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  1. V1 is the artist hes really tallented.

    I had this piece done of my Toon Gallious about a few weeks ago. I love this piece and i hope that someone is willing to take on another challenge
  3. but the onnly thing that sucks for me is that i cant afford a decent drawing maybe if you ever feel like doing some charity ud keep gallious in mind heh
  4. wow juggy your art work is simply outstanding! id really like to see what you could do with Gallious, i think it would be an interesting drawing
  5. You told e to make a request in this thread derek, i hope you find some fun in drawing this toon, thanks for directing me here
    Asgard Gallious

    Ultimate Gallious
  6. Anyone willing to do a piece on my toon Gallious? ive never had one done before, would be cool if someone felt generious
  7. I think it would be awsome if Gallious was in this pic, hes like the CoH inspired version of thor but ORIGINAL in all aspects, check him out
  8. Code name: Super Savior
    Origin/Archetype: Natural/Tanker

    Real name: Robert Gilreath
    Other aliases: Most commonly known by people of ordinary stature as Gil
    Identity: Tends to keep his secrects to himself, those who know about his identities are well known to him and have earned his respect.
    Occupation: Professor, Teacher, Advanced Computer Technology Analyst
    Legal status: As far as the known world knows Super Savior is a legal member of the The United States Of America
    Place of birth: Dungrantie Demension
    Marital status: single/and always looking
    Known relatives: Unknown
    Known allies: only known ally is the Angery Angels, but his openmindedness leaves much room for more
    Known enemies: The Ritki, Pratorians, Lord Recluse
    Base of operations: Paragon City

    Group affiliation: The Mandate of Justice. Once formed to protect the citizens of earth...Much betrayal fell upon its leaders and commanding officers. Broken up and picked off one by one by the Ritki, which was at the expense of their formidable mind control. The Mandate of Justice was broken from within. Super Savior was the last of its members to survive and this affiliation is a touchy subject for Supes.

    History: 5,000 years ago on a planet known as Dungrantie, a race of people advanced in technology that surpassed any known race in the galaxy. There extreem knowledge of evolution and technology allowed them to claim an entire demension. The Dungrantie were not of a violent nature and so they believe in Democracy. Further more all its people under its Democratic wing were free to speak their mind and do as they wish as long as it was in good nature. Born into a line of Royalty in the year 4977 PC (Pre Crises), Gil was always given the best. He attended the Academy of Honor and graduated at the top of his class. Exceeding the expectations in Science and Combat, He then attended the Galactic Royal Army to further his skills. Expectedly he excelled in the Officers Training school and became a commanding office of the Galactic Guard at the age of 23. During the Great war of Onglad he decimated his enemy with cunning combat tactics and shere might of willpower. Tho his battles were victorious in his favor, the other regiments of the Guard were not so Lucky. In a sad turn of events his Empire and Galactic demnsion were conquired by the alien race known as The Ritki. He and his small band of brothers took one of the last ships of Zon (a ship constructed for demensional travel) and ventured to find a new place of refuge, a place of freedom and democracy. For 15 years they searched and for 15 years they found nothing. Finaly in the year 5,016 they came across a demension with a promising planet. It was known as earth... Landing in a desert area known to humans as Arizona...he and his comrads settled down and quickly traveled to what the humans called Congress. Gil then requested a meeting with the leaders of the world and asked for refuge. Some where weary of this suddon request but non the less they accepted these aliens into their world. Upon establishing a name for themselves Gil and his comrades formed an orginization called The Mandate of Justice. Specifically to protect the earths inhabitants from the forces of evil and opression. When the Ritki invaded the earth, much to The Mandates surprise as they had thought they had escaped their grasp, the mandate took swift action and join the other heroes that helped defend the world. Fighting along side of the Freedom Phalanx and other orginzations the Mandate worked hard to bring down the ritki. Their efforts were useless as the entire group was brainwashed into fighting amongst themselves and ultimatly destroying eachother. As it would seem Gil's willpower conqured the odds and he regretfully took down his own brothers. There was no other way...its a hard subject for Gil to talk about and his temper seems to get the best of him when the subject is brought up. Through the rebuilding of Paragon City Gil fouund a new calling, to Protect the City of Paragon from the bonbardment of Villanus forces. He Had a meeting with a great hero known as Statesman and told him all of his past and asked to join the good fight. Statesman felt saddend by Gil's history lesson and extended his hand in helping Gil cope with the great loss of his poeple and his friends. Now as a Hero of Paragon City, Super Savior fights for justice, freedom and the Democratic way!!!!

