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  1. Thanks Lon and everyone else now onto the next one eh :P
  2. Silva_EU


    [ QUOTE ]
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    Im back Once u leave the game u eventually come back again :P So hey again to everyone and ill prob see u in game

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    Welcome back mate, are you back a bit or back a lot?

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    Id say back in a bit
  3. Silva_EU


    Im back Once u leave the game u eventually come back again :P So hey again to everyone and ill prob see u in game
  4. Silva_EU

    Cya :)

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    i ain't :P

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    If ya cant say anything nice dont say anything at all

    Will miss all of ya Has been a great time here on CoH/V
  5. Silva_EU

    Cya :)

    My post seems to have gone from general disscussion.. maybe i posted in wrong section, but im leaving the game shortly before christmas, so am saying bye to everyone i know that havent spoken to allready in game
  6. Silva_EU

    Arachnos Flyer

    [ QUOTE ]
    Devs Fix It

    If its WAI then sort it out cause its not fun and its not funny.

    Thats around 30 people ya managed to bore to death today do ya really want to do that. So much fun in this game to be had, yet some tasks feel like a chore.

    Sort It out like you did on heroes.

    P.S. check Caleb, looks like its borked again.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I guess for the arachnos flyer WAI means it spawns once or twice a week
  7. Silva_EU

    Arachnos Flyer

    Already said i would be there this morning ;P but hey will say it again.. ill be there :P
  8. Silva_EU

    Clear Mind

    [ QUOTE ]
    For instance before I respecced my stalker he didnt have hide

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    I havent had a stalker for quite a while now, but thats not possible is it?
  9. Silva_EU

    *Ahem* Hello

    Welcome Back mate!
  10. Gratz!!

    And.. If I see ya playing another Corr, dont worry ill be the first to shoot u
  11. Nicely done m8, took ya enuff time :P
  12. Gratz Liz!!! Sorry I couldnt be there.
  13. Gratz matey, well deserved
  14. Silva_EU

    RV AV's

    You could use our tactic, its slower but fairly effective. What ya do is if you get a Hero that you dont want or need to kill again then get a couple of your team mates and get it to follow them back to a drone, they will get droned and then you can focus on just the one Hero.
  15. Silva_EU


    Nice one max, thanks for that
  16. Silva_EU


    Could anyone give me a decent build for an Arch/Dev blaster thats good enough for PvP+PvE... kinda leaning towards more PvP but being able to solo and team ok in PvE if that makes any sence
  17. Finally eh [img]/uk/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

    Nice one
  18. Silva_EU

    Smyte Hits 50

    Well done mate [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
  19. Silva_EU

    Tri-Form PB

    Currently my PB has been sitting at lvl37 for almost a year now i believe, I would love to lvl it to 50 at some point but got tired of trying to figure out which powers to choose, what to slot them with and how many slots [img]/uk/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

    If possible could someone give me a good build from 1-50 PvE wise?