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  1. So you basically tellingme i cant play this game anymore? because of the ncsoft launcher adjustments? wtf kinda crap is that? The games been running just fine without spk3, shoot i dont even have sp2. and the game was running fine. Microcrap (microsoft, IS WAK). I just paid for 3 months of this game and now i cant play? really? REAAALLY?! youve got to be kidding me.
  2. could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll? that does this mean it only happened since last night between then and this morning..something wqrong with ncsoft today?
  3. they pick the stoopidest
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silvertron View Post
    Gah! wtf. noooo my prominent eyes have been ruined!
    I think i seen that girl singing and dancing outfront of walmart in the parking lot. Her brother said shes parkensins or something. Trying to pay for her medical bills..
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghost Gigolo View Post
    I think it may call for a slotting of both.

    This one might suit your needs better, good friend!

    Feast your eyes on all those pixels.

    Gah! wtf. noooo my prominent eyes have been ruined!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dygital_Punk View Post
    I am going with "laugh" cause I need one right now.... I had plans dammit! *shakes fist at the server*

    well now you can make new ones!
  7. i dunno weither to laugh of be alarmed at that picture.
  8. ;reaches over quickly and snags a few bit of nachos from the plate. Making sure its got all the veggies on them.

    "Not so fast bro! geesh."
  9. *props up a lawn chair and sits down. You can see he set aside a bucket of long neck caronas.* ;cracks open a beer and offers one to anyone that comes along.

    "I was saving these for the Pocket. But it seems they're gonna get warm...So drink up!"

    *swings over a small wooden box and props his feet on it*
  10. Silvertron

    Spam Thread

    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    All good Virtue spam threads need the deployment of an official fluff bomb:

  11. eh, whens this lunk-ajunk gonna be back up?
  12. elder jedi pre-cu :P NOOOOOG nog noga noga nog NOG!
  13. Silvertron

    I Blame JD

    I blame the Man for being the man. And takin meh moneh's.
  14. ;floats into the room, chuckeling. Takes a pack of mentos and drops them in a soda bottle..*shakes it furiously* and lets go. "weeeeeeee!"
  15. OK guys if u gt a tech support named NICK good! hes awesome!! the case number i had was 110303-0000490 GIVE THIS GUY A PROMOTION. Helped me with being locked out. Switched it to dob instead of some wackey security question and helped me figure out how to install GR. Thanks Nick your da sh**zt!!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _AzA_ View Post
    LMFBO!! GREAT STUFF! if only that was me lol metaphorically speak ing lol
  17. *ncsoft teller* "Number ten please...number ten.." *silvertron looks down at his ticket* "dam it 16.." *sits back down in the waiting room*
  18. lol..10th in line? been a MIN alread. like 20 mins lol
  20. OH WOW!! whew i thought i was the only one going through some crap like this.. As you can see ive been here a while but to a leave of absence.I now am begining to remember why. Last night i was FREAKING OUT! 1 because i dont remember ANY security questions that i filled out..and if i did.. that was 7 YEARS AGO. And to top it off... I JUST bought going rouge and found out my computer uses a cd rom instead of a dvd rom. So when i went to enter the serial code it said i needed to know my ...first name...and dob...are you trying to tell me you changed my first name and my date of birth? WITHOUT TELLING ME???? is ncsoft GOD modding again? Please dear god fix this crap before you loose EVERYONE due to lack of intelligence.. I love this game and dont want to loose player base or friends. Oh and i honestly think that these booster packs..should have been free all because of the dumb*hit things that happen like this :P