Shadow Wail

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  1. I am waiting for two things... I ordered 4 gigs of RAM and the magic pack...which one will get here first? FedEx or the Devs?
  2. I say it will be live by 12:30pm Est.

    It wouldnt hurt to have G4 air those videos of Capt. Dynamic on their game slots.

    Maybe new videos just for comercials again...150,000 X $9.99 = $1,495,500.... that could buy a few primetime commercials on G4 or any channel that airs x-men cartoons?
  3. Hey Gamma girl, I'm on vacation till monday...
  4. take two animals... one for males and one for females and mutate them to look more like humans.

    Males get some sort of Wildebeest or buffolo thing and females get some sort of bird.
  5. Toxic Blast?
    Pheromone Aura?
    Mutant Strength?

    and to make them yummier.. they get a buffed effect if your origin is Mutant...makes sense
  6. where is SexyJay to join in our anxious banter?

    I think mutants should get some love...more scared faces like the Toxic Avenger or some more grotesque things. or new animal like heads
  7. you mean the documentary on the big bang theory or what? and that isnt advertising thats by chance that the guy had it and its prolly a 5 year old cut out
  8. Well what is the order of the origins in the character create screen?

  9. you need to earn a few things like maps and the Praetorians but I dont think you have to earn the items you bought. I get the combat aura from the cyborg pack in the MA costume create screen
  10. I am on vacation, I have been since i14 went live...Lucky me...

    I do think that the community should make a stand on the fact that NCNC should make some waves about this game to other people. I don't see any ads or any commercials... they are important
  11. yea I think that is a better deal... Let players pick between 20 bucks and10 bucks, most people have a recurring account on 3 months at a time so its an extra 5 bucks.

    I W A N T I T N O W. . . . .
  12. I think the emote will be a rehashing of the ::turns to pumkin:: animation but instead of a pumpkin you turn into your next costume
  13. Damos, you can buy the booster just like the Mac pack with 1 month of game time and the booster for 20 bucks?

    One possibility as to why we are paying for more is because people are dropping like flies from this game and the devs need to make up for lost revenue.

    I wonder what the next booster will be? Can we get a natural, mutation or science booster? My vote goes for Mutation
  14. Is it up yet...I don't see it in the store.

    Also...Most people here do not and will not mind paying for exclusive items. I don't think people should gripe about something optional, it makes people look petty and weak.

    I say the more perks we can buy in addition to our monthly fee is fine as long as they are optional, when we have to buy ALL of our costumes, them I will complain but as long as there is a decent mix of purchasable and free costumes then I am fine. I paid for most of the store items with the exception of the wedding pack, it was optional so iI chose not to buy it

    The reason that we are being given these boosters is because they bring a spike in revenue.

    I say with the money from these boosters...use them to advertise the City of Franchise...even the Cartoon Network MMO has a good commercial...lord
  15. lol you would think with 1.49 million bucks they can add customizable powers...Just a thought
  16. 150,000 accounts X $9.99 =........$1,498,500...........

    $1.49 I right?
  17. I need to wipe the drool off my keyboard...

    I cant wait to make my Papi Chango....
  18. How come every piece of neutral content is focused on Atlas Park or somewhere on blueside...there were no clips of a redside AE buildings...

    When we had i7, we got to see some clips from the RI; I only play City of Villains and I feel so underrepresented...
  19. are you guys sure that they don't stack... I have tons of them as vet rewards but my login says " you have two unbclaimed respecs available, type /respec..."

    doesn't this mean they are free? the regulr respecs you have to go to lupin to get them.
  20. This is sweet... I was on it last night till 4am EST making an awesome 5 mission long arc that seems to be really unique and awesome. The end is an AV battle against a Robot/Elec Manipulation and his robot court of 4 EB's

    <---Offically in love with this game again
  21. I have a 1 hour wait to update the test... can i make it go quickly?
  22. I have so many wonderful arcs that I want to write... when is this going to go open beta, it is starting to make me feel doom.