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  1. Silvertron

    The first....

    Im considering joining this server, but i dont know if its going to be roleplay friendly, i dont wanna be rp'ing in atlas park and then have some weirdo go "Your *******ual for rp.." I;ve had that happen before lol
  2. noted, but i do have to tell you that those two companies i think are working together. Its kind of funny to sit here and watch people who come here. I HAVE run into a couple gamers who use their wi-fi for mmo's like i do lol. its great :P
  3. Does anyone know if you can customize your backpack?
  4. Sweet, looks like ill be using my tip out money from work to get EVERYTHING lol
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    ((And here I figured teleportation. I'd recommend letting the story be the story.))
    No no, i was just giving someone out there shyte for god modding a character in their rp story, he knows who he is :P i mena its cool to rp and write out stories, but try and keep it within cannon, not even synapse can run that fast, and he's the fastest.
  6. Does anyone know if a walmart money card works with NCsoft? i owe the bank money, cna cant open an account lol so id like to know, cuz then id just load money on the card and go apess*** on the marketz
  7. Ok so a quick question, how much is street justice? And how much is the backpack?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TerrorSlicer View Post
    As the title suggests, what npc do you think it would suck to be? My vote is the raver in pocket d who is always spewing in the corner.
    yea right! i envy him...he's probably rolling face!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McNum View Post
    Like this? Power Xtreme!

    I'd love to get a Centurions style costume change, even if I have very few characters that'd use it. I used to watch that cartoon all the time as a kid, so cheesy, so blatantly a toy commercial, so awesome.
    lol! ^_^
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I think this is the first ragequit post for CoH: Freedom - and considering it's only 2 days from launch, that's pretty good going - I was expecting way more nerdrage from the whole hybrid payment model too
    lmfao @ ragequit
  11. Silvertron

    Hello, Virtue!

    ill be in game once this download HUGE!!!
  12. sry lol...i know it was random! :P
  13. “I told you so.”

    6:30 AM// Sentinel Central Command.

    The door to the commando room has been hissing open and close nonstop since 5 am. Sentinels reporting in and then leaving with specific orders to help with the devastating damage that Galaxy City has endured. At least that was the plan.

    *Over a secured signal*

    “Sentinels, I’ve just received orders from the Vanguard and the Phalanx to pull out of Galaxy City.” Atlas said.

    The comm is silent for a moment.

    “What?! Are you kidding me, these people need our help. There’s Shivan everywhere!” Dorgon exclaims.

    Another voice can be herd following Dorgons.

    “We just got here… Isn’t this what we’re meant to do? Help people? The city is crumbling to its feet. I’ve never seen so much debris in one area. I haven't seen this much damage since that tsunami hit Japan.” Deep Dive chimes in.

    There are several other Sentinels that follow in conversation, clattering the communication line. In all conversation they seem to be very upset and appalled by the orders that they received from Sentinel Prime.

    The room was quiet. Still bright from the lumm lights as if night never existed due to the 24 hours scanner sweeps and toxin detection protocol that was implemented after Galaxy city was struck. Atlas Sentinel had tried to warn fellow heroes around the city. He especially brought the fact up when he ventured to other dimensions like the Pocket D. That case…That case that Kazimer had stolen must have something to do with it.

    Light slow footsteps from Vi’s heels echoed across the room as she made her way from the coffee maker to where Atlas was standing hunched over centrals table touch screen. His movements with his hands were quick and precise as he pinpointed several locations of high priority. Even the Sentinels that we’re out on the field were being tracked. No one could escape the sight of MAX. MAX was the Central Computer that had just been installed in preparation for future threats. It had the ability to search and locate city contacts and locations. It even had a color coded system. It gave distance, height, temperature and weather reports on a constant basis.

    Vi’s sighs as she hands Atlas a fresh cup of coffee.

    “How bad is it?” She asks as she puts her hand on his shoulder.

    Atlas hunched over the table looks to her while rubbing the back of his neck.

    “Bad. This is the craziest sh** I’ve ever seen. I thought we had problems before. But this is madness.”

    Atlas takes a sip of coffee and sets it on the computer table. Vi looks at him and then at the coffee with a small frown and then slips a plasma coaster underneath it. She takes pride in her work and sometimes Atlas misses that. She sighs again as she asks another question.