    Height: 6'3
    Weight: 260lbs
    Eye color: Brown
    Hair color: Black
    Age: 22(human years) 35(Dungrantie years)

    Other distinguishing features: No unordinary features have been found or known of to Gils knowledge. At least while he has resided here on earth. On Dungrante tho, Gil suffered a seriouse condition known as Fithgora's syndrome. Which pales the skin from a Dungrante's normal complection, which is similar to the earthings known as African Americans. When he arrived here on earth the ultra violet rays from the sun cured Gil of his condition. Which makes his stay on earth all the more enjoyable.

    Strength level: Though Gil spends alot of time keeping the streets of paragon safe, he also spends alot of time trying to further his ability with super strength. In the past ten years Gil constructed a machine that could gauge in tons. This machine was specificaly created to test Gil's super human strength as hey call it here on earth, but on Dungrante its just an average attribute that means nothing, that and the fact that the gravity on Dungrante is 150 times that of Earth. The Last test that Gil ran indecated that hes strength infact surpassed his last test of holding 4,000 tons and reached a new high of 6,345 tons. After he was just about finished the industrial pistons gave out on the coupling system and burnned out. The Calculation chip had been fried and Gil is still working on a new chip to see if he can exceed his current strength. As it seems his Strength continues to grow...

    Known superhuman powers: The knows powers of Super Savior are as such...Flight; he has run tests and has calculated that his flight speed has reached the maximum of 170mph...indecations show that there is still room for improvement. Strength; From the last tests run Super Savior has been said to be able to lift approximatly 6,300 tons at any given time. Though his most amazing power is not just that...more of a skill that he has aquired through experience and communication Super Savior is an astounding leader who posses the ability to boost moral, willpower, and confidence...

    Other abilities: Though his most amazing power is not just that...more of a skill that he has aquired through experience and communication Super Savior is an astounding leader who posses the ability to boost moral, willpower, and confidence...

    Limitations: Super Savior is very self conciouos and has a hard time trusting people. He also suffers from what humans refer to as "Ugly-Syndrome". He's only real known weakness is to pysonic agressive attacks. Tho his people have learned to deflect such attacks with the specail technology of a Dread helmet...Super Savior lost his on his expidition to earth...

    Paraphernalia: Super Savior carries a Utility belt which has a white band and a red cartridge. This compartment looks small but the Dungrante Technology allows him to customize its space for just about infanite storage. He stores all his devices in there, from his armor to his street cllothes even his communicator and Police Radio Band...

    Weapons/Arsenal: Super Savior dosent don any weapons, but he does surprisingly don Dungrante armor. The Material of which it is made of is unknown...

  9. name is Super Savior (Virtue Server Character), Ive been a member of the community for quite some time now. Ive been apart of many great groups, and a few bad ones. Ive seen just about everything this game has to offer. The only thing im missing is a super group that meets my play style. Ill tell you exactly what im looking for... 1st, im looking for heavy role-play, 2nd Im looking for DEDICATED PLAYERS... 3rd Im looking for a decently well equipped base of operations a.k.a super group base. And lastly im looking for a dc INSPIRED group. Golden Age or silver age, heck even the JLU age of superhero like stuff. I hope this isnt too much to ask of from any of you. If worse comes to worse i think ill have to start my own sg which i would hate to have to do. But i might have to. SO...hopfully there is a home for me somewhere out there. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you HEROES!!! Gods Speed...
  10. so the destructive envorionments are for COV players only huh? hrmm thats fine but when are heroes going to get something like that... i wanna be able to hurl a car at some freakshow or somethin hehe. hopfully in issue 8 thats what we get.
    Cyros (Destroyer of Worlds) vs. the Mandate of Justice

    Cyros was a cosmic genetically engineered Killing Machine. Created by the mastermind named Dr. Quarius, who was a galactic conquester. In its course of time through the universe Cryos destroyed six worlds, before attempting to destroy Earth. He would drain the Worlds life force, the core of the planets. Upon doing so he would ascend down through the planets atmosphere and take the life of all living things. All of the planets power and energy he would absorb without a second thought. The planets would cease to rotate and time would stop as if it had never begun.

    Will the “Mandate of Justice” be able to defeat this sinister being? Or will they fail to save earth… Find out in the next installment of TMOJ Short stories.