Shadow Wail

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  1. Has anyone actually played quality content on AE?!

    Armsmans, I am fully aware of this since I have also been around since day 1...I am commenting on the VOLUME of the activity not the possibility. I am more than aware of the old Praetoran farms or the dimensional portal farms from pre-AE. I am making my strong comments on the volume of crud coming out of from this system and the lack of desire for the new players to go out and experience the content that made US love this game.

    I can't imagine not loving this game w/o having t0 travel that giant crater in The Hollows without a travel power or getting lost in Perez Park or even trying to roam the forests around Croatoa. Those expereinces have made us love this game. Do you think an AE-N00b will get the same love for this game because of our past expereince or being of the XP they can now get.

    I just feel that using the AE for easy level takes away from what the game means to people and from the previous work people have put into it.
  2. Shadow Wail

    I16 Closed Beta

    Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
    The powers effects themselves can be recolored.

    As far as I know, only Martial arts and Super Strength have complete alternate animations that you can choose from, and the secondary effects from those can be re colored, as well.
    Any clue if we can mix and match animations? I would love MA/ with a mix of old and new... that sweeping kick makes me can a sweeping kick NOT cause knockup?!
  3. Barata, how long did it take you to learn?
  4. My /SR doesnt need a travel is a travel power!

    Ok, heres my situation:

    I have to take fitness so I can actually keep up with most teams, that means Swift, Health and Fitness. Swift has 2 slots.

    Since I am an /SR I get Quickness and that is also 2 slotted for run speed. Eventually I will 3 slot both stam and quick. Since I have my toggles slotted and my attack on each power at 96% I will have extra Enh Slots left over.

    If your SG base has empowerment stations, you can gain the run speed buff from there.

    I also have Sprint and I have 1 slot for Endo Redux. If I want some verticle scaling I have the Jump Pack.

    On top of that I have the Mission Transporter, Oro Portal, SG Base and the Assemble Team Vet Power. In most cases where the mission is too far away for me to want to ...Power Walk...I teleport right to the door and grace my teammates with a group TP. I don't really need a travel power.

    If you want a travel power so much I suggest buying a jetpack from GV, I wouldnt suggest gimping your Stalker or limting yourself to powers so you can have a travel power. In this stage of the game the Devs have made it so easy to travel between points and even then being able to get to point B should be easy. I also enjoy the brisk run and AS targets in my travels.
  5. I see nothing wrong with what I do on my teams with my friends. In our defense, we are making sure that we get our 14 bucks worth and play like we want to...just the same way the AE-N00bs defend their PL's. What I do with my 14 bucks is just as fine as what they do with theirs.

    We dont get to chose their powers you are correct, but I do have the option to play with people who know what they are doing. I have been an Emp on many teams where the tanks did not take dmg or use Taunt or take an alpha because there were Emps to heal quickly.
  6. This is what AE was meant for, it was meant for RP and personalized content. It was not meant for PL'in and Farming.

    I don't mind AE being used to RP or to use it as intended. Saying that it is currently being used as intended is a farse and a joke.
  7. no...when they learn to play they can join the rest of us...

    I clearly said they can play with eachother. I also screen to see how many AE badges they have compared to their vet badges. IFf they have the 12 month badge and AE badges I dont really mind but when you have more AE badges than anything else I do mind and remove them.

    It isn't welcoming but it is fair, it is fair the the rest of the team that has for years grinded, teamed, perfected their toons and spent months getting levels compared to a lazy N00b that AE's during DBL-XP.

    I could care less about how everyone else feels about AE and their right to play how they want... just don't ruin my experience since I am also paying to play.

    There is nothing wrong with me trying to assure that I maintain the highest quality control in my teams so the team can have as much fun as possible.

    The community doesnt understand how much it sucks to have a therm on a team that doesnt use his therm goodness or to have a kin that doesnt SB...

    How bout a Dom that doesn't take his ST Holds or ST Immobs.

    The best is the Mind/Thorn that didn't take the confuse attacks and blamed the rest of the team for how fast he face planted. He also said that he did so well in AE and he doesnt know why he isnt doing so well in PvE.