    “Why are you telling the other Sentinels to pull out of Galaxy City? Isn’t that where our help is needed most?” she says with a confused look on her face.

    “It is. But we’re needed somewhere else. I almost can’t believe it myself but there’s a bigger problem than this that has arose. The people upstairs want us to head to Talos Island. They’ve found that there’s an army of these…whatever they are out there. Luminary and Citadel need our assistance. I bet the Praetorians and the clowns in the Isles never saw this coming. They should have. I warned them. We’ve got to find Kazimer and ask him what he did with that case. Those samples have something to do with this I’m sure of it.

    Atlas gives Vi a long hug, thinking that he might not know when or if he shall return. As he walks onto the tele-pad he says to her.

    “Lock the door behind you. Don’t let anyone in Central unless I give the go first. Make sure MAX is on full alert and for god’s sake don’t let the coffee burn.” He says with a slight chuckle to lighten up the moment.

    "It's Prime Time!" Atlas says with conviction! His suit flashes from the feet up. His once blue heavy leather fitted suit was now transformed into a metallic ex0-skeleton suit. It
    emanated bright white and had an eye-catching luster.

    Atlas presses a sequence into his nav-computer attached to his left wrist and beams down below to Talos Island about 100 meters from grid C2-A1-G8-E7. Sentinel Station floats quietly in the Prime sector. From a view port you can see Ritki ships leaving the earth atmosphere…
  14. Yea the website is too cool for school fool!
  15. OK, I'm sorry but i can't take it anymore! I've been using the wi-fi here at a local starbucks in westport CT. These people are flippen MAD! Giving toddlers large cups of coffie. And these little children are sitting there eating and drinking coffee..*sighs* i dunno maybe im over reacting or maybe im not, but like 4 times ive seen parents bring their children in give them a freakin espresso while they sit on their i-phones and do what ever. Is this country really going this route..who gives a 2 year old a frappacino. She can't even talk yet and shes drinking coffee like shes 32. Oh and while i was at work yesterday i saw a 4 year old on a ipad...this is getting out of hand. Starbucks and Apple...YOU ARE EVIL! i will bring you down with my level 50 brute!!
  16. ((yea like heroes that can run 200 million miles per second? lol jk jk. was that a 3rd of the speed of light? :P))
  17. my stomach just rolled up inside, im laughing so hard lol
  18. Lol did Virtue just B Slap an outsider? hahahah
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pogothulu View Post
    Sadly Im having carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand this Monday and wont be able to play for almost two months.

    Good luck with the itrial night and the new one. Sounds like fun. If I do log on itll be just to chat.
    How many clicks does a COH player click till his clicks don't click no more?

    ((Im sry to hear that unfortunate event., last night i was working, at a job, for the first time in forever, i walked around so much i think my legs got carpal tunnel..No joke, i almost couldn't walk . i think im outta shape, i need to get off my butt from playing coh and be more active, but really tho, hope you get well fast!))
  20. We have just recieved an influx in feral and beat-style heroes. Even aquatic. As Sentinel Prime i'd like to once again extend an invitation. We are a rpsg, and acutally have ties with Commander Arachnos, and his army (rp wise) Things are picking up and it's moving faster then i expected. Ive had to spread out amongst the Sentinels different tasks that need to be taken care of. We are still looking for one more Sub-Prime hero to take the title. (Sub-Primes are elected council, think of it like congress and the president) For if or when i need to step down as prime. So if your a leader type maybe it might be something fun for you to do. I don't know. Just extending an invitation man. What ever you decide im glad your here for the end of primal earth as we know it. Its going to be epic!
  21. You know. I was gong to put out a mass email listing to everyone i know. But then i realized i didn't really know anyone that would be interested in something like this. I have a few friends on facebook that might be interested. And who knows, maybe i'll go around town handing out fliers educating people about the advantaged of becoming a hero. Or villian. Or Praetorian but i think my case working might deem me mentally unstable if i were to do something like that in public. So for now ill stick with facebook and raid spam other gamers forums-twitters, xfires, stickams, and myspaces.. Imean its free now so some of these people might bite.
  22. [[I was about to ask the same thing! I love the story!]]