Nice guide just some comments.
1. I'm curious as to the need for a recharge in shadow punch? I find in my attack chain it's always up when needed.
2. Why the fear durations in ToF? Even after the reduction in I7 it still lasts for a good while and least for me I use it for 2 reasons. One is to split mobs and to that end I normally can drop 2 minions or 1 Lt by the time the duration runs out with even 1 Fear in it. Or two concern for a major boss or EB or AV in which case I would think the tohit debuff would be more important then the duration. Currently I have it slotted 1 acc 3 tohit debuffs 1 fear duration and an endurace reducer.
3. Start with, I don't like MoG, but that's me. That said with it's base resists where they are a training enhancer for resistance would cause it to cap out scrappers resistance. For that reason I would suggest if you're a fan of the power, again I'm not. That you slot it for 3 defense and possible 3 recharges.
Lastly I find the dark mastery epic set compliments least my play style for my DM/Regener. I started with Petrfying Gaze which I love even though the recharge is too long. It's another splitter for groups and it also helps with AV's as it's one more hold to stack. I'm going to get dark blast at 44 as a nice range power for pulls and simple as another attack for my chain. Lastly Ten. Tentecles is a nice ae version of MG even if the damage is less. I'm debating on taking dark torrent at 49 as 1 acc would be about all I'd want to add to it since it would be a defensive power not a real attack.