    This brings up a prime example of why AE is bad. You have a map full of bosses and full of awesome XP but... the map is filled with just one type of foe, in a real mission you have so many variables and so many things that when you leave the AE wading pool, you are screwed and can't play right and are directly making the experience of others suck.

    If the AE N00bs want to AE... let them stay there in their own lil building.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
    You know the irony in this? The noobs however that i met, kept fighting, dispite they hardly run toggle, never slotted their powers or whatever, i'm a thermal so i can help em out a bit as long they try.

    Now, die-hards and '40+ veteral folks' that i meet in teams go like:
    1 sec phone
    1 sec SG need help

    So what i prefer? The noob. Why? The majority of them are merely newbies, know little of the game but get scolded by everyone because they do what this game is offering.. AE. Some time, some help, and they fight alongside me and doing a great job at it.

    I don't know what players you play with but I have been playing since day 1 and I rarely AFK, BRB, BIO...and last I knew my bladder doesnt go on vacation while I play? So when I have to go I have to go, I am also very sure that since I play with skilled players that if one dominator leaves the group for three minutes to pee there will be someone capable of taking slack for that time. your comment about "1 sec sg need help", if i was on a team and my SG needed help I would leave too...what is wrong with that?

    AE Babies are wrong because of the things you mentioned, they dont slot, they take the wrong powers, they constantly make mistakes that land people in a hosp.

    They dilute the player base with lazy's like inbreeding. The fact that you would favor a stupid player that doesnt take breaks over a skilled player that does have to pee or other stuff is foolish. As soon as I see a level 50 without the three month vet badge I ask for the star and I kick them out off the team.

    I hold a vey stong policy on AE PL'd toons on my teams, that policy is that if they like to gains levels fast they can go with their own kind and stay in that ugly building (and not figurative...that building is physically ugly)
  9. Be warned....long rant coming:

    I don't see why some people are getting all clamored about CO...I understand DCUO since DCUO is an actually franchise that has decades of fans, decades of possible story additions and decades of established material. CO is just a copy of a copy.

    From what my friend tells me about the beta for CO, we have nothing to worry about that game is a hotter piece of poo than warm manure.

    I personally do not like the cartoon comic book look, reminds me of color by the numbers for the blind. It is too reminiscent of WoW and w/o the WoW standards.

    I saw an interview where good ol' statesman is mentioning all of the things that "This" superhero MMO would have, he makes comments bout how "This" MMO will have detailed character creation, where you can place blasts locations or any of that.

    As for DCUO, their base premise is the fan base and physics object...I hate that term...Physics Object...everything in physics can be an object...stoopid DC, instead they should call it interactables...sounds better.

    But yea, DCUO is going for previous decades worth of integrity and intractables. CO is going for customization that we already have a heavy foothold on and by stating that they are the first to offer such details is a joke seeing as it was Jack Emert himself that made so many problem from what I recall.

    If NCSoft really feels like they are in trouble and have to rush issues to compete then they are personally looking at it from the wrong point of view. If they want to compete they must add more content and enough in-game events to keep the consumer base active. Going Rogue will be step in the right direction but in general, the Devs need to add more content, lore, stories. Giving us a few zone revamps, Fixing PvP in the future will help, adding new non-proliferated powersets.

    In the long run, CoX has legitimate competition from DCUO and only for the large consumer pool of resources like movies, comics and a consumer base that is multi-demographical.
  10. I just hit level 30 and I have to pick a power...

    My options are:
    --ST Immob
    --Mass Immob
    --Mass sleep
    --Power Boost
    --Pick a pool Power

    I have:
    --Volcanic Gasses
    --Ice Bolt
    --Ice Sword
    --Ice Sword Circle
    --Frost Breath
    --Chilling Embrace
    --Super Spped

    I could take Whirlwind and pair it with Stags for an easy " Leave me alone combo" or PB+Stags+Whirlwind?

