one great frakking tragedy.
Bringing this back around to Penny Yin, what we don't really know at this time is just how much his mental awareness of his situation has changed over the years. What has she told him, and what has he been forced to acknowledge about himself in order to have a relationship with her? Does he literally see her as a "clockwork princess" who communicates with him via radio waves? Does he realize that he is actually a psychic and that some part of his mind is responsible? How close is he to coming to terms with his real self and potentially becoming the Psychic Clockwork King of the portal missions? Is his relationship with Penelope the thing that might prevent that or, if she turned up dead in the course of her superhero job, could it actually catalyze that transformation?
His "crush" on her might be a disaster waiting to happen. (I think that the way Positron says that her history with CK is "complicated" is an indication that the Phalanx thinks he has a "crush" on her. That potential for riling him up uncontrollably might be one reason that they seem to take a live-and-let-live approach instead of just "arresting" him outright, given that Penny could lead them right to him.) -
Quote:CK is a good ten years older than Penny, if not more. As you say, his portrayal in SSA2.1 is borderline juvenile, which is what pushed me towards his behavior being primarily overcompensation ("I will prove to you that only I truly see you and appreciate your true value").There is also the new SSA just a bit in the beginning which I wont spoil but King seems to have a well more juvenile crush on Penny Bordering on creepy stalker.
It might be that he's simply deluded himself into thinking that she'd only remain with him if he was her peer, so he behaves the way that he imagines/half-remembers that children behave without really thinking about the fact that she's now about the same age he was when he underwent his "transformation". -
The first time I saw that "and boys" dialog, I took it to be jealousy. Without any access to whatever passes for CK's mind, it could be any sort of motivation at all, though.
CK wouldn't call her his "Queen" because that would imply a relationship that didn't exist. "Princess" is a generic term of affection, as well as prerequisite title - Many/Most Queens are awarded a title of Princess/Duchess/Whatever if they don't already have one by birthright. Calling her his "Princess" doesn't indicate that he feels paternally towards her. It just indicates that he thinks of her as a maiden, so to speak.
Since CK is basically certifiable, you can take it any way you like, especially since Penny does not seem to relate to him on a romantic level. The age difference is probably not very applicable since they literally see each other for their minds.
Mostly, I think he's half-mad from loneliness and he's afraid of anything that might take away the only person that he can relate to on any sort of "normal" level. His overcompensation stems from his need to prove to her that he is more devoted and more worthy than anyone else in the world whoever they are. Love, whether paternal or romantic, doesn't enter into the equation all that much. -
Quote:I'm actually kind of curious how this thread turned into that perception. I don't see where anything of the sort has happened. The closest I can come is the complaint that making the Skulls entirely ethnic now is something of a contradiction to how they've been portrayed for the last eight years.Yes, but this thread is essentially complaining that extra #237 appeared in episode 202 of <random TV series> after extra #237 who may or may not have been portraying the same character was killed in episode 118.
I don't see it as a game breaker but I also don't see it as a minor nitpick when there are so many other ways of portraying the same information.
Otherwise, I don't really see where anything that's going on here amounts to demands for unswerving adherence to canon or whatever.
Put another way, I don't see where justifying the changes in light of the history of the game setting is some kind of demand that lore never deviate from previous canon. At worst, it's a request to express the "deviation" in terms of the established canon instead of ignoring it. I fail to see how this could be a bad thing.
To wit - If the Skulls ARE an ethnic gang through and through, where is the ethnic neighborhood now that Perez Park is sealed off and nobody is living there? Unless King's Row turned into Little Prussia overnight, the question deserves a couple of minutes worth of thought by whoever is doing the writing. -
Quote:It does make one wonder what is going on.NCsoft as a whole isn't going to be at PAX this year, which is totally weirding me out on multiple levels (Wildstar isn't out yet, you should be pushing this game hard, it looks super fun).
And this is after last year, where they had their own panel room. What.
Consider that Arenanet is basically the top of the NCSoft North America pyramid these days and they have Guild Wars 2 in world-wide release this week and they are located 15 minutes away from downtown Seattle.
It's almost inconceivable that they would NOT be at Pax Prime, even if the rest of the company was financially incapable of going.
