Enjoy it while you can. This is our golden age. I'm sure a nerf bat will be along soon enough...
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Actually, the next thing due for Masterminds is a buff. The fix for the powers granted by upgrades not taking into account enhancements slotted in the summons.
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In that case, wouldn't that rather be a fix? Though I really think we'll be nerfed pretty soon - at the end of the Beta I was a Ninja / Force Field Mastermind of level 14 (having 3 pets, 2 genins and a jounin) and I soloed 4 level 25 minions ... 4 mobs 11 levels above me - now that was just plain sick :P Ok, all pets died once, but by the time the genins were dead I was down to 2 enemies, when the jounin finally died only 1 enemy was left and he was wasted pretty fast as well.
Though I like feeling that power day after day, I cannot believe that this won't be changed
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you realise that was becasue all the longbow etc.. acted as giant monsters, so everyone could take part

my lvl 5 stalker could take out lvl 50 stuff (slowly, but surely).
now i'm not saying MMs arn't strong. i have a Necro/dark MM i'm solo'ing with, on Ruthless. All yellow and orange.. i can solo quite easily on that

(due to them not being able to hit me or my pets