    I don't know any suggestions?
  11. I got that email like a week and a half ago, everyone on champion thought I was going crazy.

    GoRo closed beta will be done in three tiers:

    Tier 1 is for 60 month+ vets
    Tier 2 is for Loyalists
    Tier 3 is for preorders

    Tier 1 people can start testing many of those people are left I lost 4 months of time during the games early life

    Tier 2 will begin a week after nov 15 so the badge can be applied, that can be a Nov 22 Closed Beta invite or in Dec.

    Tier 3 has not been released, there will be a preorder so at least we know that the preorder might be 1 month before the game. If the Preorder comes with some cool extras Ill get that instead.

    But I think we can see GoRo and its bugs this year...

    If the Devs want to start Closed beta testing eiththe 60+ month vets... they should do so very quietly
  12. I agree with EvilRyu...offer corrections not a bunch of lip from someone behind their screen.
  13. Shadow Wail

    Comic Con Panel

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Try it some day. Guaranteed that if you spend most of your time behind a computer desk typing? You're not gonna want to stand more than an hour before you get a huge back and foot ache.

    [/ QUOTE ]Try my job. I work in factory walking around 8-12 hours a day, sometimes 7 days a week, in steel toed boots on a concrete floor. I work with 300 degree steam heated presses. The temp and humidity are often quite high, and added on top of heavy lifting and manual labor. I do that at least 5 days a week, at least 8 hours a day every week of the year. So give me a break, standing around in a crowded Con for a couple of days is nothing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And as I said:

    If you worked like the devs do, in front of a computer 350 days a year, this would not be acceptable.

    Good for you that you are a hard-working tough-guy. Grats.

    The rest of us are deskjob schlubs who are NOT used to it. You dont' get a cookie for being snarky in my thread, nor for trying to diss people who are producing the game you apparently enjoy.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I work in a high school...I do two periods of hall duty, spend half my day doing data entry and I used to do one chemistry lab...On my 30 min lunch break I play CoV with my kids or spend it talking about comics with them...I live the life of a Dork Overlord...
  14. Shadow Wail

    Comic Con Panel

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I volunteer to massage Castle! Since Castle is the only dev I haven't seen a picture of, I MUST assume that Castle is a HAWT FEMALE...

    ...ummm.... named Floyd.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, are YOU going to be disappointed. Here's a pic for you:
    Click at your own risk!

    That's Dark Watcher, Me and Synapse (Left to right).

    EDIT: I see JJDrakken beat me to the punch.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Synapse might give Jay a run for his money for the title of sexy dev.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I second this... can we get a pic of JLove? I think I saw one several years ago...I think I can equate the feeling I get when I try to imagine what my CoV friends look like in Rl like I used to want to know my teachers first name. We would sit there and quess until we were purple...
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I haven't posted in like 3 months, for the simple reason that it's not something I like to do. In all eyes pointed at the screen, I feel that reading n understanding others is more important then sharing ones own opinion, but I will say something. If they do release the expansion this year, it will be BIG! And no one knows how far they are with the content in GR. They could have been working on it in the background, covering it with issues n patches n "bugs" to keep people from asking questions bout a new expansion. I'm willin to bet that they posted the expansion on purpose to turn the public's eyes to something else keep the people from asking questions bout the upcoming changes to the game. Which by now I'm assuming is something they are getting really tired of. They will with no doubt blow thur the i16 testing n debugging, just like they did with the last few issues, for gods sake, they haven't even updated mids for i15. And just before everyone thinks that GR wont come out for the x-mas season, they will announce it before Black Friday n corner the market on the super hero/villain game franchise, n i16 will just draw the hype from Champions. If you want guesses n speculation ask anyone else. I prefer to think that why would you announce something n make a official page bout it, whether then send out a retraction saying future plans have leaked, please wait for more on the subject at a later time.... Sounds fishy but ok. Some may see intuition as one persons means to justify your own meanings to come to conclusions that are necessarily true, but I'm usually not wrong bout this stuff. I've said it before n I'll say it again, no matter what happens with the release of the upgrades n expansions, the game will just continue to get better n better with 40+ people workin on it now. Long Live CoX!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The official page wasn't even working at the time of the "release"

    Trust me, I want to get GR by XMas since I am always on vacation then. The truth is sad but plausible...we might not get it in time.