I won't engage in public speculation about it but I'd surely be curious about what it means. -
TFab10's avatar is a Free Realms avatar, suggesting the possibility that s/he might be a younger person who doesn't really know the ins and outs of things like thread necromancy.
Given that the mods tend to jump on that pretty quickly (I once got my own history thread locked for reviving it after it being quiescent for a year), I expect that we'll see it explained shortly.
To TFab10 - It's considered bad form to dig out old threads that have been inactive for months/years and reply to them as if they were a current topic. Better to just start a new one in that case. If you find this thread locked the next time you see it, that's why. -
Last I heard, Paragon Studios is not attending Pax. Hopefully that means that they are so busy that they can't spare the time. Heck, if it was about the expense of the thing, they could all just crash on the couches of Arenanet. :-p
Quote:*shrug* Red names have already responded to some of these questions, though they've put the responses on the beta forums which is arguably where they belonged.The thing being discussed here is developer responsiveness to canon, not developer responsiveness to quality-of-life requests. These are completely different subjects, but feel free to list away.
I don't really see what the point is of entering a thread that has stayed more or less on the original topic and advising people to not discuss the topic.
If you think it's much ado about nothing, well, that's a valid opinion and it's certainly worth sharing. You would hardly be the only person to hold such an opinion.
If you think that you're "waking people up" or something, or telling them to stop wasting their time, then I can only reply that it's our own time to waste. Kind of like doing an AE farm. The fact is that many/most of the people on both "sides" are veterans who have a pretty good idea already just how much the studio bends in any particular direction. We've been doing this for eight years or more in some cases.
Blanket statements that "the devs do this or don't do that or don't listen or will do just what they're going to do without regard to player opinion" are the sorts of statements that should be thought through before being made. It only takes one example to make it provably false, after all.
In the end, though, there's no harm from discussing people's opinions, especially when the topic is both currently topical and the thread train is more-or-less on its original track. If the whole thing is just the opinion of a small vocal minority and the devs do end up proceding along the path they've already laid out, then we still all had our say. I don't see where that should bother anyone or require anyone to "educate" or "wake up" or otherwise address the players involved in the discussion instead of addressing the discussion itself.
Discussion is fun and stimulating. If the topic fails to interest a reader, the reader is always free to go read something else, right? If everyone was a fatalist and took the atitude that "Well, they're just going to do what they do so why venture an opinion?" then what would be the point of ever discussing the game at all?
They're free to do what they want. It's their game. We DO all realize that, whether we think it's a case of splitting hairs about paint color or we think it's the studio changing the paint and saying "it was this color the whole time". Spirited discussion is a good thing. Nothing is gained by discouraging it or "rescuing" people from their delusions of importance. They typically have opinions even if they don't have delusions about the importance of those opinions. -
Somewhere, Hooty the Owl is weeping.
Quote:Read again, GG. I didn't say it was gone. I said they were changing it which, as you well know, is what Protean said.You're having an RNG moment then - there's loads of the Count von Count text still there
Quote:For the last eight years they have NOT been a "mono-ethnic" gang. Why change it now just to change it?I'm a little confused by the objections to a "mono-ethnic" street gang. As far as I know, that's how it actually goes. Or are people just used to Bronze Age comics with laughably "integrated" gangs?
King's Row has never been portrayed as a community that could be called ethnic at all. The lore on the Petrovic brothers is that their ethnic community was located near Perez Park, in what amounts to no-man's land today.
The Skulls could not own King's Row the way they do and still realistically be an ethnic gang. They would have to both recruit from the indigenous community and defeat and absorb the inidigenous gangs just as they did to the Shadows. Either that or the Petrovics are just so bad-*** that they are able to fend off the Hellions single(double?) handedly and the rest of the gang is just for show.
The question in the end, is not "is it realistic?" but "how does it improve the game?" That's a subjective question but from my subjective point of view the answer is, "it does not".
Better to let the Petrovics be the ethnic leaders of a gang that succeeded by outgrowing its roots.
*NOTE* - At the current time, the gang is still a diverse one in the beta, though it seems it might be prone to some sort of "clumping" by the RNG. It's not really an issue, especially since they've stated that they're dispensing with the current bad-movie-dialog as a vehicle for portraying an "accent".