    Unless the devs have been putting a ton of work into GR while the game was releaseing all these systems and features. This scenario is also very plausible.

    In the end I do want this expansion/game by I keeping my hopes up? I don't know
  16. You know what, I'm not going to argue the reward system of AE...Nothing will happen!

    I do have to say that his afternoon I played on a team of 6... there were only two people on the and the other guys 5 level 50's....none of them had the three month vet reward...

    They were all the same build, costume, and the same mistakes through and through...after our team of 2. We face-planted the moron blamed me for the failure?!

    he kept talking in broadcast, when I asked him if he knows how to speak on team he answered "What's team"

    I asked him if he wanted an Oro portal... he asked me what's that..

    I said lets go to RWZ... he asked me what that stands for...

    Oh, I asked if he wanted to join my SG... he didn't know what an SG was! he thought he was already on my SG!

    I asked him why he didn't take hasten and stamina when his recharge sucked and his end down to 0... he said he didn't see those powers in his regular power selection screen...

    Please do not argue with people when they see horrible...not bad, horrible players coming from the AE boom...and for one up the competition, the Devs have kinda lost their integrity to compete with a game that they recently claimed they have Beta 'd and are laughing...

    Let's be real and move back to playing the game and learning how to play properly!

    Feel free to be as nasty as you want with my post but I am tired of this crud!
  17. AE is neutral... the lazy, greedy players are bad... remove the XP and you keep the neutrality of the system...
  18. Shadow Wail

    Comic Con Panel

    How much was your total Comic Con package? I am thinking of taking an extra paycheck ($800.00) and going down next summer...

    ZI, do you know if those new accounts aren't from people buying a second account?

    I have noticed that those numbers can be skewed by people purchasing separate licenses and I was just curious if the spike in the population growth was not extreme case of altaholism?

    Also do you know if the devs mentioned how much of their current revenue came from the packs and other in game materials?

    One last questions, what about the Mac edition? how much of the increase in revenue came from Mac users? did that have anything to do with the revenue spike?
  19. I am itching for some real and definiive news?!
  20. The Devs are being very vague and contradict everything we read.

    First, Posi makes the announcement that villains will go blue and heroes will go red. We question that because there is a third faction; Vigilantes/Fallen heroes/Redeemed Villans. Once we all start to fight over this, Castle responds to one of my posts by saying that he can't comment on the mechanics but he plans to have his new hero to play villain content.

    That leads me to further speculate that only owners of Going Rogue will be able to side switch by starting in praetoria. That makes some sense... why make an expansion that anyone can play w/ or w/o buying it? Someone said that would be a marketting nightmare but that makes perfect sense.

    The panel video from SDCC09, Posi makes a comment about heroes staying heroes and villains staying villains and vigilantes exploring the grey zone? I'll listen to it again and see if it was taken out of context.

    His comment derails everything I have thought about GR! Will we be able to move freely through red and blue? what role will vigilantes play? What is the mechanic between side switching and can we do it as many times as we want?
  21. Shadow Wail

    Comic Con Panel

    I saw the new spines but I was kinda let down. I do plan to make a metallic spine stalker with this straight spines that l.ook like a Silver Mantis like costume.
  22. whats wrong with having longer lasting control? I would think having PB on a Dom would be the way to go now that Domination only buffs control length? Domination and PB would be awesome with consistant dmg we can deal out.
  23. they have a video/pics of i16? where?
  24. Just have Posi and the rest of the Dev Team remove XP from it...thats compromises; no extra reward... just what you get, tickets and fun.

    When this was released I was soooo excited, I can make my own missions, my own SF, my own trials... but now its just gone to waste. If I do make it and publish it I wont be able to find it since everything is a farm or a horrible story that the devs made it top choice?

    Great job Devs...